“We’re too Young to be this Old”….


Dear Reader:

If I had anywhere in the world I could have chosen to be for one of those “waiting places” in life…it was Edisto Beach with the Ya’s! The five day retreat flew too quickly but it was, definitely, the remedy for the “little c” blues. In fact the only “blues” that were visible were the different shades in the sky each day….hardly a cloud dared interfere with the daily blue beauty of the mortal vision of the majesty of God’s Creation ceiling.

Brooke told us one day (on the front porch) that while talking to her eye surgeon, after filling out all the medical and personal required forms… she commented about her aging eyes:  “I’m just too young to be this old.” The doctor graciously agreed! It became our mantra for the week.

img_3042(Last week passed without a call concerning the results of the surgery and pathology report. I was actually glad…this retreat was so extra special that I certainly didn’t want any last minute dark cloud  casting shadows on the magical time spent together. And we are only a telephone call or text away from happy news too!)

I imagine I will hear something back Monday or Tuesday and will certainly keep everyone updated. Right now I am unpacking, running back and forth to the television to watch the Clemson game (Tigers…you are making this way too hard on yourselves and my nerves...Let’s Go…WHEW Pulled it out Again!) and now just relaxing and remembering all the fun in the sun this past week.

It is hard to see ourselves aging isn’t it? Even when different parts of us start misbehaving…we just keep thinking we need a quick oil change and we’ll be back on the road again…as good as ever. We all are still moving ahead…though, sometimes, not as quickly as we did before the engine problems. But with older friends (and a history) we still see ourselves as those young gals we were when we first met…our outer shell is simply better at hiding our youthful souls.

I still get tickled remembering when Grandmother Wilson returned for a college (Women’s Erskine College) reunion when she was 85. When mother, later, asked her how it went, she began sputtering that hardly any body even bothered to show up and how rude she thought that was. (She, obviously, didn’t get the fact that they were dead which was a pretty good excuse for missing it.)

She then went on complaining that the handful of women who did appear looked terrible….”They were so OLD” Grandmother dramatically cried out. “I’m not going to another one of those things again…downright depressing.” (And she didn’t!)

With so much going on around the time of my actual birthday (Sept 24) the Ya’s decided to use this retreat for a Boo Birthday…it was amazing….when I told them that they spoiled me too much….they simply replied “So...you got a beef about it or something?” I did not.

Here are some photos from the porch party! It all started with this adorable jacket Brookie got me….and I wore it out when we went to a new restaurant on the island Friday night.


thumbnail_img_3438Then came a (Libby) electric pumpkin (that we kept lit on the porch every night for a little ambiance.) And an adorable Boo sign that I brought home and put on the dining room mirror.










Jackson gave me this beautiful decorated plate that says it all about friendship.…I might use it to ‘house’ two pieces of jewelry from Brooke and Libby.


Brooke is the queen of the internet when it comes to finding any and everything….from London she managed to find a moon flower brooch.  Libby picked me up a double dolphin bracelet (at a gift shop on the island) so I could tell everyone, upon my return, that I didn’t see one but two dolphins! Everything given to me was so meaningful, special, and I will treasure it forever my Ya’s!


This time Brooke and I were the only two to venture out to the beach on two occasions…I always want to look like I have been to the beach (a little bit) when I get home…usually this means a red nose like Rudolph. CVS Specialty Pharmacy had sent me some wonderful “hug” cards to share with others…I took them and made sure we kept the hugs coming.


img_3421-1So until tomorrow…I have a few more thoughts to share with you in tomorrow’s blog…and so many sweet notes and surcies that made my return home feel warm and fuzzy… but right now a ham sandwich is calling me (Libby brought a honey ham….so good!)

I, also, need to water my parched garden and watch a little more football… now that my nerves have settled down. Jackson, Libby, and Brooke….I love you friends to the moon and back!


img_3021 ” Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh






  • It is hard to believe that it has been fifteen years since the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were attacked….in so many ways it seems like yesterday!
  • fullsizerender5Last year Brooke’s son, Henry, took this photo of us in front of the new World Trade Center….a powerful memory.
  • But once again….it was the Survivor Tree that called out to me on our Christmas NYC trip…it was growing taller and stronger…I had to touch it….even with a reprimand (it was worth it) to get its strength to flow through me… and now even more so I fullsizerender11am so glad I did!  The power of a hug includes everything in life…even a miracle pear tree.

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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3 Responses to “We’re too Young to be this Old”….

  1. Jo Dufford says:

    I just enjoy feeling the love and joy you Ya’s give each other. They always come up with just the right gifts for you. So glad you all had a great week. Being at the beach (which is nature at its best), with people you love reminds me of how blessed we all are to live in this wonderful,beautiful country. . We owe so much to so many, and I guess that is why remembering our history is so important to me. Speaking of owing, I’d be remiss if I didn’t pause to remember not only all those in the towers, at the pentagon and on the plane in Pa., but also all those who ran toward the disaster to help on that awful day, 9-11.. Thanks for sharing the picture you took last year of the Survivor Tree. I remember seeing it when I visited a few years ago, and it still stands as one of those many miracles of that day which gives hope to all who see it.

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    That little tree is so special to me….against all odds it keeps going and growing. I love you Jo for the beautiful words that flow from you….always the history teacher and grande patriot!

  3. Joan Turner says:

    You all are too young to be old…you know how to have a good time and enjoy life and seeing two dolphins has to be a good omen!

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