The Flow of Life…


Dear Reader:

One thing I have learned about plants and their natural life cycles, through gardening, is to let them “Go with the flow.” Instead of trying to force them to produce buds longer than naturally obtained…we need to enjoy them during their high tide flow and equally respect and let them go during their ebb flow. There really is a time for everything on earth.

414f9njAaIL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_As I started pulling some websites on the ‘flow of life’…I came across this book by Eric Butterworth and found myself reading all the “free pages.” I loved his thoughts on “Going with the flow” through life.

These are two of my favorites.

“Life is a flowing experience, and within every person is an inlet that may become an outlet to all there is in God.”

“Because life is an ever-changing flow we need to look at every circumstance and then affirm: “I accept the reality of the situation, but not its permanence”

I think that I have developed a deeper understanding of the flow of life and my appreciation for it as I have grown older and compiled more diverse life experiences. I have decided that ‘going with the flow’ is like entering and leaving a door.


Every time we enter a door…there is always the possibility of change lurking behind it. I always glance around when it is my home to make sure everything looks the “same.” But even when we enter doors into our personal lives…we know that change is constant.

Just pull out old photo albums and we readily see how change has taken place within our homes, our bodies. My front door now is a rich glowing brown….while the back of the door remains “haint blue” to keep out the Boo Hags and Boo Daddies from entering.


Once we leave the security of our home through the (now) exit door… we know  that all types of unexpected ‘changes’ can take place “out there” ( from fender-bumpers to chance meetings with old friends.)

There is no way to avoid the ‘flow of life’ ….it will find you wherever you hide because life goes on and we can find new opportunities for love and happiness if we keep moving along with it.

“Little c” has taught me that “getting in the flow of life puts us in healing streams, the flow of the creative process, and the illuminating guidance of life.”

Every summer one of the local television channels (parked usually at Breech Inlet) warns viewers about dangerous rip currents. The advice is always the same: Don’t try to swim against the rip current…but swim parallel to it…follow the flow… until you can get past the strong pull of the currents.

Isn’t that what we need to learn about life?…It’s all about letting go and allowing ourselves to flow with life’s pull…we might end up at a different place than where we started but the new location might be just the change we needed in our lives to find joy and good health.

So until tomorrow…Let us contemplate the truth that “We are unique and different at the surface. There can be no other”eachness” quite like us. And yet we have no existence outside of the whole…the “Allness” which is God.”

“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh

*I found this white cactus at Bombadils…(title photo)…don’t you love it…just a tinge of pink on a few buds? Here are some pictures of flowers sent in and some in my yard….thought today would be a good time to show them one last time and say “Good-bye”…it’s time for them to follow their “flow” into a dormant state for awhile.

Gin-g sent the following photo of these flowers….saying: “Only in the South”….

20151130_112806 (1)

I think this following photo might have come from Libby…it is hard to tell with mobile numbers instead of names on pictures….but another geranium and pink daisy are still popping out to say hello on the first day in December. One of my moon flower buds is close to opening if the colder weather doesn’t get it tonight.









“Big Red” is proudly standing  taller on the white bench… down below the Christmas wreath…“All’s right with the world.

IMG_8650Today I, also, remember my little brother David…he was born December 3, 1951. I love you. I miss you Da-bo! (pronounced Day-Bo)

*Help! I need your help. I have three little throw pillows that have a little plastic pouch on them to put a photo in for three grandchildren’s first Christmas…I have Eva Cate, Rutledge, and Jakie’s pillows …bu I need another Baby First Christmas (really any kind of Christmas pillow with a pocket for a photo will do) and I can’t find one on-line or in stores.”

If you do see one on-line or while out shopping…I will love you forever if you will let me know… I can’t bear the thought of little Lachlan not having his Christmas pillow…along with his sibling and cousins.


* Don’t forget…Honey’s Holidays Pottery Sale is this Saturday, December 5, from 9-2 at 111 Ayers Circle in Salisbury Acres-Summerville. Besides all the neat pottery I love seeing everyone again…so much fun…so come join in the fun this Saturday! See you there!


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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3 Responses to The Flow of Life…

  1. Brooke says:


  2. Becky Dingle says:

    And how he adored you my friend…in those days I remember a close friendship with others meant accepting David as he was….you not only did that…but loved him to boot and he loved you back so much…you were a ray of sunshine in his life with each visit!

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