Dear Reader:
What a ride the Ya’s have been on….the past two days have been a whirlwind and we wouldn’t have had it any other way!
When James Taylor started his first song of the concert…Secret o’ Life from his album James Taylor’s Greatest Hits…the lyrics hit me (once again) like a ton of cement!
I had forgotten how beautiful these lyrics were and the theme rang true for each of us…as we were pinching ourselves that we were all here together again….after some trying life challenges…and listening to this beautiful song sung by such a kind-hearted entertainer.
Our “James,” like us, is part of the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation…so as we look and listen to this popular entertainer…we are reminded that all of us have gone through our own “fire and rain” by this stage in our lives.
This truth makes for a special kinship and bond among us survivors of life...still here...still smiling... and still dancing to James Taylor!
In the song Secret o’ Life…Taylor reminds us about the most important things we should remember as we ‘slide and glide‘ through life…and these are:
1) Enjoy the ride…don’t try to overthink it…just go with it (Live in the moment)
2) Keep our hearts open to love
3) It’s okay to be afraid…just don’t let it stand in your way
4) Everyone should know that love is the only road
5) Time isn’t’s just our point of view -how it feels to you
6) The Secret o’ Life is enjoying the passage of time.
* Take a minute and enjoy the song once again
James Taylor – Secret O’ Life (With lyrics) – YouTube
Since time isn’t real...let’s go backwards through yesterday…preparations for the pre-concert activities concluded at Jackson’s house where she had a wonderful buffet and drinks for all of us Ya’s and brother Ben…who gave us a little musical concert before the concert…setting the stage with his birthday James Taylor cap worn backwards. Libby’s gift was the hit! We were ready! (* Brooke was really in the “spirit” as you will see!)
Libby had brought cupcakes and we again celebrated Ben’s birthday and we had something else to celebrate too…Ben has found or perhaps the more accurate description…a publisher has found Ben and his story he is writing about his experiences in Vietnam and his struggle since….so stay tuned in…there’s never a dull moment in life unless we make it so!
Pre-brother Ben’s arrival… we girls were guests of Cara…Brooke’s beautiful step-daughter-who works at the Palmetto Dining Club for lunch. (She had reserved a whole room just for us and we were treated like royalty…valet service..the whole works)
Eva Cate had her princess camp this summer and we had our “Princess Luncheon” ….thanks to the adorable Cara. Thank you, darling, for making us feel so special…it set the tone for this most memorable day. We love you!
* I, almost forgot…we lowcountry gals were so proud that James Taylor brought the Lowcountry Voices on stage and they shared two songs, along with Taylor, and the crowd to standing ovations! The first song was Shed a Little Light…a tribute to the AME Emanuel Church… with lyrics like:
*Ties of hope and love, sister and brotherhood, that we are bound together
in our desire to see the world become a place in which our children can grow free and strong.
We are bound together by the task that stands before us and the road that lies ahead.
We are bound and we are bound.
* This is the video from last night Libby just sent and I updated it so you could see how wonderful this group performed for the “Emanuel Nine” and how generous and giving James Taylor is for all the right causes.
James Taylor and Lowcountry Voices: “Shed a Little Light …
So until tomorrow…Like the last song of the concert says:
Just shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel.
Things are gonna work out fine if you only will do as I say, just
shower the people you love with love, show them the way you feel.
Things are gonna be much better if you only will.
SHOWER THE PEOPLE James Taylor – YouTube
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
* And speaking of love and a whole community being showered with blessings…aren’t we so proud of our Vikki for taking on the hugh task of fund-raising enough money to create a community operated and owned radio station?
In one article I read… it referred to the founders as the “Radio Rebels“….since Vikki and Lee are included in that description…I think the world could use more of them!
August 1…for the first time you will hear the voice of Ohn ( translated….the “sound of everything.“) *Don’t forget to stop and thank Lee, Vikki, and the countless others for making this dream a reality!
For more information about Charleston’s newest radio station “of the people, by the people, for the people“….click on this link.
Vikki Matsis and the Ohm Radio crew launch a commercial …