BOO! It’s Time for Pink to Bloom Again!


Dear Reader:

With the Labor Day Weekend over (hope everyone enjoyed it!) our eyes now turn to the next family/friend event….The Race for the Cure! Seven years…and we are still going strong…in health, loyalty, and love!

I really grow emotional thinking about it…there is always one moment during the walk when I pause and ‘ come up for air’…I look around at all the family and friend supporters out there walking and running  for this cause…so near and dear to my heart (literally so near and dear to my heart) and thank God for placing me in this amazing family and circle of friends. Truly Boo’s Blessing!

I wonder if Lachlan will be a “Boob Man” this year…following in his big brother, Rutledge’s footsteps from the 2013 Race for the Cure. This will be Jakie’s first walk…well, first stroll, since he was only three weeks old last year and he got an “official pardon.” (Lachlan got a “free” ride from mom last year)








Eva Cate has already gotten some breast cancer pink walking shoes for the race and she insisted on wearing them the first day of school this year. She is our walking poster child for breast cancer and the race….go Eva Cate!

Lachlan’s and Jakie’s first race is coming up….they are beginning to work out to get ready:

  1. Jakie is practicing ‘stretching’ for home plate across the finish line…11951409_10153045537356434_4982883483871614972_n







2) Lachlan is doing his warm-up leg exercises in preparation and “tiger on the prowl” motions:











There were signs everywhere yesterday morning that it was time to gear up for the race-even the garden was giving me a gentle reminder…the rains had sent much wanted nourishment to the flowers and suddenly “pink”  was all around!



This year we are sticking with “Legally Pink” for our team name because we realized that changing our name each year caused some confusion at the local headquarters… they just recently realized that  ‘chapelofhopestories,’ the ‘boo-boo owies,’ the ‘dingle-jingles, “dawdling dingles” etc. were all one and the same team.

When I stopped by headquarters last year to make a donation deposit…we  started talking about how long our team (with the different names) has walked….they were excited and proud of the level of fundraising we had been able to do for a team our size.

Tommy has graciously agreed to be our captain again this year and head it up for “Legally Pink.” Since he is now ‘gainfully’ employed as a lawyer (thank Brooks Styles!!!) we thought we would stick with this name for awhile.

So we basically have about six weeks until starting time and once again we are asking for your support…come walk/run with us or make a donation …either way it takes us farther along the path to getting rid of this insidious disease that robs families of loved ones…way too soon.

*This year I am going to make a big banner for us to hold before the race with the names of loved ones you are walking for and/or donating to….we will take a photo for the blog publication and I will also be glad to email the photo directly to you ! We will start collecting names a couple of weeks before the race…which is October 17!!!

We walk for those, also, who have not  been born yet…our dream is that one day a whole generation will simply read about this disease in history books…a disease that once was….much like other obscure diseases now from ages past.

And speaking of the past: Our first grandchild’s (Eva Cate) stroll for Grandmother Boo-Boo –  2010.






Here is the link that should take you to our team site….and more information will be on-going as we get our act in gear this week. If you have trouble getting in on this link….let me know and we can help you.

Thank you, in advance, for your continued support and love…I can not imagine this portion of my life journey without you in it!

So until tomorrow…. BOO! May we all unite in love and compassion for those whose lives have been detoured because of breast cancer…any cancer…and help eliminate this obstacle- to- life for others.

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“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

  • FullSizeRenderHoney saw this teeny tiny little orange morning glory and thought it was saying “Boo!” to me!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to BOO! It’s Time for Pink to Bloom Again!

  1. Harriett Edwards says:

    Ed and I will be walking to celebrate my 10th year of being cancer free. It has been quite a decade. Not sure but first grandson may be able to join us. He is one week old today. Congratulations to you and your wonderful team.

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