Dear Reader:
Have you ever wondered why God purposefully chose to add a day of rest at the end of creation… when He, Himself, never grows weary?… It is because we were created “finite”…not “infinite” like God… and being finite serves a purpose from our Creator. Our total trust in God appears each time we close our eyes…turning our control over to Him.
“There is no significance, hope, or value you can strive for and gain for yourself that hasn’t already been made fully available to those who rest in Him.” (resource: “Resting in God’s Character”-Ruth Chou Simons)
John Piper said, “ Sleep is a daily reminder from God that we are not God.” This point has definitely been driven home to me since the switch in my chemo regime which is really “laying me low.”
I wake up each morning…with my mind full of energy and plans for the day…only to find myself completely exhausted ten minutes later. Not only does this new medical endeavor seem to deplete all my energy…my limbs feel like I am trapped in some kind of body bubble where gravity is at ten times the normal rate and my limbs feel like they each weigh a ton.
Add stomach problems to this new medication and suddenly my daily routines loom larger and more daunting…with lots of naps and ‘sit-down strikes’ in-between daily chores or even fun social dates.
It is forcing me to acknowledge my physical short-comings and ante up my trust in God to see me through this challenging transitional period in my “little c” experiences.
Like this line of scripture tells us …we must stop and find rest in God and from there will come the hope we are searching for …
My hope is that God is asking me to make a big “pause” in my daily life and rest, rest, rest. Turn my mind off so God can do His healing through my subconscious where it can direct all its healing powers to the parts of my body that need these restorations. That is my prayer of hope I send Him each night.
So until tomorrow: Psalm 127: 2
...”It is in vain that you rise early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives to His beloved ..sleep.”
“Today is my favorite day”…Winnie the Pooh
*I don’t know how my grandchildren can manage to get into such edible situations on vacation without me…“Good grief Charlie Brown!”
Take care Miss Becky. This too shall end,
Yep…my body is working quietly behind the scenes to build up my stamina again…patience is a virtue…one I must continually work on.
So true…and while I am waiting…I must repeat ten times a day…Patience is a virtue! 🙂
Becky…I need to come over and nap with you. As I write this I am still in bed. Like you I get up and do things but then I crawl back into bed. I am learning that although the surgery went well it is going to take time to recuperate fully. I will be to see you soon. Love you sweet friend.
Rest Gin-g….rest! I have finally realized that I just can’t keep going the same as usual…I am crossing a bridge and need to be careful in the crossing…the same for you friend. We will get together…maybe we can go see a movie…something restful…in the upcoming day.s
Yes…sounds like a plan
Surely pray these side effects disappear soon. Love you, Jo
It will….God just wants me to save some reserve energy for this transitional period so I will be back up and about soon!