“It’s A Southern Thing…It’s a Caring Thing”


Dear Reader:

Yesterday was an amazing day…a day filled with surprises galore! Before I tell you about an astonishing wink that occurred….let me start with my thoughts about my garden and The Race for the Cure this year.

The most important lesson I have learned from cancer is to stop saving things for special occasions…every day we wake up IS a special occasion!!!

When I see something that I know will make one of the grandchildren happy or excited…I buy it thinking that I will save it for the next birthday or holiday…and then without fail…the very next time I see them…I find myself giving the gift to them. Why wait to make someone happy in the future when you can do it today?

As I walked around my garden yesterday and saw the flag that read “It’s a Southern Thing” in all its bright pinkness surrounded by southern expressions like “Well Bless Your Heart” or  “Just down the road”…it dawned on me that my flowers and the Race for the Cure have much in common. There is beauty in every flower in every stage of its life. (Even old, dried hydrangeas can be quite lovely.)


I want to take a moment to thank the countless, faceless cancer patients who came before me “just down the road” who tested new drugs so I could  have a chance at an extended life filled with every day surprises.

For this….I, sincerely, say “Bless your heart” and I will walk “down yonder” this Saturday with every cancer warrior on my mind. (And I will continue to test new drugs, as needed, for the ones who follow me.)

None of these warriors “lost” the battle…they simply won a place in heaven where at last each  can sit and rock on the front porch of God’s home… hearing God’s voice say: “Well done…my good and faithful servant.”  Their race is over but we, the living, must pick up the torch and continue the fight for the right of everyone to live out their lives free of this insidious disease..  

The “Pink” in my garden symbolizes love for one and all in this fight to eradicate breast cancer and all other cancers from our vocabulary..









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Inside…everything is coming up roses and lots of pinks for the Race for the Cure from my rose bushes!


I love this special vase by my computer because Jackson made it at a wine and art/paint class, several years ago, dedicated to the Race for the Cure/ Breast Cancer Month. She gave it to me with my dolphin symbol. It always makes me smile.


So Jackson…I will tell you what the dolphin told me: “All’s right with the world…all’s right with you, my friend. Everything is exactly as it should be in the universe and (in the end)  it will all turn out better than okay.”




11203154_836558329712835_4118476010560494553_nAnd now the God’s Wink….Wednesday night I had an email from a friend of mine from church, Karyn Smith, about a young man who worked on her computer earlier that day.

While chit-chatting he told her that he remembered me as a student in my eighth grade social studies class. Karyn said he was very personable, much more than reasonably priced for his time and services. She shared his company address and telephone number with me.

His name is Andrew Irizarry and he said I taught him in 1974….just a couple of years into my teaching career. Karyn shared some of the nice comments he had made about me and I emailed her back saying she had made my day.

I woke up yesterday, clicked on my computer and”Windows” was telling me that it couldn’t start my computer…sorry. “Oh no!” I thought in horror...not now with the Race two days away!” “All my pictures….Help!”  Then I remembered Karyn’s email…called the number she had given me… my ole’ eighth grade student.

He was shocked but delighted to hear from me…He said he would work me in and be by my house asap….He was…just a few hours later. We spent a chunk of time just catching up on our lives and then that wonderful man cleaned out my email boxes…all my deletes….got my security system up and running…my computer had a thorough physical and it has now passed with flying colors! Andrew even showed me how to re-create a backdrop for my desktop…beautiful.

So today…a big shout-out to my former student (Andrew Irizarry) (nicknamed “Izzy” now) and his company Izzy’s Mobile P.C. Service.. His prices are more than fair….less than anyone I have ever had do that kind of extensive work….you will be pleased…guaranteed!


So until tomorrow ….let us make each day precious in God’s sight and special in God’s grace…be with all of us in the Race… for mankind.

“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh

Brooke and Anne are spending the night (tonight) at the B&B (I think the flowers are showing off for their arrival…)

IMG_7721 Saturday morning we are meeting Lassie and Doodle at 6:00 am (ouch!) for “take-off”…“Oh the places we will go and the friends we will make and the photos I will take!”

I hope you feel my love and appreciation for helping “Legally Pink“close in on our personal and team goals!

P.S. As of last night we are now at 90% of our goal ($1354 of $1500……we are going to do this!)

P.S.S. Just a little hint of things to come…I feel rather “regal” this year….the queen is planning on “cutting the rug” Saturday…jiving down the road. (Thank you Cheyenne for taking this picture…she and her dad came bearing a piece of birthday cake….great neighbors!)




If you would still like to participate….here is the information for you. You just might be the one who takes our team over the top!!!




Address: Check and Electronic donation addresses

Mail to Susan G. Komen Lowcountry Race for the Cure –

50 Folly Road Charleston, SC 29407



About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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6 Responses to “It’s A Southern Thing…It’s a Caring Thing”

  1. Honey Burrell says:

    I will be with you and Legslly Ponk in spirit!
    Have a wonderful race my friend😄
    Love you lots,

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    We know you will spirit…where there is spirit…there lies Honey Burrell.

  3. Jo Dufford says:

    Have a wonderful time tomorrow! Thanks for Izzy’s name because one never knows about these machines. Love your crown and your dance step. I’ll be with you is spirit since I can’t be there in person. You go girl..and may all the Legally Pink team shine tomorrow.

  4. Gin-g Edwards says:

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I know that it will be a perfect day in every way. Thanks for the tip about the computer guy…may have to call him soon.

  5. Becky Dingle says:

    You are welcome…I know the race will be memorable.

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