What a Wonderful World!

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Dear Reader:

Since my savings definitely took a dip from all the home renovations…(a well-worth-it dip…but still a dip)…I have been trying to get creative by using old “stuff” in new places to fix up other areas of the house.

I have had to break down and get a few new purchases… like mums for the front porch, orange flowers, and my “Boo’s Blessing” Plaque but Big Red is back on the newly painted white bench… and I am praying it will bloom again soon.

IMG_7079The blog title picture I actually ordered because the refrigerator on the B&B side is old with some little rust stains (which even Mr. Clean’s Magical White Pad won’t get off.) The poster is actually a stick-on art wall decal. * Great idea for covering up “oldness” with “newness.”

Wheatpaste Art Collective Posters That Stick Wall Decal What a Wonderful World by Katie Daisy, 18 by 18-Inch)

On an earlier post I was bemoaning the fact that the grass in my garden was winning the fight this summer….shooting up in and around the pretty flowers and plants. The summer has simply been too hot to pull grass each day.

When Ernie, my yard man, came yesterday I took him back to the garden…and pointed out all the garden “stuff” piled up on the yellow bench. I told him I removed all the garden decor, placing it all on the yellow bench…and all around it to clear out the garden as much as possible..

I then said, “Ernie, today you are going to take that weed-eater and eat up all the grass in the garden….I will stand right here by you to point out weeds from flowers…but we are going to do this…are you game?” He just laughed and it gave me such joy to see the weed-eater consume  90% of the grass mounds around the plants and flowers. Victory was in our grasp!

After he left…I looked at all the garden “stuff” on the bench and then looked at how nice the garden looked without it and re-evaluated what would return and what would be tossed or given to Goodwill.



Last week the furniture and hangings, on the deck, were taken out and placed around the yard so the workers could paint the trim and insert the windows. When it came time to return the items to the deck, the workers asked me where I wanted them placed and suddenly I didn’t want all the items replaced. The deck looked so much better with less “stuff.”

(I will have to replace my HOPE letters, however, because my deck can never be hopeless….especially since Hope the Dolphin has now moved to the deck.  I think I will put the new cloth letters up on the banister beside her.)

IMG_7086IMG_7087I want to leave the entrance to my bedroom open now…so I can go straight out on the deck  in the mornings.

IMG_7089IMG_7090I am sure I will add a little something more…but not much more!


Because I am now proceeding (like The Garden Song) tells us to do….“inch by inch, row by row, I’m gonna make my garden grow…All it takes is a rake and a hoe (and a big weed-eater) and a piece of fertile land.”

Dave Mallett – Garden Song – YouTube

My new Boo’s Blessing, inside and out, still looks familiar, yet different….same old items in new locations and ‘less is best’ rules. For me this does bring forth that “wonderful world” we all seek!

“So until tomorrow…”Tread slowly but carry a big weed-eater!

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

*I have some sad news to share with all of you concerning Rudy….the lymph glands indicate the cancer has spread….our little fur ball of love and loyalty…the perfect little dog to put a smile on our faces and love in our hearts. He makes this world more wonderful for simply being in it. We love you Rudy!11990684_10101333140727304_7172234641077985046_n

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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1 Response to What a Wonderful World!

  1. Johnny Johnson says:

    I am so sorry about Rudy! Please tell your Daughter I am so sorry. They are like losing a family member!
    Funny though about your deck. We are in the process of staining our deck that’s about one year old and we ended up throwing away or should I say gave away all the old stuff off our deck. right now we have two chairs for now. We went yesterday and bought a table that has the heater in the middle that runs off of propane and you put the pretty stones in it so they get hot and make pretty colors. But you remove the rocks and cut off the gas or remove the tank and there is a stainless steel plate that moves over to allow an umbrella to be inserted. We got two double gliders and two chairs that swivel and rock made by the Amish called poly wood. It will become the center piece of the deck and still have room for the gas grill, and our flower pots and stands. So we can sit outside all year long in comfort! We can have company come and sit outside because now we seat 6. The funny is you did a similar thing by getting rid of a lot of stuff. And boy did we need to get rid of ours. The last time it was replaced was like in the 1990s! This Poly Wood is supposed to last forever, so we may never buy any more deck furnishings. I am sure there will be some plants and things added but that will be all.

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