Dear Reader:
Late yesterday afternoon I got a burst of energy and began picking up fallen limbs, sticks, and pine cones (of which there were many) from the front, side, and back yards.
It was warm, but not too hot, cool but not too cold….a perfect afternoon to take away the remnants of Old Man Winter from the yard. It is, also, something satisfying about making a big pile of debris and seeing your accomplishment as soon as it is complete. In life we don’t often get instant, positive feed-back….especially in teaching. So yard work is quite refreshing to me.
In case anyone wants to know…officially (according to a wheel-barrowing “mama” ) it gets dark at 6:30 now. One minute the skies were twilight pastels and the next… darkness fell instantaneously. All my solar lanterns popped on to let me know the timing was right to stop and call it a day.
I turned on all the lights in and around the house and managed to find my debris pile on the street, dump the wheel barrow and scurry back in my safe abode….my happy home.
I think God works the same way as solar lights. When we ask for certain things only He know when the timing is right for the light to come on. I came across this small prayer thanking God for each “special” day and the possibilities it holds and would like to share it with you.
Today is a special day. Today I feel connected to my source. Today I feel that I am a step closer to what I should and will become. No need to ask for favors, for I know everything comes when the timing is perfect. TODAY, LET US THANK GOD TOGETHER! (Beliefnet)
Today I had to put my HOPE sign back together….When I got home the wind must have torn the string and I was missing three letters. While cleaning up….I found them up against a tree all knotted together with a feather in the center. Apparently a mother bird found the broken string and cloth letters before me and thought it would make a soft nest.
Glad I found them back again… before she returned! I need my HOPE every day! (I washed all the letters and now they look fresh and new again!)
Spring is peeking out under dead limbs and covered pine straw….it will be here before we know it.
Jillian, at Eva’s Restaurant, sat down beside me at lunch yesterday and told me that the blog entry I did on Eva’s has sent the regular customers running back again. I told her it wasn’t the blog but the wonderful readers who spread the news that turned the corner for them. Thank you! I would hate to lose that wonderful landmark.
Look at these two dollar bills that are becoming available now for Clemson fans….Go Tigers!
Rutledge and Lachlan both love coming through the moon gate….with their own unique style.
So until tomorrow….When we leave the timing in our lives up to God we save a lot of wasted worry time. God knows when the light will arrive to show us the way.
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
*Mollie and her sister, Chelsea, are participating in a fund-raiser for rare cancers that often get overlooked in funding and research for cures. Cycling for Survival. Proud of both of you!