Be the Miracle

Dear Reader:

Lately one of the popular mantras used in marketing different products has been: Be the Change!

You have probably either seen it on television commercials or heard it from motivational speakers, educational and/or religious leaders. The expression finds itself in many graduation speeches…a rallying call to young people heading out in the world.

There is not a one of us who has not thought that a certain situation in their lives needed changing…but few have taken that extra step to become the change they want to see in the world…at least in their daily life world.

But what if we take it to another level: Be the Miracle

Our first reaction to that statement might run along the line of thinking…”Isn’t that being a little presumptuous of me….only Jesus, only God performs miracles?” 

But think again…Didn’t God use Jesus, in the form of man, as His vessel to perform miracles during Jesus’ ministry? So don’t you think we receive miracles from everyday people who show up at the right moment to deliver us from trouble or provide an ultimate surprise.

How many times have we seen or heard news reports or documentaries about a survivor saying something like, “If he hadn’t heard our last attempt to call out from the crevice…none of us would be here today…it was truly a miracle he ever heard us.”

In a recent Guidepost article (“Five Ways to Discover More Miracles Around You“- Ella Price) The author states:

  1. Stay connected to others…the wider the circle of friends and acquaintances in your life the higher possibility you will witness more daily miracles… from the clerk behind the coffee counter each morning to the new neighbor who just moved in.
  2. Forget about outcomes and concentrate on the process of getting there.
  3. Keep your eyes open to everything around you.
  4. Live in Gratitude
  5. Last, but not least, be someone’s miracle. Sometimes all it takes to brighten someone’s day is a smile or holding open the door. Spread a little cheer and wonder in the world, then wait and see the wonders that come back to you as a result.

Some of you who are recent blog readers might not know about my good friend, whom I have never met (but feel like I know as well as my own children and family) Ambika from Dubai. (Doc Ambika Murthy)

Several years ago…Ambika was going through a tough time in her life…searching for the right path to follow, when she couldn’t sleep one night and typed in Hope on her computer. Guess what popped up? Chapel of Hope Stories!

I remember picking up on the fact that I was getting comments suddenly on the blog post from this woman named Ambika… finally my curiosity got the best of me. I told her I loved her name…it was beautiful and wondered how she got it.

Ambika responded with the story behind her name…she is from India originally and how she came to find my blog. Since that time her life has changed dramatically…from a single girl to a wife to a mother with  an adorable little boy. All those years and Ambika still reads the blog and I am still here to write it. That in itself is a miracle.

Yesterday her comment on the blog just confirmed that there is still a connection between us and God is sending her God Winks through the post to remind her she is not alone. This is what she wrote:

Thanks for the blog Becky… BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD was an assurance I needed for today…

For the past few days, I’ve been having a real hard time at work with colleagues. Yesterday morning, while I was getting ready for work, I kept thinking about the tension I’m caught up with.

Just then, one of my friends messaged me a quote by Don Moen which says  “Don’t let the troubles🏻of this world bring you down, focus on God and His blessings. *God has a plan for your life*. Hold your head up high, and walk forward in HIS plan – Don Moen.

I felt like God was trying to make me still and trust Him fully. Then on the way to work on my bike, I passed  2 cars, which had 2 different Bible verses each pasted at their rear windscreen.

One car says, ” My Grace is sufficient for thee...” While the other car says, ” My Presence shall go with thee…” and now, your blog today. I’m glad that the Lord is increasing my faith through all these sources.. you definitely are one of them. Thank you so much… Really means a lot!!


So until tomorrow: I see these signs for Ambika as God Winks…little daily miracles directed at her to direct her path and steady her walk.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

Yesterday Honey joined our team “Legally Pink” and I am thrilled…what fun we will have walking this year with Doodle, Lassie, Carrie and the rest of the gang!

I got a few responses from you to know how to send a check as a donation instead of sending a donation electronically. Here is the info:

Make the check out to Komen Lowcountry. On the check memo line write the name of the participant or team you wish to donate to and mail it to:

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure S.C.

50 Folly Road Blvd.

Charleston, SC 29407

The electronic link is:


Thank you and Bless you. We are 44 days away from the race! It will go quickly like time itself.

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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4 Responses to Be the Miracle

  1. bcparkison says:

    Bless Ambika’s heart.God loves you. And thank you Becky for being there for her.
    Stay safe…this is a bad storm.

  2. bcparkison says:

    Becky….are ya’ll going to be ok with this storm?

  3. Becky Dingle says:

    It is sounding more promising today…praying hard for everyone that it dies down quickly upon hitting land to spare more and more destruction.and potential lives.

  4. Rachel Edwards says:

    So glad that you put the online site…thanks a bunch

    On Sep 7, 2017 6:05 AM, “Chapel of Hope Stories” wrote:

    > Becky Dingle posted: ” Dear Reader: Lately one of the popular mantras used > in marketing different products has been: Be the Change! You have probably > either seen it on television commercials or heard it from motivational > speakers, educational and/or religious leaders.” > Respond to this post by replying above this line > New post on *Chapel of Hope Stories* > Be the Miracle > by Becky > Dingle > > > > > Dear Reader: > > > Lately > one of the popular mantras used in marketing different products has been: *Be > the Change!* > > You have probably either seen it on television commercials or heard it > from motivational speakers, educational and/or religious leaders. The > expression finds itself in many graduation speeches…a rallying call to > young people heading out in the world. > > There is not a one of us who has not thought that a certain situation in > their lives needed changing…but few have taken that extra step to become > the change they want to see in the world…at least in their daily life > world. > > > But > what if we take it to another level: *Be the Miracle* > > Our first reaction to that statement might run along the line of > thinking…”*Isn’t that being a little presumptuous of me….only Jesus, > only God performs miracles?” * > > But think again…Didn’t God use Jesus, in the form of man, as His vessel > to perform miracles during Jesus’ ministry? So don’t you think we receive > miracles from everyday people who show up at the right moment to deliver us > from trouble or provide an ultimate surprise. > > How many times have we seen or heard news reports or documentaries about a > survivor saying something like, *”If he hadn’t heard our last attempt to > call out from the crevice…none of us would be here today…it was truly a > miracle he ever heard us.”* > > In a recent Guidepost article (“*Five Ways to Discover More Miracles* *Around > You*”- Ella Price) The author states: > > 1. Stay connected to others…the wider the circle of friends and > acquaintances in your life the higher possibility you will witness more > daily miracles… from the clerk behind the coffee counter each morning to > the new neighbor who just moved in. > 2. Forget about outcomes and concentrate on the process of getting > there. > 3. Keep your eyes open to everything around you. > 4. Live in Gratitude > 5. *Last, but not least, be someone’s miracle*. Sometimes all it takes > to brighten someone’s day is a smile or holding open the door. Spread a > little cheer and wonder in the world, then wait and see the wonders that > come back to you as a result. > > Some of you who are recent blog readers might not know about my good > friend, whom I have never met (but feel like I know as well as my own > children and family) Ambika from Dubai. (Doc Ambika Murthy) > > Several years ago…Ambika was going through a tough time in her > life…searching for the right path to follow, when she couldn’t sleep one > night and typed in *Hope* on her computer. Guess what popped up? Chapel > of Hope Stories! > > I remember picking up on the fact that I was getting comments suddenly on > the blog post from this woman named Ambika… finally my curiosity got the > best of me. I told her I loved her name…it was beautiful and wondered how > she got it. > > > Ambika > responded with the story behind her name…she is from India originally and > how she came to find my blog. Since that time her life has changed > dramatically…from a single girl to a wife to a mother with an adorable > little boy. All those years and Ambika still reads the blog and I am still > here to write it. That in itself is a miracle. > > Yesterday her comment on the blog just confirmed that there is still a > connection between us and God is sending her God Winks through the post to > remind her she is not alone. This is wh

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