If It Doesn’t Open…It’s Not Your Door!


Dear Reader:

When one gets to the glorious age that I am now…hindsight becomes a constant companion and comforter. Suddenly things that never made sense, while living them in the present, things that caused some of the biggest disappointments in our lives, are revealed with wonderful clarity.

We start musing to ourselves about things like…’No wonder I wasn’t suppose to take that job there…if I had I never would have met my someone special or had the family I had or realized that my vocational direction needed a new compass.’ Suddenly every thing good and bad comes into play through the maze of life… opening up the final path that leads us out of the darkness into the light.

It is one of the great benefits of living to be a youthful senior. ( Don’t laugh! That’s my story and I am sticking to it) We might not be able to do some of the things we once did physically but God provides us with so much insight into life and His Presence with us. This wonderful gift of God Winks more than makes us for a few physical restrictions.


I have three favorite doors now that are always open to me and anyone else who wants to enter. My favorite is this one…leading into my writing (computer) room where I can travel anywhere I wish through my imagination and writings. This is the room that gives my life meaning..because of You!

The two sides of the same door is the front door (which is brown to match the brick and roof on the outside) and on the inside “Haint Blue” to keep out any bad mojo…so only joy with friends and family are allowed in ‘The Happy Room.’









And speaking of good mojo…after the past few weeks of some rather dubious/challenging “karma” some things happened yesterday to start swinging the pendulum back my way again.

First Mollie called and asked if it suited to bring the boys over for awhile yesterday morning…they wanted to see Boo Boo and of course Boo Boo loves to be seen. “Yes”! It was like everything was new and fresh again…The boys were so excited that they actually helped each other and shared riding Hope the Dolphin, swinging,  and pedaling the tractor…


Even without little bro’s help…Rutledge’s legs are almost long enough…next time he comes to visit…I feel sure he will be “King of the Tractor.”



*If you are wondering what happened to Lachlan’s pants..he stepped into fire ants…this child is a magnet for them.

The second good “mojo” happened when suddenly Honey rounded the deck and there she was bringing mountain apples, a tomato, soap, and a key chain breast cancer ornament. (I thought she was back in the mountains and had missed her so it made the homecoming even more special.)


 Ashley, unfortunately, has continued to be in pain from the surgery and MUSC won’t release her until everything is working again properly. So please say a pray for Ashley and the whole Burrell family…we need to get our Ashley home.









Before Honey left she told me about this large bulletin type board that patients and families can leave a message on… about what they are thankful for… both entering and leaving MUSC. It is erased each day to make room for more Thanks’ from appreciative patients and their families.


*Honey told me she signed it thanking the hospital and staff for their kindness and the good results from the surgery. She is looking forward to signing it again…  being as thankful to leave and get Ashley back home.

Later we went to eat at Continental Corner and then on to the park….a joyful surprise happened when Rutledge realized that the favorite/most popular play toy in the park- the “Digger” was back and brand new! Manna from heaven for a three-year-old.









As if I didn’t have enough good mojo going by now yesterday…here is the topper! While Mollie and I were watching the children play…a little boy named Carson wanted to know if I would play with him…kicking his soccer ball back and forth. I said “Sure” and began playing until it was time for us to leave.

After Mollie and the boys left…I went to pull the pictures off my IPhone and no IPhone. At first I thought I might have left it in Mollie’s car. The bad thing about losing one’s IPhone is the conundrum it presents…the new paradoxical, modern-day,”tech” problem. You can’t phone anyone for help because you don’t have your phone.

I was beginning to panic…but I made myself stop and re-think the last time when I remembered having it.

Suddenly I knew…when Carson asked me to play with him…I had been taking photos…so I laid my IPhone on a wooden plank that formed the perimeter of the slide center…my heart stopped. “Oh no!”” What were the chances it would still be there?”

Besides giving myself a stern talk on being so forgetful…I jumped in the car and headed for the park. I literally ran (yes, ran) across the park to the slides and paused long enough to add one more prayer before peeking at the plank board. There was my Iphone right where I left it.


What are the chances that would happen often in a public park?…There was over an hour’s time period from when we left until I frantically drove back…a Saturday in the Park…a God Wink that reminded me, once again, that  “It is all Good.”

So until tomorrow…When you can’t open a door…go find a new key to unlock the ‘other’ door that is calling you to it. Your true calling…your true key to success.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

*It really is my favorite day because my soon-to-be… daughter-in-love is having a birthday today! Happy Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!


*Last night the “door opened” for many of our state teams to be eligible to keep the season going. And so proud of our Clemson Tigers…ACC Atlantic Champs!!!!!

15027544_10206762205166993_3468264351420533780_n  WE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clemson tops Wake Forest to clinch ACC Atlantic





About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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