God’s Special Gifts of Healing and Friendship


Dear Reader:

When I got this picture from Anne Wednesday morning….taken from a cottage on Cape Cod…I thought… Wow! From Motel Six to this in one day? The picture looks like the front covers of some of my summer romance mysteries I have been reading as of late.

Anne emailed me back and said that by the time she arrived in Boston…treatment strategies had completely changed….chemo instead of surgery…and lots and lots of tests….which all of us (who have been through a battery of tests for anything) …can contest is physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing.

So when a friend, Sherri, offered her Cape Cod home to Anne and “Nance” they quickly packed up their belongings from Motel Six and scurried to Cape Cod.

Later yesterday afternoon Anne sent more pictures of their walks around the Cape. The doctors and specialists had all gotten their turn Tuesday but Wednesday was God’s turn to provide the best medicine around…nature at its “healing-ness”!

I can tell that Sherri is one of those friends who one already knows and can immediately identify as an angel… while in the moment….you don’t have to wait until the “Sherri’s” are gone to recognize their heavenly status quo.

If each of these pictures was a different bottle of medicine…one would be hard pressed to know which one would prove most beneficial in the fight against “little c.” Collectively taken…the body would just absorb all the richness (from them) that life can offer for sustainability.

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I am one of those strange creatures who can thrive in the waiting arena of life quite happily. I remember after my first surgery there was a week interval before going to see the surgeon on all the results that emerged from the operation and biopsies.

Everyone else was a nervous wreck…but I was just happy for each day I had before the surgeon visit….I am still pretty much that way….if ignorance is bliss…then let me just stay ignorant and enjoy God’s blessings and bliss for my daily nutrients.

So Anne and “Nance”….soak in the sunshine, the salt water, the sounds of sea gulls, and lapping waves upon the shore…these are your guardian angels reassuring you that you are one with the universe and an important part of the puzzle.


When the doorbell rang yesterday I thought it might be Linda Karges-Bone who had emailed me to let me know that she would be leaving some bread in the mailbox. Can hardly wait Linda.

Instead there stood the amiable Jo Dufford and her precious granddaughter Colby. They had a bag full of books of notable quotables and daily pamphlet anecdotes…enough to keep me going for a long time…if I ever run out of ideas for the blog. I even got some gardenia soap which smells so good!

What are friends for…except to help us along our path when we trip or stumble over any kind of obstacle…even one named an idea….or lack of…?

We all went out in the garden…and then Jo invited me to join her and Colby for a tea party lunch at Time Well Spent. I jumped on the invitation. One of my favorite places to eat and laugh with friends!

I knew I was supposed to come along when I looked down and saw my old china set of Lennox in the plate I was given…what are the odds? I gave all my wedding china to Mandy several years ago and it was so good to see my “old friend” again.


Colby was telling me that she and grandmother Jo had created a bucket’s list for the summer of things they wanted to do together….(I told her it could be called a beach pail list) ….their list included beach trips, movies, historical places and for yesterday...Bee City was on their itinerary after lunch)

*I warned them to look out for a particularly nasty-tempered alpaca with an attitude who lives there…I remember it spitting a wad of yuckiness at poor Eva Cate when she was a little toddler.



So until tomorrow…May we count our blessings in clouds, sea gulls, waves, family and adorable friends…they all enrich our lives.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

  • I kept Rutledge and Lachlan for Walsh and Mollie last evening for them to get out for awhile to a concert on Daniel Island. Lachlan, particularly, changes dramatically from visit to visit…he is so strong it is unbelievable…he can almost take me and he isn’t even five months yet.
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I tried to get a picture of both boys in the rocking recliner…but Lachlan kept throwing himself across Rutledge which made him start laughing. (As long as Lachlan didn’t get his truck he was most tolerant with his little brother’s antics.)


While Lachlan took a little cat nap we got pj’s on Rutledge and then walked next door to see the neighbors’ chickens…their squawking tickled Rutledge’s funny bone.

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I took pictures of both boys asleep….dreaming dreams of new adventures and of course trucks. Sleep tight all through the night my little boys of Nod!





downloadWhen I got home a bag was hanging on my door handle from Linda Karges Bone…I was so excited…a midnight snack of homemade herb bread with the most delicious garlic olive oil for drippings (still smacking my lips)…. Thank you Linda!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to God’s Special Gifts of Healing and Friendship

  1. Jo Dufford says:

    I really enjoyed yesterday with you. Your garden is amazing; no wonder you enjoy it so much. Thanks for being spontaneous and joining us for lunch. Time Well Spent is just one of S’ville’s special little secrets. They have really done a lot to Bee City since we were last there. The walk-in cage of parakeets,canaries etc. was a new experience for me. The new cages for animals and rocked-walk-ways are very nice. Just skip the spitters, and Eva Kate will love feeding the other animals. Rutledge and Lachlan are such beautiful boys. Just makes me, a grandma, want to hug and even squeeze them a little. I will pray for “Nance” and Anne. I know how important a sister’s love is.

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    Yesterday was one of God’s best surprises yet…a double-good surprise with my favorite grandmother-grandaughter team….you two are adorable…I just hope Eva Cate and I can have a relationship like yours.

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