Dear Reader:
A couple of years ago in the Nov/Dec Saturday Evening Post (2012)…one columnist (Ellen Michaud) created twelve Christmas blessings for the twelve days of Christmas. She used Norman Rockwell paintings to illustrate each blessing and then used her own experiences to define each blessing in her life.
I decided to try to do the same thing…but find a variety of pictures or photos to illustrate each blessing. Here goes.
Every day I feel so blessed to have ended up in Summerville, South Carolina. It started with my first teaching job, after graduating from Erskine, at Alston Junior High in 1971-72. Little did I know that first year…that the little town (back then) would be home for me and my family for the rest of my life. I fell in love with Summerville quite quickly and I am even more in love with it today.
2. Blessing of Giving- Just the word, itself, immediately brings Honey Burrell’s face to light. I learned long ago…that you can’t out give Honey…it always ends in futility…so just say “Thank You” and more importantly “Love you” …and thank God for letting our lives intertwine.
3. Blessing of Light-The older I get the more drawn to light I become…and I believe it is more than just aging eyes….it is the wonder and beauty of the light against the darkness that fills me with such joy…physically and spiritually.
4. Blessing of Hope– Last year Georgia DuPree brought me this creative manger using the letters for HOPE. And that is what it is all about…Jesus brought us hope when there was none. Hope has seen me through the dark days of my life and I can’t imagine life without it.
5. Blessing of Music: Can you imagine a world without music, especially at Christmas? Brooke and I were a little sad at Henry and Lacy’s Episcopal church service in NYC that there were no Christmas hymns sung during the service so close to Christmas.
So when I returned this past Sunday I was looking forward to singing all my favorite Christmas hymns and once again…nada. Jeff said we were still waiting-still in Advent…the Christmas hymns would come Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the Sundays after. I can hardly wait! Joy to the World is calling my name. (U-tube can help us out right now)
This is a high spirited version sung by one of the top children’s choirs in our country. Listen and get ready to start snapping your fingers.
Joy to the World with Lyrics Christmas Carol … – YouTube
6. Blessing of Simplicity – This painting was always mother’s favorite every Christmas…Beth Edison gave it to me as a surprise after going to the National Storytelling Festival in Tennessee one year. The beauty of simplicity is illustrated as the little boy calls out “Oh Golly” in excitement over his one little toy. I love it too…it helps keep me grounded during the holidays.
7. Blessing of Family- Need I say anything here since you are a “captive” audience to family photos continually. Family is my life.
8. Blessing of Taste- Where do I begin with this one?….Oh, I know…Vickie, my neighbor and friend, sent her granddaughter over with a plate piled (double-decker high) with Christmas goodies…I have consumed about half the plate to date. When I was going through chemo I lost my taste buds for long periods of time…I could eat but nothing tasted right…now that they are back….life is good again!
9. Blessing of Touch-There can be no better feeling than a hug and a Christmas hug is even better than that…case in point last Saturday at lunch….
10. Blessing of Sight- This precious little mother bird has built a nest in the first bush on the right leaving the porch. Every time I step out on the porch it pokes up its head, recognizes me, chirps good morning, stretches, and stays perched on the bush for awhile just enjoying the day. Now I have “Big Red” and my bird in a bush! What a sight!
11. Blessing of Smell… I have been slow cooking a large pot of homemade vegetable soup all day and the smell has filled the house with yummy scents that come under the heading of comfort foods. Nothing takes us back to our childhood faster than an old familiar smell. I call this “Lucille’s soup” because mama made it about once a week when we were growing up…served with hot cornbread.
12. Blessing of Silence- Last night, soon after it turned dark…I went and sat out on the deck lighting two candles in my new candle holders (Thanks Honey) …it was perfect weather..just a little crisp like early fall (on the first official day of winter.)
I turned the fountain on so I could hear just a hint of water falling..and then completely tuned out everything else….until I became enveloped in the pure, quiet silence of peace. I was in a lovely place.
So until tomorrow…May all the blessings that you desire come to you and may you be a blessing to others.
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
I want to share Joan Turner’s original Christmas card this year with all of you…I can hardly wait each Christmas to get it…it is like receiving a mini-painting for posterity.
Joan also mentioned that there might be another reason why “Jospeh” figurines suddenly disappear from nativity scenes each year. Very interesting…

St. Joseph Home Sale
AMEN to all of this blog! I know I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams and we are so lucky to be here in this part of the World for sure. I have been here all my life and will remain here until the Lord takes me home! I believe Heaven for me will be like the Lowcountry where I am always at peace. Thank you for reminding me of all the ways I am blessed. My Christmas wish is that everyone will come to know the blessings the Lord has given us. May your blessings be many and I wish you a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for all your inspiration through your blogs. I can’t and don’t want to ever not have the pleasure of reading your blog and I am not sure how I lived without reading your blogs! You too are a blessing to me! So again Merry Christmas to your and your family. I feel I am a member of your Family and it’s amazing how you make us all feel we are your Family. You are a light in the darkness a true child of God!
Well, Johnny, you went and did it…you have me in tears…but happy ones. i hope for you and all your family blessings every single day and a little bit of Christmas in each day.
Hi Becky,
I’m a tad late in reading Tuesday’s blog; granddaughters came over yesterday (Tues.) & were here all day – making cookies and melted peppermint candy ornaments. Busy day yesterday!
So here I am wide awake at 4 a.m. today (Weds.) and finally got up at 5. This blog for Tues. (awaiting the posting of Weds.’s blog) was perfect! Loved all the 12 blessings of Christmas you mentioned! The pix naturally made me think of things I want to do. Like the pineapple centerpiece shown with Honey! One of these days I’d like to make one of those. They are SO elegant looking, and that’s how the colonials decorated for Christmas – with natural foods used in things like wreaths and centerpieces!
St. Joseph: I learned of this “selling” tool back in 1997, when we first put our house in VA up for sale. Don’t remember who told it to me, but I just remember hearing of it. So, we dutifully “planted” ol’ Joseph! However, the legend you linked us to says he goes in the front yard; we were instructed (not sure if these were printed on a sheet that came with the little statue; probably was) to plant him in the back yard, not the front. Maybe that’s why our house didn’t sell right away. (LOL) After 6 months, we took the house off the market and then relisted it shortly thereafter – leaving Joseph stuck in the back yard. The house did sell, of course, but by the time it did, the ground was pretty hard (sold in Jan. 1998) and we couldn’t remember where we put poor ol’ Joe! Sigh. We totally forgot about this legend when it came time to sell our house in the ‘ville!
Love the pot of homemade soup! I LOVE a big pot of homemade soup, whether it’s vegetable, split pea, chili, or whatever! Mmmm, mmmm, good!!!
And those candlestick holders are marvelous! I’ll bet Honey made them, didn’t she?! It looks like they’re little clay pots nesting one inside the other! Cute!
Well, it’s now after 6 a.m., so I’ll proceed to read today’s blog! Love, love, love reading your blog daily! And, I agree with what Johnny Johnson said: your writings make me feel like I’m a part of your family! I “know” them all so well! (And, yet, they have NO CLUE who I am!!! Heehee!!)
Blessings on you and yours for a beautiful, blessed, and musical Christmas!!! (I, too, miss not hearing the carols in church – but that’s Advent: waiting.)
Much love,