Discovering And/Or Deleting



Dear Reader:

Isn’t the discovery that you have left something behind fall into two “Oh No!” categories. Coming in at number 1: Your cell phone and/or Iphone. (2) Your charger to your cell phone or Iphone.

When I left Mandy’s Saturday afternoon I did leave with my Iphone because I usually check that three or four times before leaving…after all I usually have future blog post photos with me.

I thought the other day when I saw a commercial about the dangers of texting or talking on your Iphone while driving… that if I ever have an accident…it will because I am frantically driving with my left hand while with my right hand I am feeling all around (inside and out) my pocketbook.

I have even been known to perform a strange contortion with my body… as I drive with my left hand and scrounge the back seat floor with my right.

(Cause of death: Direct Cause: Contorting While Driving – Indirect Cause: Mis-placed Iphone)

As soon as I got home Saturday I went to charge my Iphone and the discovery that I had left my charger in John and Mandy’s den hit me full force. I could see myself charging it from the night before (Friday night) and then remembering to take the Iphone to Five Loaves for the birthday luncheon and also remembering that I didn’t take my charger out of the electric socket.

I emailed Mandy and asked if she could stick it in the mail Monday so I could hopefully get it Tuesday. The phone lasted longer than I thought it would…it was still “alive” Sunday morning and I was even able to squeeze out a few precious  shots of Mollie and the boys when they came to visit Boo Boo yesterday afternoon.

But then it died….I went ‘charger scrounging’ in the neighborhood (in the darkness late yesterday afternoon) and I must be living right…because Vickie, my lateral across-the- street-neighbor had a charger and it fit like a glove!! (What are the odds?) So I charged it up while I grabbed a bite of supper and then returned it. (Vickie…you were my guardian angel last night!)

Don’t we always have a feeling that if our Iphone has lost its “juice” then that is exactly when we will miss an important call? Perhaps it is a call about a promotion, or a  health report from a loved one, or an invitation to something we want to attend…any number of things. It is scary how our Iphones have almost become another “appendage” on our bodies.

I was able to use the time while waiting on the Iphone to charge last night to “delete”  “delete” “delete!” I had so many photos on my desktop that it was taking eons to locate a picture for the blog post. It felt so good to “clean house.”  

This next “discovery” was quite frustrating. It involved a (temporary) scare with my heating unit. For literally two months (since getting my renovations, and especially, my new windows installed I have not turned on my cooling/heating unit at all.) Great savings!

However, Saturday afternoon, when I returned I felt a chill in the house, I bit the bullet and turned on the heat…only nothing happened. I took it off auto and put it on “on” and still nothing. The house was getting down-right cold.

I had my first fire Saturday night….necessity is the mother of invention and then I placed my electric heating pad on my bed and hoped for the best. Sometime early in the morning I heard a familiar noise…and breathed a sigh of relief. All my thoughts that had kept me awake (on how to pay for a new heating unit) were “deleted.“.

Since I woke up early I made it to Sunday School and church…I owed God a proper “Thank You.”

Jump to Sunday Afternoon…When the Dingle Boys Came to Town…riding on a dolphin!










Rutledge always rides “Hope” the dolphin first, runs to the “magic” closet to pull Uncle Tommy’s Hess trucks out to play with, checks out the garden and snacks.

Yesterday…we got to add a visit to Uncle Harvey and Aunt Doodle’s house. Mollie took Lachlan to the store with her….so Rutledge and I hurried over to the coolest house on the block with the best toys and playhouse around. (My Iphone had gone “belly-up” by now…so no photos.)

But imagine listening to Uncle Harvey, with his beautiful tenor voice, sing Christmas songs and even perform (with a lot of help from the “peanut gallery”) “The Wheels on the Bus.” Too much fun! What an early, unexpected, Christmas gift!

*I just went to check my Iphone and it says it is 100% charged…all is right with the world. I will run it back across the street and give Vickie a hug for being the right person I needed at the right time.

So until tomorrow….don’t you bet God wishes we were as concerned about our communication with Him  as we are with our Iphones? After all…He is free and it was  His Son who took on the terrible cost for our on-going free access to His Father.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh


Happy Happy Birthday Jackson! I know it is somewhat bittersweet this year…but can’t we feel God’s Hand at work….and when His new painting is complete…it will be img_0596-jpgspectacular! Brooke and I can hardly wait to join you tomorrow in all the celebration!




*I “discovered” this picture Kaitlyn put on Facebook and I was quite relieved…As mothers we never stop worrying about our children (adult or not) when they are on the road. We always want to know that they arrived safely. It appears they did…have the most wonderful time of your lives!








About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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4 Responses to Discovering And/Or Deleting

  1. Sis Hagen Kinney says:

    Good morning, Becky!
    Good post today – we’re all in that boat with you from time to time! Isn’t it amazing how totally dependent we seem to feel we are on our phones these days?! We dare not leave the house without it! (“Don’t leave home without it” was a slogan for something entirely different, eh?)
    Was wondering what the status was on Jackson’s house? I don’t recall reading what the outcome had been: is she able to rebuild/repair/restore? She’s definitely been in my prayers.
    Am going to ask that you add to YOUR prayers my sister-in-law Marilyn; she was just diagnosed last week with “little c” — breast cancer. Will have to undergo biopsy & MRI to see if it’s anyplace else and then meet to discuss whether chemo and/or radiation will be needed before surgery. Such a shock. But, I thought I’d ask the “pioneer little c queen” for assistance in the prayer department. (Note the lack of capitalization!) Thanks. I know every little prayer helps!
    Have a “mahvelous” Monday! We head to our new home on Weds.; weather up here begins each day in the low 30’s, and gradually gets to mid 50’s. Guess we’re done until the Spring!
    Much love,

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Sis….we will get the prayers going for Marilyn…what a shock…apparently around the holidays…but we will attack swiftly and without hesitation with prayers!

      Jackson is still in limbo…waiting on city council to give her and the contractor the green sign to rebuild…this is the hardest part….she has done all she can do….now it is just wait time. Thanks for your continued prayers.

  2. Cindy Ashley says:

    Suggestion – go to Verizon store and buy another charger. They sell them separately. Keep one at home and one for travel. That way you are always “charged up”.

  3. Becky Dingle says:

    I am definitely getting another…it is so frustrating to be out of the loop…I agree.

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