“It is What it is”….or is it?


Dear Reader:

Haven’t we all heard the expression, “It is what it is” from others and even perhaps, occasionally, coming from our own lips? It is usually accompanied with a shrug of resignation.

This expression, or the equivalent of it can be found in every country of the world in one form or another. All the countries parading in the Olympic arena Friday night would definitely understand the meaning immediately.

In France the expression is “C’est comme ca”-which translates into “It’s like that.”  The universal meaning is “That’s life.”

Sometimes its up, sometimes its down….no matter what…it is just simply life and life continues either way.

It is an expression that when heard, is chorused in unison with nods and agreements from others….”That’s right….it is what it is.” 

The other day, though, it dawned on me that shrugging off serious dilemmas that we think are out of our control, perhaps isn’t right.It’s just a ‘cop-out.’

13521865_1259371277407957_4786722205399436491_nGin-g and I had lunch at Time Well Spent Saturday and loved having time to be together. Doodle, Lassie, Pap, and Carrie came in and we had a chance to find out from Carrie about all the changes in her life at a new school and new job this year.

We also talked briefly about the challenging state of affairs transpiring today in our country. About that time Eve’s daughter came over and stopped to say hello. I taught her brother and thought maybe I had taught her. She said I did and sweetly told me how much she enjoyed the class and I would be proud to know that she can still say the Preamble to the Constitution and the Gettysburg Address.

I was so proud and together we started “We, the people of the United States”.….. I, suddenly, turned to Gin-g and said that is our answer right there….we are the government.

It is what it is” gets us nowhere….unless we fight for the positive changes needed to bring the middle class back up to the middle again and lend a helping hand to those below us as we climb….leaving no man (or woman) behind.

The hottest summer ever recorded this year in South Carolina can easily fall into “It is what it is.” The vast majority of us can hardly wait to see the season change and get some more tolerable weather to enjoy. But again…it isn’t the weather (that is uncontrollable) but our reaction and attitude to it that makes this hot summer more tolerable.

If I had given up on my garden and made excuses that I couldn’t water because it was too expensive (it actually has been surprisingly lower than expected) or physically I wasn’t up to it or any other excuse I could think of… my garden would look like a dust bowl right now. Not a garden with morning glories greeting me each day or moon flowers telling me good night.


The one constant in life is change. In reality “It is what it is” is subject to change. And eventually that is exactly what will happen. Our frustration, as mere mortals, is that our most personally “dislikeful” “It is what it is” problems take longer than we are willing or able to wait.

The true character inside us is tested by our ability to  help initiate change to “That’s life” problems. Most importantly it is doing this in a positive manner that helps others, as well as, ourselves.

imagesFriday night I found myself getting a little emotional as the parade of nations entered the Olympic arena. No matter how small or large, peace at home or war-ravaged, the smiles on these gifted athletes, from countries all over the world, beamed brightly and proudly.

As the games go on we will hear many personal stories of courage and endurance about these athletes….by simply being there Friday night they had to respond (at some point in their lives) to their own unique “It is what it is” challenges. For many, this meant defying the status quo and setting higher expectations for themselves than others did.

So until tomorrow….”It is what it is”.…or is it?  World peace has become a gag joke for beauty pageants but Friday night, for one precious moment, we all felt the possibility of just that.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh



About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to “It is What it is”….or is it?

  1. Ging Edwards says:

    Becky…I enjoyed our time together and our discussion. I have so much respect for your knowledge of history and if we don’t learn from history we will repeat it. Having one of your former students come up and not only express her admiration for you and your teaching but she also remembered what she had learned abd shared it with us. What a wonderful tribute abd then once again you used your wisdom to calm the water and tie it all together. Then when we walked back outside and stood under those majestic trees that have stood the test of time and felt that cool breeze …eery thing was right. ..as you ssid God is in conttol…Love you

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    The way I feel exactly….we all love our country and want the best for our children and grandchildren….keeping values of kindness, compassion, and love upfront for little ears to hear…..In God We Trust. Those old oaks reminded us that changes might occur around them but they are there for the lifetime of their existence.

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