“I’m in the Garden”


Dear Reader:

I realized a big mistake in my sign yesterday morning (that I place on the front porch when I’m out back so I won’t miss any friends stopping by)… the sign should read: “We’re in the Garden.

Because I never go alone…the time in my garden…even if I am just pulling weeds is time spent with God. This time is not my time but God’s Time...and I lose myself in it…I can spend hours out there and not realize it until my stomach starts to grumble.

downloadDon’t we use terms like ‘being in the zone’ when we are writing or reading a good book we don’t want to put down? Actually our creative zone only exists in God’s Time...His “Sacred” time…kairos.

Kairos means “Fullness of time.” When I am in my garden I sense the fullness of time in my life…a deep satisfaction of gratitude for this gift of simply “being.”

I know I exist for a purpose and this special time allows me to converse with God about the direction I am going and then listen to see if I have detoured or if I am still on the path God wants me to travel.

The other reason my sign should read: “We’re in the garden” is due to the fact that I wouldn’t have “my” garden without a lot of help…from family and friends.

It all started with a wooden “Ya” bench for my birthday in 2012 that finally found its home in the garden right after my next birthday in 2013. I went back through the pictorial archives on my computer and found the actual date when the garden began.

It was September 26, 2013. This was my “garden.”

img_6299A future path outlined in orange tape with four stepping stones of promise Mandy had made for me that Christmas.





These days Anne has switched the color of her tape to blue and yesterday we marked where we had planted more moon flowers so they wouldn’t get eaten up by the weed-eater and a new lawn mower cutter while I was babysitting Eva Cate & Jakie..

IMG_6168 Back on September 26, 2013… a new neighbor asked me if I was interested in two picket side fences for the garden…Anne and I dragged them over…to become another dream for the future. Then and now.









On the 27th of September Doodle arrived bearing plants of all shapes and sizes…especially azalea bushes …and then Doodle, Anne, and I set off for Hollow Tree Nursery (the first of many trips) while Tim and Jason worked on clearing the back yard and creating the dirt path.

On October 2…almost miraculously the garden was already taking shape. The path then and now.










The fountain was still a year away in 2013…but the spot was already marked. The fountain today with the Ya bench behind it proudly taking in all the new additions. Doodle’s azalea bushes have taken root and are growing along the fence.



Harriett Edwards gave me a gift of bulbs …lots and lots of bulbs for my birthday two days prior to the start of the garden on September 26, 2013.

This year, especially, the lilies have outdone themselves as all of you have been witness to from the almost daily photos…now look what Anne and I discovered in the garden yesterday.

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A Turk’s Cap lily!!!! These unique lilies get their name because the top looks like a turban with fringe hanging down below. Isn’t it beautiful? Now this was definitely a God’s Wink because it reminded me of Scheherazade and our contest a couple of years ago.

Did you know that there is even a “Silk Road” lily and a “Scheherazade” lily? I must order both to plant this fall for next year. Here is a picture of a Scheherazade lily.


As I remembered the Scheherazade contest…(trying to out-tell the famous storyteller by writing 1002 blogs which turned out to be pretty miraculous) a thought came to me. What would the date be from the beginning of the garden on September 26, 2013 if 1002 days were added?

June 24, 2016! So with a new goal in mind…let me invite everyone (a whole year in advance) to Boo’s Garden Party. Some important announcements and surprises will be made at that time…so don’t be late for this very important date.

This party might seem like a long time off…but remember it is a magical moon gate garden…and time inside is kairos time…God’s Time…so it will be here in a blink of an eye.

So until tomorrow…Thank you Father for surprises and God Winks…they make life exciting.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh


*As we were planting Anne left to go to her car to get some (quote) “s_ _ _ ” out of it to fertilize the plants against the hot summer’s challenges….( cow manure!)

* Speaking of a God’s Wink…while Anne and I were working on adding more moon flowers to the front porch…a bright color kept catching my attention coming from the Bradford Pear. When I realized what it was I took a picture.


One lone red leaf in the summer green Bradford Pear Tree…a reminder that time is already flying by and before we know it…Fall will be here with all its bright beautiful colors.

400300_10101094114807077_1942311171_n* Betsy’s surgery was long but the initial report by her surgeon indicated that all went as expected and planned…which is always good to hear!

My prayer (for everyone involved) is that Betsy, Libby, and Collin got  some sleep and much needed rest last night to face the healing challenges ahead. So proud of all of you for how you have handled this unexpected situation. Kudos my friends!


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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4 Responses to “I’m in the Garden”

  1. Gin-gEdwards says:

    Wow, it is amazing to see the transformation over the years. I love your sign, and yes, you are right we are never alone in our gardens. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Honey Burrell says:

    I am so proud of the beautiful garden you have created. Those who create gardens really know God. Prayers continue for Betsy. My heart is heavy as our little Cocoa was bitten by a snake late yesterday. We rushed her to the emergency vet where she was put in I C U. We are awaiting a call. Snakes seem to be worse than ever this year. Please tell your readers with pets to be aware.
    Love you and so enjoyed our chat yesterday!

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Oh no…not Cocoa…will keep her in my prayers and let the kids know about the snakes….i so enjoyed having a moment to chat too…hopefully we will get more updated good news on Betsy today.

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