Perfectly Imperfect


Dear Reader:

I had some sort of epiphany after leaving Doug Cargill’s office (my Horace Mann “rep” and old friend) yesterday.

But before I tell you what happened…let me fill you in with my visit to sign away a lot of savings…it’s just money…right?

I went in and told him that I had a fairy tale for him before I put a big hole in my annuity fund. He sat back with a big grin and said…”Tell it girl!

Once upon a time a beautiful young princess happened to look down at the royal palace’s entrance floor and saw a big crack in it followed by a distinctive un-leveling floor base.

She immediately told her mother, the queen, who stared in horror at the dipping cement. “Oh no” she said….this can’t be happening because the royal cement floor  holds up my two royal columns which then holds up my royal roof. “

“This is supposed to be a fairy tale…not a horror story” the Queen lamented…feeling quite alone and forlorn. Pity party…Pity party!

Maybe you should think of selling all of this royal “stuff” and finding something closer to your children and grandchildren”...suggested the beautiful princess.

I couldn’t ever leave my Happy Room, my delightful deck and my magic moon gate garden that I built for my royal grandchildren with trees in the process of bearing their royal names in stately stature. These are my sanctuaries that bring me much joy.”

Besides... I have fixed up almost all the royal rooms…new paint, new appliances, new fixtures…it is so close to being perfect…I can’t throw it all away.”

… “So even if it drains most of the royal funds…I will rebuild and save the kingdom…it might never be perfect…but, to me, it will be close enough…perfectly imperfect.”perfectly imperfect!

And so the queen called in the royal workers and told them to do what  needed to be done to keep the royal roof from falling in on her royal crown…  to rebuild the royal palace so it can entertain family and friends for years to come…filled with laughter and love.

This command was perfectly “imperfected” throughout the royal palace…because nothing on earth should ever try to be perfect…we have to wait until we go live in God’s Kingdom for that!”


Doug laughed and said that “the royal paperwork was ready to sign” so I can finish the completion of the “Perfectly Imperfect” happy home!”

I had been dreading that visit to remove hard-earned savings… so that is why I tried to lighten the mood and  conversation.  It ended up with Doug and myself just laughing at getting older, becoming perfectly imperfect “seniors” who are just happy to have these earthly problems…if we have a problem, that means we are still alive and kicking!

Once I let the money issue go…it actually was quite freeing. On the way home I felt almost giddy…like an albatross was off my back.

It was then that the epiphany hit me. I was never meant to have a whole lot of money because I would never have been forced to become more creative which was and is my passion.

I appreciate every penny I have now…that would not be the case if I had too much more than I needed…I would think that I was totally in control of my life and put God in the back seat along my journey.

Instead I am so appreciative of my deck,my garden, and home…where I can commune with God…to form a daily reliance on Him. Instead of relegating God to the back seat… God will take his seat up front to direct my journey.

So until tomorrow…God, You know us so well…what we can and can’t handle…so all we need from You is Your assurance that You will always love our “Perfectly Imperfect” selves!

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

Walsh sent me the following video about a conversation he had with Rutledge about his name….Walsh is telling him that his name is Rutledge Dickey Dingle while Rutledge denounces that name for Rut Rut Ding-Truck!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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6 Responses to Perfectly Imperfect

  1. Jo Dufford says:

    You could write another book of short stories of personal experiences. That was too cute and creative. You understand how to put everything in the proper perspective, and that, my friend, is why you are such a great inspiration to those who have the privilege to read your blog each day. The video gave me a good chuckle to start the day…I believe Rut Rut won the debate. He is adorable, but you know that, because he is one of the little princes in your life-story.

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    That is so sweet Jo….it is fun to take problems out of reality and look at them from a different perspective…and I think Rut Rut Ding-Truck won the debate too!

  3. Shelly Baker says:

    Oh my gosh, Rut Rut Ding Truck is priceless! A child’s precious giggle, which comes from their very core, is pure tonic for the soul. I love the dichotomy between the story about “worldly problems” finished up with the laughter of a grandchild. If ever there was perspective in life, that is perfection in summing up what really matters. I’m glad the castle is being shored up. After all, don’t we all need a little shoring up from time to time? It is the place where you have found joy, peace, contentment, purpose, and your happily ever after. Enjoy your happy place! ❤️

    • Becky Dingle says:

      You are right Shelly….children’s peals of laughter are better than all the money in the world! And yes…I was thinking I should probably get a “make-over” to match my home now…a good “shoring” up! Thanks for your sweet comments….love you Shelly!

  4. Cherry says:

    Love the message as always Becky! Especially love the video of Walsh and Rut Rut Ding Truck! Precious!

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