Getting Off the Stage…

Dear Reader:

Mollie’s mom, Marcia, flew down from New Hampshire to be with Mollie and the family with the arrival of Eloise to help out. (Next time Marcia…get  a contract that defines the term “help out.“) She and Mollie had talked about all the things they wanted to do with the boys back in Pre-School…and at that time… in the balmy weather.

The balmy weather quickly reverted back to frigid weather. But still everything was good. They even packed up the whole family to go visit Marcia’s sister, Sue, and her husband who ‘half’ their year up, since retirement, between Vermont and Fripp Island. Still going good…until Sunday night and then Rutledge came down with some kind of virus.

So their trip had to be cut short and now Rutledge was home so all their plans for daily trips and excursions halted. Just about the time they thought they could get Rutledge back to school to free up some time…Lachlan came down with the same “bug.”

Three times Marcia, Mollie, Eloise, and I tried to get together during this past week…but conditions just kept deteriorating. Yesterday was Marcia’s birthday…so we were praying Lachlan and Rutledge could return for the last day before Marcia was to go home. Not to be.

Mollie texted me yesterday and said that the whole family was at the doctor’s office…Rutledge and Lachlan both tested positive for flu…Rutledge on the tail end of it and Lachlan right in the middle. The concern was Eloise…didn’t want her to catch it. Mollie and Eloise tested negative…so they plan on quarantining themselves as much as possible in the bedroom this weekend until Lachlan is past the contagious stage.

Marcia was the errand girl, besides being Nana,  while Walsh was at work….picking up groceries and prescriptions. It was a stroke of luck in one sense that Marcia was there at such a critical time…but it was certainly not the bonding time for Marcia, Mollie, and Eloise that they had hoped.

Since Mollie and I had already planned to take Marcia out to lunch for her birthday yesterday…I “kidnapped” Marcia and between errands…we did stop for lunch. It was a beautiful day…finally the balmy day Marcia had looked forward to all week. (She said the weather here this past week was no different than New Hampshire.)

And speaking of…I told Marcia that her birthday present from me was right on target…and she would see the humor in it. (especially after this past week of illnesses)

I had ordered her one of the “homesick” candles…the New Hampshire one that contains indigenous smells from her home state. She just laughed…she said she was definitely a little homesick and her husband Bruce was ready for her return too…but she was glad she was able to be there in this “bug” crisis. Walsh and Mollie are too…not knowing what they would have done without her.

I told her that I had read an article about ‘getting off the stage’ and, instead, ‘sitting in the audience as an observer‘. Marcia laughed and said that was what she was ready for…no more drama on the stage just observations from the auditorium watching…

Sometimes in life we do have to be a player in the drama but many times we can avoid the stress of too much drama by choosing to be a member of the audience over being a member of the cast…or perhaps watching a movie instead of being in it.

Bob and Fran German term this decision-making call a “stay out of the fray” move.

” The choice is much healthier and can be more satisfying to merely watch and listen to the story unfold…staying calm and cool. Try being the “observer” more and more. It can be a positive step forward to a pattern of making stress-free choices and an overall calmer demeanor.”

Most times this good advice is easier said than done…but we also realize that most of us can cut down on drama participation by stepping back and giving ourselves time to observe.

So until tomorrow….Father help us know “when to fold and when to hold” when it comes to helping or advising others around us. It can feel like a tightrope sometime…but we always know You are our safety net.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh


“High Five” and back at you Eloise…she is hanging tough and we all pray she gets through this flu season safe and sound. Such a little cutie bug!





Rutledge, at four, is such a little man now…He took himself upstairs, ran a hot bath and climbed into bed taking a long nap. Maybe he is going to be a doctor when he grows up.



Look at the cute “Happy Bag” Marcia gave me…There is “Hope” the Owl and a Happy Box where I can write one happy entry each day for all the blessings I have.

My first “happy” entry Marcia… was having a chance to get together with you on your birthday while you were still here. So much fun…just getting out and catching up on each of our lives.

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Getting Off the Stage…

  1. bcparkison says:

    I wouldn’t call myself a wall flower but am most happy in the background .Party?…I’d rather be helping out the kitchen crew.
    She is one cute baby girl and I do pray she stays well. You too.Never know when you might be called into service.

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