Letting Go…


Dear Reader:

Over the past few days I have spent with Mandy and the children helping get them get from A to B, meals, shopping, dressing, baths, and finally bedtime… all the memories of those long ago days have come rolling back.

I do remember being tired all the time….a deep desire to run away and sleep when my children were going in three different directions. The baby books tell us that the ‘little bump in the road’ with newborns and adult sleeplessness, will end when he/she sleeps through the night. Wrong!

Life just gets more hectic….and watching Mandy fixing suppers, then lunches to take to school, getting baths, reading stories, and finally getting Eva Cate and Jakie into bed….only to collapse in front of the television while folding clothes reminded me why I still think the period of life I am in right now is the very best time of all.

We did have fun…we took the kids out late each afternoon to feed the geese, went shopping for new shoes for Eva Cate and pants for Jakie, played games and laughed a lot. Hopefully I was of some help in the overall picture….but it is a quite different life than the slower paced one I now lead.

Eva Cate is returning today to stay with Boo ’til Tuesday since her school is out on spring break with the College of Charleston. This upcoming week she is becoming a “floater“….a family member who floats from one family unit to the next. Of course she will love it all! And what a beautiful week to be off!

The lesson I remember learning, that Mandy is now learning, is how we all have to ‘let go’ of the falsely advertised image of the perfectly clean home, as well as, clean children, dogs, and instead just let life unfold the way it should. Life is not neat or safe….Jakie trips as a new walker, Eva Cate stumbles as a fast runner and no amount of vigilance will stop it.

Rain puddles and mud are magnets to children and life is too short not to land in them.

Kate Wolfe-Jenson has learned this life lesson of letting go, (Of her pride as a self-sufficient human being and structured artist), as her MS continues to rob her of her hands and legs. Here is an excerpt from her latest post:

“Give In, Give Over, Dissolve into Love”

It is safe to let go. Really.

We think it’s not. The road seems treacherous. Shadows loom large and we are not sure of our footing.

Perhaps, we think, we should tread very carefully. We should draw straight lines and make huge efforts to follow them exactly. There may be safety if we keep everything controlled and contained.

Our efforts to tiptoe around our fear puts it in charge as surely as if we let it steer the way. Fear may be my bugaboo, not yours. Maybe for you it’s anger or sadness or uncertainty. We all have them – those feelings we avoid, those situations we declare are just Too Much

By holding on so tightly and scrabbling for control, we block ourselves from each other and from what may be. We don’t realize we are indulging in a peculiar kind of aggression. So sure are we that This Will Not Do, we become sharp edged and merciless. We push life away.

Surrendering to our experience, whatever it is, we open ourselves to new possibilities. We soften to life and to connection with each other. We dissolve into love.


The theme of letting go also brings Kaitlyn and her family to mind, because losing a beloved family member, is the hardest “letting go” in life. It is happening to all of them right now…the death of a beloved daughter, mother, and sister. Amanda….Kaitlyn’s older sister.


All prayers for the Swicegood family during this difficult period are so appreciated. I pray for the family the peace of understanding that only God can provide. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

In lieu of flowers Kaitlyn has opened a Go Fund Me for Amanda’s two daughters to use for college (or however) later in life. Am adding the link in case someone would like to contribute.


Here are some photos of life as it is being lived and loved by my grandchildren…..got to see them all.


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Saturday morning, while Eva Cate was at dance lessons with Mandy….I took Jakie over to play with his cousins Rutledge and Lachlan. Walsh took them in the wagon with Poogie pulling the crew….they had a ball. The only scare Jakie got was from Uncle Walsh with his 80’s disco wig on.






“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

*I don’t know what is going on….but something marvelous appears each time I leave home. There must be some deep meaning in this, but whatever, it is so fun! Look what was sitting on my porch yesterday afternoon. Somebody needs to “fess” up….loving it.!

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Susan, Bekah, and Ady are in Disney World and broke the trip by staying at the B&B Wednesday night. Unfortunately I missed them since I was at Mandy’s but this beautiful rose plant had been left for me….Wow! Hope y’all are having a ball! Early Happy Birthday Ady….thought you could use some birthday for your stay at Disney World!

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About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Letting Go…

  1. ambikasur says:

    Hi Becky… I could relate to certain things you described about Mandy’s life with her kids… You are absolutely right about “letting go” … So sorry I couldn’t write to you frequently since the past year… Our communication has become drastically lesser than before my wedding…

    But even now, I’m still a big fan of yours… 🙂
    Ajay has been doing well by God’s grace… Time flies too soon… Seems like he was born just yesterday, and now this nine month old keeps me up on my feet… Motherhood is indeed very challenging…

    I hope you’re praying for us… I’m praying for you too.. My heartfelt condolences and prayers for Kaitlyn and family… Do take care and keep shining for Jesus.. Loads of love and prayers….

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Ambika…I do miss hearing from you but I certainly understand how hectic your life is now. When we first “met” via the blog….husband and child were still dreams of future possibility and now they have all come true. And the truth is….thought-dreams are easier to handle than reality-dreams. It is tough being married and having a small child and yet our heart expands each time love enters….so always remember you are a woman now with a bigger heart than before. Love you Ambika….take care of yourself and don’t forget you in the process of loving others.

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