When Life Kicks Us Out of the Nest…

Dear Reader:

When we reflect back on our lives…hasn’t every major change, benchmark, or turning point made us initially uncomfortable?

From childhood on…I never liked changes…big or small.  I think there had been too much trauma early in my life and it scarred me from being adventurous as a young child and youth (except in my imagination)….Instead I desired consistency and stability. It was never to be…God makes sure of that through His laws of the Universe.

We were not created to be immobile. We only have a short time on earth and we should be willing to take the leaps necessary to see, smell, feel, taste, and touch every sight, scent, texture, flavor and object that life throws our way. If God had not desired this…He certainly wouldn’t have given us five senses to navigate through life  …our personal built-in radar/tech equipment.

…And just like APPLE…every time our tech “instruments” start getting a little dusty…God ‘kicks us out of our complacent nests’ with His latest navigational tools that force us to make innovative changes in our lives.  These changes, also, require us to keep learning new things.

…Other changes take the form of physical home moves from A to B, career changes, broken relationships, long-term illnesses involving us or loved ones, and finally our last move…back to God.

Take a moment now to reflect back on the seemingly “universal”/ ‘forced’ moves that felt like the rug had been being pulled out from under us…and then fast-forward time. Upon reflection…didn’t, in most cases, the change turn out to be the best thing in the end?

When we left Fayetteville, NC to move to Laurens, SC I was devastated…thirteen is a dramatic age, anyway, with the hormones bouncing off the walls… and I was a ‘drama queen. ‘All of it, collectively, made the move initially worse than it should have been.

It was when I graduated high school four years later and had that last summer between high school and college to reflect on that original move (I had fought so hard against) I realized mother had been right all along.

I loved my SC cousins and we became close…the classes were smaller in this rural setting and friendships bonded quickly. Now when I thought of home…it was Laurens.

Four years later home became Charleston when Brooke and I continued rooming together (as once college ‘roomies’) and now first year teachers. And we are still enjoying life  every time we get a chance to hang out together and as soon as COVID19 leaves!


One day the time will come to make another move…probably from my larger-than-necessary home, but for right now the Universe seems content to let me watch my garden grow, my grandchildren’s Japanese Maples expand and bloom, while my small but blessed life, still brings me the joy of living, loving, and giving.

So until tomorrow…

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

*It is Sunday morning again and time to “light a candle at His fire.” Time to hold my own personal ‘conversation service’ with God.

It has three components….“Thank You for the past week and the new one that arrives today, Be a constant reminder for me to appreciate everything You have given me in showers of blessings so I might pay them forward, and finally…just know…I love you God.”  

*Yesterday I pulled on my gloves, my face mask, and went to the Summerville Farmers Market. (First time in months!)

I bought the most beautiful tomatoes, luscious cantaloupe, homemade pimento cheese, and a fresh bouquet of flowers for my church service. The flowers will last me through the week.




About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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3 Responses to When Life Kicks Us Out of the Nest…

  1. Sis Kinney says:

    Good Sunday morning, Becky!
    I didn’t get a chance to wish you a Happy 10th “Bloggiversary,” (as one said)! You truly are amazing with your “gift of gab” and we have all benefited from it! Greatly! I try to start my day by reading your blog after my devotions, but here lately I’ve been a tad behind so only just now got to read the last three days’ worth! You really have touched the lives of many, many people – all over the world! And, as you stated, some of the people you know personally, some you only know through the blog. That’s kind of the way I feel about knowing your family: I feel I know each of your children and their spouses, as well as all your beautiful grands! But, of course, I have never met them in person.
    One of the things that has kept me from being on the computer is my upcoming surgery (18th); I’ve been trying to get some food stocked up and some cooked and frozen, as well as winding up with various sewing projects – all before not only the surgery, but before we have a visit from our youngest grand (only him, who just turned 5) for the week before surgery! So, I’ve been a busy little bee! Plus, my “writing skills” (HA!) have been used in putting together/editing our Land Harbor monthly newspaper/newsletter (sometimes more than 50 pages, including paid ads!), as well as a weekly little “news note.” I thoroughly enjoy doing all that, but it does take time!
    In the meantime, I try to squeeze in some computer time.for just me, and that always includes your blog. I am so happy for you on reaching this milestone with the blog and I look forward to continuing to read it daily!
    Blessings, love, and hugs – virtually, of course! (Oh, how all our lives have changed thanks to COVID!)

    • Becky Dingle says:

      You know you are in my prayers Sis…and staying busy before the surgery is probably a good thing. Will get the blog prayers going closer to the time and I know all will be well..in fact better than well….get a giddy up back in your step!

  2. Rachel Edwards says:


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