Eight Beads


thumbnail_fullsizerender-4Dear Reader:

We were “THIRTEEN STRONG” yesterday on the most beautiful Fall day we have ever experienced with the Race for the Cure!

…And because of  your generous donations we will beat the past previous years’ goals and just might set a new one overall!

*Donations will continue to be accepted for about another month by the Susan Koman Lowcountry Foundation so it is not too late if you still would like to donate. “Legally Pink” has placed twelfth in the Top Twenty Teams with just eight members. Many other teams have three or four times that number. It makes me so proud and it is all because of you, you, and you! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

As soon as the final tally comes in I will let you know the absolute results. Pat yourselves on the back!!  Congratulations to YOU!

When I thought about the title for today’s blog I knew it had to be “Eight Beads” because it would be so meaningful to me to receive these beads remembering that this is the eighth time I have participated in the Race for the Cure since I was diagnosed in 2008. That year was definitely a roller coaster experience….from Mandy and John’s beautiful wedding at Edisto Island to a mastectomy two weeks later….with chemo treatments starting in May of that year.

fullsizerenderAnd yet here I am, here I am.

It reminds me of one beautiful lyrical song we sing in church.

Here I am Lord
It is I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart.

Believe me…I hold all of you in my heart for continued support of me, the blog, and just plain good old friendship… which we all need in daily doses. Thank you!!

Our two sets of the ‘Three Amigos” ended up being two sets of “Two Amigos” this year. Neither Harriett or Doodle could make it so Lassie and I found Brenda and made one “Three Amigo” group. It was so fun to see Brenda again….and hope both Doodle and Harriett can make it next year! We missed you both!!!!


You notice how dark it still was when we arrived around 6:30. (second photo) As I waited for Lassie to pick me up on the front porch a little before six…I took this picture of the beautiful moon and another shot of the front porch as we left.






By the time we reached Daniel Island the moon had sunk beneath the horizon but the Survivors’ Field had a white globe in the middle of it and we tried to pretend it was the moon…but nothing can compare to the real thing!


One tent had a cute photo idea…a “john” all decorated for the Race for the Cure….they had people make donations earlier for the race while sitting on it….Yours truly had to give it a try! (The fundraising slogan was “Let’s Flush Breast Cancer.”)

Hey, it is all for a good cause! *( I can think of several pun expressions that fit this photo butt I will “pass” on them today.)


img_20161015_075527013The Survivors Ceremony was different but meaningful and fun….closing with a Survivor’s Jive parade. I challenged two other survivors to a “How low can you go” contest dance-off….just let me say I did you proud! (Here is one quick move but I went down to the ground…there is a video (Lassie took) which is locked up in a time capsule for 100 years.)

img_20161015_083104198After all that jiving Lassie and I plopped on the curb and rested. I counted to make sure I had gotten enough pink lollipops for the grandchildren and then darn if I didn’t forget to give them one at the birthday party…(mosquito memory)

fullsizerenderJohn, Mandy, Carrie, Eva Cate, and Jakie was the first family to join us at our usual gathering place before the start of the race. They were looking good! Little Eva Cate had gone all out …and then some!

Every time I look at Eva Cate now I really see a little girl on the verge of leaving pre-school in the dust and becoming her own little beautiful person…such mixed feelings. Once again, an annual tradition, I gave her my rose.


Jakie was in a pink shirt and his cousins soon arrived as Capt America (now I wonder who that could possibly be?) and the Hulk. Mollie was also a super hero and Dad….well Dad had taken on a new ‘do’….hair-do that is. See for yourself with the following fun pictures of all the gang (including Tommy and Kaitlyn) before, during, and after the race!








The recent loss of Rudy to cancer was in all our hearts…but we remembered him as quite a character and loyal to the end…a friend to all. Tommy wore Rudy’s collar as a bracelet for the race.


Before the race was over….everyone found someone to hold….well almost everyone.



After the Race we had a wonderful birthday brunch for Mollie and a well-deserved treat for all the runners…Thanks John and Mandy!

img_3725-1Happy Birthday Mollie! You and Walsh have fun on your mini-vacation!

A birthday is always a great way to end a long project of love…rebirth and an abundant life!

That’s about the “tall and short of it” except for these photos:

*You never know what is lurking behind you when getting your picture made!


img_20161015_075051364The Race really is about meeting new people and seeing new faces and tomorrow I will show some of the fun people we met along the way….but this new wonderful friend (with Brenda and me) Lassie first started talking to and their conversation  made Lassie realize she was by herself and had one bead on….she had just recently discovered she had breast cancer.

Lassie introduced us and Brenda and I had so much fun during the Survivor’s Ceremony dancing, swaying with our roses, and cutting up with her.

img_20161015_075549872I am so glad Clemson pulled out that football game yesterday or I would have thought my t-shirt a “hex” for sure….now I can continue wearing it. (this is the back)

So until tomorrow…move over Rip Van Winkle…I think I can outsleep you tonight! BUT it is a good tired, an exhilarating tired! There is a difference as we all know.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

img_3441My lovely niece, Catherine, walked Saturday also in Birmingham, Alabama at the Race for the Cure. We felt your kindred spirit here “Kitty-Kat.” Thank you so much sweet niece of mine!!!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Eight Beads

  1. Rachel Edwards says:

    Oh these are great pictures and I love that you found Brenda..another God’s wink when y’all were in the poster with Harriett and I told her at Sunday School that year that it was YOU…the friend that I had Bern telling her about when she was first diagnosed. ..you were an inspiration to her even before she met you…so glad it went well…we were here with 4 grandchildren. ..Love you

    On Oct 16, 2016 6:03 AM, “Chapel of Hope Stories” wrote:

    > Becky Dingle posted: ” Dear Reader: We were “THIRTEEN STRONG” yesterday > on the most beautiful Fall day we have ever experienced with the Race for > the Cure! …And because of your generous donations we will beat the past > previous years’ goals and just might set ” >

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