Dear Reader:
I was so excited about planting my last two pintas in just the right spot yesterday morning…that I was up and at’em a little after seven. After I dug and planted the pink pintas (to accompany the Gerber daisy in the middle) I stood back admiring the new additions. It was then that I noticed the lights flickering behind the plants on the brick wall. It looked like the lights were moving.
When I sent the picture to Anne (As an artist I knew she would like the photo for the light factor)..her first response back was “Surely there are angels dancing there.”
It was quite an epiphany….When I went back out again I saw angels dancing in the lights all over the yard, street, garden, and even sneaking inside the Happy Room. With every beautiful shaft of light coming in from the rising sun…the possibility of angels grew in my mind.
It was then I remembered a beautiful line from Mark Twain (even if it was said with ‘tongue and cheek’ humor)….from the Ken Burns documentary of him on PBS Tuesday night. He wrote:
“Sometimes the sun rises and beams down upon us like a benediction. (It’s just too bad that most of us are not normally awake-or in an appreciative state of being for the lovely spectacle.” )
I love that line…the idea of the sun beams falling on us like a benediction…a blessing upon us for the day. *I confess that the “big” word benediction was one of the first words I learned. Since I was a squirrelly child in church and an inquisitive one…I figured out the word benediction meant church was almost over. I have loved that word ever since…(not for church being over) but for the last blessings bestowed on us for the upcoming week.
The oldest worn-out sign in my garden is also a favorite:
So come follow me through the garden, yard, and street to find those morning angels of light dancing under the sun beams’ benediction.
*Angels can even dance in the streets like Martha and the Vandellas!
Angels can even dance in the house as sun beams float through the windows…
So until tomorrow morning…Look to the morning sun beams for our first benediction…one to last us to the end of the day. And if we see an angel dancing…let’s join in the fun.
*And speaking of fun…Eloise is modeling her latest dress from Dear Georgie.
Sarah Kassouf, a close friend of Mollie and Walsh, is one amazing young woman….she is a nurse at MUSC, a professional photographer, and just recently began designing children’s clothes… opening an on-line children’s boutique…unbelievable amount of energy…since she is, also, a wonderful wife and mother to two little boys.
Dear Georgie Boutique
Sarah Kassouf’s ‘ photographs are called SarahLiz Photography …found on Facebook
She is Walsh and Mollie’s favorite photographer…she took pictures of the family after Eloise was born…like this cute one!
Sarah’s photos are good but so are yours.
I love the light dancing and it probably would enjoy me cleaning the windows. lol
Probably…but why take a chance…as we teachers use to say in the social studies department: “We don’t do math or windows.” 🙂
Love the light …especially the different colors of green…wow their picture is beautiful. ..talented young woman. ..
Sarah is also one of the sweetest people I know…so glad she and her husband are friends of Walsh and Mollie’s…love seeing her on occasion when she is over.