The ‘Bells of Ireland’ and the Luck of the Beach House

Dear Reader:

We were surrounded by flowers during our stay at ‘Rest in Peace’ this time. Brooke had gotten several flower bouquets for Mother’s Day and the one from Henry was filled with white lilies and ‘bells of Ireland.’

When I looked up the origin of the name…the connection is that these gorgeous green flowering stems share the same luscious green color of Ireland and they are supposed to bring Irish good luck to all who keep them inside their home. It must be true because we had a whole week of sunny skies, low humidity, and more beach time than we have enjoyed in years!!!

( Me standing-Brooke sitting)

We all also looked forward (each day)  for the next stop on Tommy and Kaitlyn’s itinerary so we could visit every town, city, castle, cathedral, and points of interest, vicariously, throughout their honeymoon of Ireland. Breathtaking pictures and scenery!

Right now they are at Ashford Castle…home of Rory Mcllroy’s  (pro golfer) marriage to Erica Stoll. It was a huge wedding with Stevie Wonder entertaining.





Here are a few photos since arriving at Ashford Castle from Tommy and Kaitlyn.







We had our ‘half and half’ birthday party for Brooke and Libby…giving them new pocketbooks…a bee for Brooke since she is “Bee” to her little grandson Caleb (Boogie Boy) and a pineapple for Libby because she is the essence of hospitality and generosity to one and all!

Jackson and I also treated Brooke and Libby out to dinner (delicious) and we talked about how ‘lucky’ we all are to still be together after all these years.

Mev, we decided to adopt your’s and Jimmy’s lifetime mantra…“We’ve got this” as our new expression for 2017 because together we do. Bring on those old problems…you don’t stand a chance against four Erskine classmates who know each other better than anyone else and have unconditional love for each other…we can banish troubles with the power of unity.

  • I have returned home rested, relaxed, and ready to take on life’s challenges. It was the best shot of medicine… It worked wonders and it didn’t cost Medicare or Blue Cross a penny!

So until tomorrow…we are all learning to “create ourselves (and re-create ourselves) as we go.” Life is constantly changing and so should we…God doesn’t want us to remain stagnant, instead God wants us to get out and enjoy His Beautiful World!

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

*You might remember earlier in the week I did a blog on the role of sharing globally and its important part in life. I used Honey Burrell as my example. She responded with this sincere story I must share with you.

Good morning! Your blog was very touching for me today. 

I did have two great teachers as a young child. Miss Pauline was my preschool teacher- one of the sweetest and most loving people I have ever known. 

Miss Marion was my kindergarten teacher. She was great too and made sure we learned to share if we didn’t learn anything else. 

But my greatest teachers, focusing on sharing, were my parents. Mom always included someone when cooking special meals. We always took the food and delivered it before we would have our meal. This was pretty much a week and sometimes daily event.

Then there was Daddy. I don’t know what the amount of his social security check was, but when it came in the mail it was cashed into small bills. 

We, then, all got in the car and drove to out of the way areas where he would get out of the car and thank former workers for a job well done. Then he would hand them cash.

So I witnessed first hand about giving from the heart. When I look back I am reminded of Alex Haley’s quote I so appreciate: ” Find the good and praise it.” That’s what Daddy did…

What an example Honey’s parents gave her on sharing growing up!  (How fortunate, Honey, you were to have such amazing parents as mentors!)

*I left Edisto and made it to Oscars at high noon on the dot yesterday. What fun to see Ed and Roz Van Alstyne again…it has become our annual gathering place to catch up on old times.

*Sadly Clyde Wilson, Alston’s guidance counselor for many years recently died…but it brought Alston teachers and personnel into Oscars following the funeral and Roz got to see a lot of former teaching comrades…it made the get-to-gather even more special!


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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