At the End of the Day…


Dear Reader:

At the end of the day yesterday I had many visible memoirs of a remarkable Mother’s Day! For me that meant flowers (the family knows that flowers make me so happy)…a “Susan” Rose, a “Mandy” flower basket,  “Mollie” sunflowers, “Tommy” Sunnyside Up Garden, and “Eva Cate”  potted summer flowers.

IMG_1363Kaitlyn gave me a memorable gift- a hand-made bracelet using some of the costume jewelry that was once my mother’s and given to Mandy. She shared some pieces with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn then made the bracelet….a symbol of bonding between my mother and myself….made more special by Kaitlyn’s creativity.


The expression “At the end of the day” provides a catalyst for a pause and time to prioritize the most important events that happened during the day. It could be a new idea, a special occasion or holiday, a new acquaintance or old one, a simple comment, or summary of the day  spent with God’s permission and blessing.

Yesterday….at the end of the day….I thanked God for the opportunity to be with all the family together. That is all I really wanted and that is what I got… made even more special with the presence of Butch and Susan, Kaitlyn’s parents, sharing in the camaraderie and fellowship. I wish Bruce and Marcia and W.T. and Joan could have been there too.

It is so important for children to know that they are a part of a bigger family than just their immediate one. Family is extended in many more ways than one. A piece of everyone is in someone else, who is coming after….isn’t life amazing?

Here is a taste of the memories I harbor from Mother’s Day 2016. A wonderful brunch (John, your breakfast casseroles just get better and better) and fun in the sun and water.

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IMG_1353If you happen to be wondering where Rutledge was in the family photo…he decided a personal problem needed to be addressed immediately…he had “dropped trout” and  was peeing in the pool. I cut off “half the story” as you can see but you get the idea. (Then Eva Cate had true confession time and admitted doing the same thing too….Lachlan pretended to be asleep and didn’t hear the conversation…Jake was already napping….everyone decided they had had enough fun for one day in the pool!)

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*Sometimes it is hard to be the oldest grandson with an older “Queen” cousin on the throne….one has to do a lot to keep his (heir to the throne) position in place.


IMG_0832 (1)Boys and their hats…and tiaras, of course. Even sunglasses.








And little girls and their dolls and beautiful artwork!








IMG_1361Thank you Eva Cate…my favorite painting of all! And while I am thanking everyone for the perfect Mother’s Day….John and Mandy….thank you for making this all possible….for us ‘to gather to gether and hear Eva Cate’s blessing.’ (And Happy 8th Anniversary!)



So until tomorrow….Thank you God for mothers, birth, and life….the most precious gift of all.

*I must stop and insert right here, right now, the most unexpected Mother’s Day gift I experienced yesterday… after getting home from Mt. Pleasant.

I received an email from John Labarbera , Beverly Barutio’s son…..thanking all of you blog readers, visitors to the chapel, and supporters of it….who honor his wonderful mother for giving so much back in her life….including his parents’ creation of our beloved St. Judes Chapel of Hope.

Folks, this was/is the Chapel my mother & father built many years ago when she was battling cancer. The kind words shared here make me humbled & appreciative of her, and YOU folks that have written here and in the book that is kept in the chapel itself. As I read & reflect on her on this Mother’s day, I thank God for her, and the kind people that have passed through that door. God bless you all! 

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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5 Responses to At the End of the Day…

  1. Jane Freeman says:

    Becky, here is a blast from the past. This is Jane Taylor Freeman, LHS class of 67. My husband and I started attending Westminster ARP church in Conway and yesterday I saw your brother, Ben. He told me about your blog and as soon as I got home I went on the internet to find it. You are such a talented writer and an inspiration to others. I read yesterday’s post and of course, today’s. My plan for this week is to go back and read more of your posts.

  2. Johnny Johnson says:

    Looks like you had a wonderful and wonder filled day Mrs. Dingle! I had a big smile on my face reading this blog today, just looked like great fun!
    I always think of my Mother on Mothers Day and what a beautiful person she was inside and out. I also think of my Mother-in-Law and how she treated me like her own child. Both Mother and Mother-in-Law are with the Lord now and of that I have no doubt. I also thank my wife for being such a great Mother to our children and an even better Grandmother. Mothers Day was not such fun as yours because my Daughter, Son-in-Law were both sick with a stomach bug. My Son’s wife has her Grandfather in the Hospital, very ill and prognosis is not good. So my wife and I went over and picked up our Grandson from my Daughter’s and he spent Mother’s Day and night with us giving my Daughter and Sin-in-Law much needed rest while dealing with the stomach bug. As you know very well, the Grandson kept us pretty busy yet having so much fun with him here. It was after he fell asleep last night when I had time to think of My Mother and Mother-in-Law and how they were such Great Mothers and how appreciative I am still today of the both of them.
    I am so glad you had such a wonderful and blessed day with your family and thank you for sharing it with us all.

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Wow! You had your hands full. So sorry for all the illness in your family….hope the health issues improve quickly and what a wonderful attitude you displayed handling all these problems and still remembering your own mother and mother-in-law. You are a special man Johnny. Happy Mother’s Day to you ….both mother and father.

      • Becky Dingle says:

        Ben called to me tell me he met you but then pulled a senior moment and went blank with the name…so happy we connected. Wow! What memories Laurens High School brings back to me….especially our class….some of my fondest teenage memories still live there. Hope you are doing well and maybe we can hook up next time I am in Conway.
        Bumped into Jimmy Todd at Charleston Law School graduation a couple of years ago….his son and my son were good friends as law students and we didn’t even know it.
        Love, Becky

  3. Sis Kinney says:

    Hi Becky,
    I’m a little late in reading today’s and yesterday’s posts; I’ve been back in Fuquay and didn’t take my computer, so was “off the grid,” as they say, until I got back here Sunday afternoon.
    I LOVE your statement about the importance of talking about “extended family” to youngsters. I had my two granddaughters spend Friday night with me and at some point during the time we were there I pointed out a raffia basket made by either my grandmother or great-grandmother (mother/daughter who participated in the basket-making industry of Deerfield, MA), showed some pictures and told my granddaughters that it was made by their great-great grandmother or great-great-great grandmother. This was the first time I’d ever talked to them about these women and I told them I thought it was time they started learning about their “extended family” – explaining what that meant and all. How about THAT for a little God’s wink?! Anyway, I SO agree with you on that!! If we don’t talk about it, they’ll never know it from what our experiences can talk about it!
    Gotta keep the stories flowing!
    Know your Mother’s Day was a good one! Mine too! And, how cool that you heard from Beverly Barutio’s son! Know that your blog is important not only to we readers, but also to him as it continues to honor his mother.

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