A Sigh of Satisfaction…A Good Day!

Dear Reader:

As the sun went down behind my fence last evening, the brilliance of a golden-orange sky filled me with exhilaration…all I could think to do was pause a minute to thank God for a hard-working, sense of accomplishment,  fulfilling day!

My day started out with a great life lesson…change can be good…really good in spite of our instincts to initially dislike it. My insurance agent, who has been my go-to guy since I first started teaching and got my first life insurance policy…retired quietly a few months back with no fanfare or good-byes. Like many of his clients it left us all in a daze. He was my anchor for any insurance question or problem. Another person arrived to take his place but only stayed a few short months and then, he too, was gone. It left a very unsettling feeling (I am sure) for all of us who had used this insurance our whole adult lives.

When I got my car insurance bill…earlier in the week…a new name appeared as my agent…a woman’s name. I immediately called, introduced myself,and let her know that I would love to come in, meet her, and go over all the different insurance components I have with the company for an update. She was extremely nice and said she was going to suggest doing that very thing.

So yesterday morning I arrived and this young woman greeted me…she was so friendly and in talking about my needs and my family she picked up that I was Lachlan’s grandmother and her son Harrison went to the same pre-school as he did. They were friends! From that connection on…we just hit it off.

She had some great ideas on where to cut costs on some premiums and fantastic ideas on some new savings programs…An hour and a half later…I felt like a weight was off my shoulders and I was in good hands…no, great hands!

I stopped by Ace Hardware after leaving my insurance agent and there it was…the purple morning glories had arrived that I had been waiting on! From there I stopped by Jo’s house to return her record player and album used for the Easter Sunday blog. Thank you again Jo! I loved the Paul Harvey interview.

When I got home I ate lunch and had a call that my “cancer medicine” prescription was ready for pick-up at the Charleston Cancer Center. I knew this would be a challenge, with the Summerville Flowertown Festival in full swing this weekend…but I managed to get there and back. I had to laugh…the television advertisement about this drug I take…always says that things might be different for patients taking it…but it was simply a “new normal.” I will take that description and run with it…I like my “new normal” life. In fact…I just plain love life.

Luke had gotten home early today, due to the traffic problems also, (between the Charleston Race and the Flowertown Festival)…so he offered to dig the holes for my morning glories. Bless Luke!

I watered the garden and did some pruning…I was just about to doze off after finishing a sandwich for supper when Anne texted me with a photo of one of her three daffodils (out of 90 bulbs) that bloomed. I told her the stats just made these three more special! Beautiful!!! (She said she thought they were rebels with a cause…determined, even defiant, to bloom no matter what or where!)

I texted back that I was doing my last planting and hoped to finish before the last rays of the sun went down….I got it done just in time. I planted my moon flower seeds outside my computer room like last year and added some more seeds along another stretch of the fence!

My red lilies….a flashback to the first three pictures and then yesterday’s picture….I counted 21 more buds ready to burst open!

As if the beautiful sunset wasn’t gift enough, by itself, to end this awe-inspiring day…the lights from the decorative garden pail came on just as I was discovering another left-over Easter egg in it. God…the timing was just ‘icing on the cake’ for a glorious day.

So until tomorrow…“We’re flattered when someone loves our garden, and though we may be tempted to “puff out our chests a bit,” we must confess the truth. We had nothing to do with it. We’ve spent endless hours out there, planning, planting, watering, and the full sequence of cultivating care; yes, we have weeded, sweated, worried, and served the garden with our hands…then again we have done nothing.”

“Growing plants is not our work. God created them to do the work; they grow and sprout leaves and blossoms and form fruit. We feed, coax, and yes, talk to them about it sometimes, but growing is up to them.” 

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh


*Heard from Mandy that they are having a great time at Disney…of this I have no doubt. They love it!

Have fun my little ones!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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5 Responses to A Sigh of Satisfaction…A Good Day!

  1. bcparkison says:

    Your lily is really on show. Just outstanding in it’s own field. Now I don’t think I have ever seen morning glory plants…only seed. Anything to get a head start is good. Your garden is really coming along and I am still just pulling weeds. ugh!

  2. Beautiful flowers and pictures.

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