Dear Reader:
I’m coming home and isn’t returning home after a fabulous week of old friendships really hard? Part of me wants to see home again to make sure the flowers and garden are okay and the grandchildren up and running around, but there is always a bittersweet side of coming home again too. It means we have to leave the ones we all love and the face the daily routine of problems called life. .
While at the beach I sleep like a log. We all do. It is something very comforting to know when we turn over and remember where we are in the middle of the night…that we are with old, dear friends. It is like someone putting a blanket over all of us and peacefully falling back asleep…content and happy. No boogie man could possibly be lurking around….the Ya’s are too much for any such critter!
It always takes me a day or two to re-adjust to home and myself in it. We find ourselves calling each other to make sure we all got home safe and sound….really to just hear each other’s voice again.
After a couple of days the memories slowly dim and we return to a wonderful life that we all love too…just different. It is something about being able to only be in loved ones’ presence for a limited amount of time that makes it more precious in our sight.
But what really helps me…as the “historian” and blog “scrap booker” is that I get to re-live the time with priceless photos and short stories. I am the lucky one.
So until tomorrow….Let us savor times with good friends and family because all of life is precious in our sight.
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Delight of the Day: