IT Was a Glorious Day! A Day for the Memories!



Dear Reader:

Yesterday was one of those spectacularly beautiful days that you remember years after the day is over. The whole family was able to attend this year ….which made me so happy…with grandchildren in tow…which makes me even happier! (*We missed you Carrie this year…but hope you had a wonderful time at PC!)

Rutledge and Lachlan were “rolling 4 Boo” in their wagon…they rolled in after the team picture was made…so the Dingle Family is a special addendum to the team photo.

As you saw from the earlier blog…we were all up by 5:00 a.m. yesterday morning with toothpicks keeping our eyes open….coffee perked up Brookie and Anne and my cold caffeine did the same for me….along with Anne’s wonderful muffins….and then we were off. *Brookie really liked her coffee!


Lassie looked so cute in her “Lassie Longstocking” attire….it stayed pretty chilly for most of the race and the longstockings came in good. We checked out all the entertainment and vendors while waiting on the Survivor’s Ceremony.


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The “Dingle” girls (Lassie and Doodle showed off their hoolahoop skills)


Then we were off to the Survivor’s Ceremony…it was in a different location this year and we agreed that we like the stadium better because family and friends couldn’t see any of us down on the grass standing in front of a platform…but it was still fun with good dance music and beautiful pink roses! *I was there to see Harriett Edwards celebrate her 10th anniversary…free from cancer….a wonderful celebration!



Tommy and Kaitlyn arrived during the ceremony and then we all headed back to our team meeting place to wait for the others. We didn’t have long to wait for John, Mandy, Eva Cate and Jakie to arrive…Eva Cate felt compelled to explain the race to her little brother.




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Walsh, Mollie and the boys arrived next….As soon as Rutledge saw the pink and red firetrucks….he and Eva Cate took off running. He even got to ring the bell….a small slice of heaven for a little boy.

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And then the race was on…we saw beautiful homes and creative decorations for fall and Halloween…everyone cheered us on…Brooke and I found a bench which was quite welcoming and then we “staged” a quite dramatic finish to our “race.”


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Anne was the only one of us who truly walked the whole 5 K race. The rest of us, unknowingly to the others, were taking “small” detours to get back to the finish line. (John’s breakfast casserole was on our mind)

Anne, not only, walked it all she bumped into Mary Lee’s grandson (from the Citadel) and observed heart-warming stories of true courage (which I will share with you in a later blog)



Of all the funny and cute outfits walking and running the race…Anne discovered one that sent a powerful message. The hidden, anonymous face of cancer….lurking inside people of all races, ages, and professions. Cancer doesn’t discriminate but attacks anyone at anytime….the faceless mask of fallen dreams. (And Anne’s spectacular finish to the race)!


And then we were off to John and Mandy’s for a brunch celebrating “Legally Pink”s successful 2015 Race for the Cure. (Thanks to all of you we, not only, met our goal but went over it….Susan Johnson…you took us over the top Friday night….thank you!)

It was also Mollie’s birthday weekend….we had a lot to celebrate and be thankful for….all these family celebrations remind me what a blessed woman I am.




I think this birthday picture is a perfect ending to a perfect day. Celebrating birthdays is always a victory over cancer…it makes me smile. Today, we also, walked for the future, as seen in the faces of Eva Cate and Rutledge. Health and happiness!

So until tomorrow….Let us remember to count our blessings for the friends and family God has given us…to travel along our same journey through life. *Brooke and Anne….I am afraid you are stuck now going every year…you added too much  fun to the day…we celebrate both of you.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh (It really is!)

  • IMG_7706Go Clemson….You kept the day my favorite day in sports too. Yesterday both teams could be happy…nice weekend!




About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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6 Responses to IT Was a Glorious Day! A Day for the Memories!

  1. Honey Burrell says:

    What a great day! The pictures were fabulous 😄👍!
    Yes, family and friends are the greatest gifts!
    God is good! Love you lots, Honey

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    Thank you Honey….you are right about the greatest gifts.

  3. Harriett Edwards says:

    Thank you for including me in your celebration May God bless us both with many more celebrations. Love you.

  4. Becky Dingle says:

    God bless us one and all!

  5. Cindy Ashley says:

    Blessings Becky and greetings from Seville.

    😀 Cindy

  6. Johnny Johnson says:

    Looks as though y’all had fun in a very important event! I think it’s great your whole Family was there to Celebrate the Victory over little c for you and all the other survivors! I pray nearly every day thst God will grant the knowledge to mankind for a cure for all little c types! It is a terrible disease and sometimes the treatment is so bad and so hard on the individuals that it is hard to see and sticks in ones mind forever! I lost a Sister to Little c and an Aunt and it was bad watching them go through the treatments. But thanks to the Cancer Society treatments have improved and don’t seem to be as hard on the body as they once were. We give yearly to the Cancer Society and Foundation for the cure. Next year I think we will wait and make our donation to Legally Pink. I have a friend battling little c right now and seems to be winning at this point. Just released from a lengthy hospital stay please keep him in your Prayers.

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