It Started with a Little Orange Ball


Dear Reader:

For the past 24 hours I have been like a woman obsessed…I watched ESPN until 2:30 a.m. Tuesday morning, woke up at 8:00 to pick up copies of the Post& Courier for memory keepsakes for the boys, picked up a biscuit while I was out, came home, read the paper and watched ESPN until almost noon…when I collapsed from sheer exhaustion and fell asleep until three yesterday afternoon.

It is like I don’t want this feeling of sheer exhilaration to leave…I don’t want to say good-bye to this team or the coaches…I just want this fairy tale to go on and on and on. Life won’t allow this, of course, but after (almost) 35 years from the last national title… I feel entitled to “milk it” just a little bit longer.

So please bear with me today as I make a few observations and share some home photos…because this blog is, also, a family keepsake to remember when…but more importantly, to remember the feelings attached to ‘when I was there’ and not just the win itself.

This year when Donna called me to join her and Sam again to watch the National Championship I told her, delightedly, I would be happy to come for the first half (as usual) and to  bring the sausage/cheese dip.

The next day I got another text from her reminding me to bring the red “noses” so we could “honk” every time Clemson scored. I quickly texted back….great idea…glad you remembered…will bring them.

When I went to check the bag with the “Rudolph” red noses (left over from the holidays) something stopped me in my tracks. RED NOSES! What were we thinking?

downloadWe might as well have had “trunks” (Alabama Elephants) hanging down from our noses….red….Alabama! No wonder we lost last year!


So I immediately went on-line and ordered a package of four orange clown noses. The only problem was  the order kept getting delayed… but finally  arrived Sunday afternoon (amazon mail carriers running) …and I took that as a good sign for the upcoming game…we had our orange noses!


I sent this picture to the boys with two different sayings: “We “nose” Clemson is going to win.” “We “Orange” in it!”

Ah…yes, the orange was much better…the only problem now was that we were watching the game… but without any opportunity to squeeze and honk our noses. Finally… just before the first half was over, thanks to Watson’s agile foot work, we finally got to put on our noses and squeeze them 7 times for the first touchdown.

I packed up around 10:30 to head back to the house to climb into my big pink robe, pj’s, and bedroom slippers. Armed with a heavy blanket I started making my “nest” to watch the second half.

As I reached my door in the burr cold night I smiled remembering that I had hung my Christmas Tree Clemson Tiger on the front door wreath and he is still there…with a half-smile and growl welcoming me home. “We’re number 1″ he motioned with his paw.  It was as if he knew a big secret… but he wasn’t telling!


Every time Clemson scored (the second half) I could hear (what only sounded like a Civil War cannon going off.) The walls vibrated in the house and then the texts started. Donna’s first one was : “Can you hear our orange noses honking????” I replied “Yes…and a cannon, too, I think.” (Donna had also heard the cannon and figured that it must be another Tiger fan letting himself be known in her Gamecock neighborhood.)

I then squeezed my orange nose 14 times (like the tiger mascot doing 14 push-ups)…two touchdowns to date. Honk, Honk!

Third touch-down. Text: “Honk, Honk, Honk!” I replied “And a quack, quack, quack.”

Fourth touchdown: “Excuse my French “Hot Damn” and honk, honk, honk, honk!”  To which I replied: “Sho nuff and spit-fire…look at dem Tigers go”

Of course, it got so crazy the last two minutes of the game that we were both holding our breaths in each of our respective home dens, squeezing the orange sponge balls in our hands. A great de-stresser. (I am surprised I didn’t squeeze all the orange out of the sponge!)

Before I left Sam and Donna’s house, we  had talked about destiny and how we all felt that this was an element to be reckoned with in this game. (Like Dabo later told his team during half-time…”We are going to win…I don’t know how…but we love each other and it is going to happen”) …that is what a lot of us Clemson fans felt about this team that squeaked to victory weekend after weekend…causing us palpitations… but somehow they kept pulling it out. It was like destiny was calling.

Our last two texts read: Donna:  “You were right…don’t mess with destiny! We are honking like crazy!!!! My hero #4!!!) I replied “It is all about love.” To which Donna replied, “Well said, Dabo.” 

In the midst of all the textings came the phone calls….one from Walsh who was deliriously happy and all I could hear was the noise of the crowd and the ecstasy/joy in his voice. (It is the same feeling we parents get when we  nail the perfect Christmas gift that brings squeals of delight to our children and now grandchildren.)


Here is a collage of photos that floated back and forth Monday night…forming a compilation of treasured memories. Sunday night Walsh and Tommy went to a Clemson Living Legends party hosted by Sammy Watkins and C. J Spiller…I am sure that was a blast.











Great seats in the end zone!




Last year Rudy cheered on the Tigers and I have no doubt he is still cheering them on this year on an elevated platform…while his two “brothers” (Pip and Atticus) carry on the tradition and torch for him during the game.








img_4785-1Sent “thinking of you” text photos to Tommy and Walsh.






Here is an excerpt from Dana Clark Howard, Donna’s daughter, who wrote this article last year about her adopted town of Clemson and the people who live there. Even though the outcome was different this year…the same feelings of love and bonding live on in the “hamlet” of Clemson… no matter the outcome: win or lose. The feeling of pure joy and jubilation continue for a very special team that has bonded with the community like no other….a team that only comes along in a “blue”… perhaps “purple” moon.

…”All that’s to say that I don’t think I’ve ever felt more love for football or for my adopted town than I do right this very minute. Because for right now it doesn’t matter when you got on the bandwagon. It doesn’t matter if your degree says Clemson or Carolina or if you even have one at all. It doesn’t matter whether you know a first down from a flag.

It doesn’t matter if you usually pull for a Bulldog or a Gamecock. Right now what matters is that we’re having a turn & this little town is alive. It’s like there’s a direct line of energy running from Phoenix straight to the center of College Avenue & it’s sending out a buzz everywhere–from the bank to the check out line at Publix.

Everyone is happy & anxious & excited &… Well, it’s kinda like Christmas was when we were little. It’s just fun. And I’m grateful for the folks sharing their journeys & I’m even thankful for the folks who usually cheer & dance during 2001:A Space Odyssey, but are being reserved enough to let us celebrate & enjoy the experience.

I write a lot on Facebook because I’m not a journal keeper. I’m not a scrapbooker, but this is a medium I can connect to. And I want to document this moment of pure joy. Because that’s what we’re living smack dab in the middle of–a heart full of joy for this very special Tiger team! 

So until tomorrow….Believe in yourself and God’s guidance towards making dreams come true. Belief becomes self-prophecy.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

*Thanks Clemson for adding so much excitement and joy to our lives on a cold January night…for sharing your dream with the world.



“I’m a proud Clemson alum, I’m a proud governor, and I’m a proud South Carolinian,” the governor said. “Clemson showed their heart and humility throughout the entire season, and in an unforgettable national championship victory, they reminded us that, with faith and hard work, anything is possible. That’s what defines South Carolina.”

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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