Dear Reader:
How many of us have heard expressions similar to ” Keep the trust… but a little luck “don’t” hurt either? ”
Yesterday was one of those days when trust and luck seemed to be fighting it out for supremacy and by day’s end I didn’t know whether to pray or search for my shamrock!
But if you really want to experience trust and luck … simultaneously and geographically… head to a tiny blot of land located at the corner of Highway 209 and State Road 63 into NC. In other words between Spring Creek, Trust, Luck, and Sandymush! P. S. Good luck finding it-trust your instincts!
A 1903 ledger located in Trust General Store and Cafe is on display evidencing the old barter system whereby corn, eggs, chicken, and meats were exchanged for staples and merchandise. The general store soon evolved into a mail distribution center in the early 1900’s.
There are two versions of how the towns Trust and Luck got their names. In the first version a group of settlers were trying to choose a name for the new post office. The heated debate was cut short when a dog belonging to Farmer Price wandered in. The dog’s name was Trust.
In the second version, according to Pink Plemmons, founder of Luck, a letter was sent to the Postmaster General pointing out the need for post offices in the area, saying the community put their “Trust and Luck” that they would get one… and they were so named!

For years just seeing the dilapidated old garage with empty gasoline tanks… a driver knew he was ” out of luck. ”
But today take time to see two more structures before you ( not counting St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope) leave this quaint spot of past Americana at its best!

The sculpture to Trust
Trust is in Madison County, NC … after seeing the Clint Eastwood movie Bridges over Madison County… nothing would do for Beverly Barutio than to share her love of the movie by building her own covered bridge over Madison County.

So until tomorrow… always look for a rainbow to seal a covenant with God and as ” luck” would have it-an earlier summer shower turned into a rainbow as we headed back up the mountains… the blog was created!

” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
When we went in search of the Chapel of Hope several yrs ago we almost turned around because we thought we were lost and our GPS wasn’t working …and then we saw the sign for Luck and I knew Trust was just around the corner …❤
Love it….you were “in luck” and left the rest to “trust.” 🙂 Loved your visit…and can hardly wait to wolf down the yummy breakfast roll today. Guess who I heard from…Debbie Baker! Our letters crossed as fate would have it….her words gave me shivers…beautiful.