Dear Reader:
I think all of us were glad to see a little rain fall yesterday morning…to help wash some of the pollen off our roofs, cars, steps, and everything else imaginable….including us.
Honey sent me two photos (from yesterday) to show how crazy the weather can be in the NC mountains this time of the year….it started out with snow and ended up with beautiful blue skies.
I was over at Mt. Pleasant yesterday visiting Lee and Vikki and catching up on family news. I met Tommy and Kaitlyn at their place off Coleman and later met up with Walsh and Mollie and the boys for lunch at Taco Boy. It is always so nice to have an opportunity to be with family. We missed Mandy and John and the kids but they were having fun at a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.
We ended the day with the “Peanut Dude” a.k.a. Chris Bible and bags of boiled peanuts. (In fact for every sentence I type I am munching on a boiled peanut…it is going to take me a long time to type the blog tonight) Tommy just sent me a link to a cute article on Chris Bible and the number of ways he has found to use boiled peanuts in food…including pizzas.

Peanut Dude on CBS This Morning
While talking to Kaitlyn she mentioned her sister, Amanda’s recent passing, and immediately Chris Bible stopped what he was doing and grabbed one of his books… pulling her aside to autograph the free copy for Kaitlyn’s two nieces who have just lost their mother. He is a special person.
In his book for children with rhyming verses Chris’s peanut character wakes up one morning feeling sad that he doesn’t seem to have everything other people do. That night he has a dream that tells him to stop and make a list of all the things he is thankful for….his gratitude in life.
My mind was no longer focused
on what I did not have.
Instead, my mind was focused
on all that I DID HAVE!
In his book Chris suggests that parents get their families to play the Alphabet Gratitude Game….taking turns thinking of something (that starts with each letter of the alphabet) and share with other family members.
Chris “hit it on the nail”….When we stop comparing our lives to other..concerning what we don’t have and instead concentrate on what we do….we realize how lucky we are and only then can we be filled with gratitude.
It was the perfect ending to a wonderful day….Here are a few photo shots from Taco Boy, a local brewery- Edmund’s Oast-a brew Pub on Morrison Drive and photos of the Pitt Street park and bridge….just beautiful…that we took the dogs on to play.
Information of Edmund’s Oast-Brew Pub-
I had the pleasure of sitting next to Master Rutledge at Taco Boy…he kept putting his pan on his head…looked like Johnny Appleseed….Tommy took shifts walking Lachlan around. .
Near the entrance to Edmund’s Oast…there is a wall with this picture and script…popular place for photos….
The Pitt Street Bridge is so beautiful…even on an overcast day.
What a day to be filled with gratitude for family, friends, and future acquaintances!
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Yes indeed Mrs. Dingle, nothing like spending time with family. My Son and his wife live in Lexington near Columbia and I cherish the time I get with the both of them. I miss my Son dearly because I don’t get to see him everyday like before but at the same time I miss my Daughter and she lives in Goode Creek, I don’t see her everyday either. I do get to see my Daughter and Grandson more often than my Son due to her living closer than my Son.
My Mother used to say to me, if I complained about something, to look around and I would see so many others with far less than I have and having far worse physical condition than I or whatever my complaint was about. This was quickly followed by you should be thankful for what the Lord has blessed you with. I guess what she told me sunk in to my sometimes hard head because I am so very thankful for all I have been blessed with. Thank you for reminding me tone thankful and full of gratitude for my blessings and to nudge me to give thanks to God right now for all things!
We all needed to be reminded of the choices God gave us in life….Be happy with who we are and what we have or be be miserable and “pouty” playing the part of the victim who is never satisfied in life. At this stage in my life….I am so happy and feel so blessed…I wouldn’t trade my life for anyone else’s.
I have to make a correction. The Peanut Dude gave you a free bag because I’m his attorney, and I get paid peanuts.
Too funny Tommy Dingle! Since I am still eating boiled peanuts today I would start a bartering deal