An Opportunity to Embrace Excess Baggage




Dear Reader:

This photo shows Eva Cate’s baggage…packed and ready to go. Since I will be seeing her on the Fourth…tomorrow…it wasn’t as sad as it might have been. But isn’t it strange how in only five days we humans can ease into new routines and get settled in quite comfortably? ( I will even miss her “octopus” legs tangled around me)

Silence and solitude are always a  welcome respite after a stay with the grandchildren or vice versa…but they soon turn into a strange type of homesickness…perhaps for a time when the house was alive with all the hustle and bustle of the chaos of children growing up…sometimes the house grows too quiet.

But human nature being what it is ….I soon acclimate to my less noisy life and enjoy the merits of retirement… staying up late at night or sneaking junk food or sleeping in….making lunch dates with friends…there are a lot of perks to just being free to be me. (A good life, I thought at one time, that I would never see)…so I am thankful for quiet walks and talks with God. I have the best of both worlds and believe me…I know I am a very blessed woman.

A favorite quote of mine says:

“Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along.”- Rae Smith

Think about it…if Humpty Dumpty hadn’t fallen apart he wouldn’t be famous today? Just another scrambled egg….one never knows what’s around the bend or at the bottom of the wall.

In an article from Huffington Post...I laughed until I cried at the true dilemma of a newly divorced, mid-forties mother of three boys and a St. Bernard, who experienced a much deserved total break-down at the luggage department in LaGuardia airport.

Source: Drop the Baggage: Make Room for Possibilities– or perhaps it should read (Keep the Baggage and Pay) by Liesel Testwuild

“Recently on my way home from New York, I was cursing myself for oversleeping and getting a late start to the airport. I’m a procrastinator and hate mornings- a bad combination for early departures. When I arrived at the airport, I raced down the walkway, maneuvering my baggage the best I could manage. I landed in the skycap line out of breath.

“You’re overweight” said the skycap.

“Well, good morning to you, too,” I said and mouthed a “How Rude” comment  to the guy behind me.

“Ma’am,” the skycap continued “you’ve got excess baggage.”

“Seriously?” I asked. “It’s that obvious that  I’m marginally overweight or what ? You can eyeball me in an instant and know I’ve got issues without any knowledge of my parents’ divorce, my test anxiety, a bully ex-husband, and my I’ve-just-about-had-enough-of-happily-married-couple attitude? Are my fears and resentments really that palpable too?”

“Lady, you have multiple bags and they each need to weigh less than 50 pounds. This first bag is tipping the scale at 102 pounds.”

“Oh,” I responded, “Yeah, that one is filled with resentments. It’s actually lightened up quite a bit in the last year.”

Whatever, lady. Your baggage is clearly over the limit. You wanna take a moment and remove some of the excess or at least redistribute it?”

Oh, I see. So let me get this right,” I said. “On this cold, windy morning, you want me to get down on my knees, on the rough ground, in my brand new $27 Donna Karan tights, bend over, despite a line of nine businessmen behind me, unzip my suitcase, reveal my unconventional packing methods to the world and other unmentionables….I don’t think so.”

“Ma’am,” he said, “you’ve got too much baggage. You’ve got to deal with it.

“Right here and now? On the curb at LaGuardia, you want me to deal with my excess baggage? And just how do you suggest I magically do that? Is there a leather couch beyond that conveyor belt? Can’t you just deduct years of emotional abuse from my Sky Miles account? I’ve made a lot of progress post-divorce, but 45 years of baggage, that’s gonna take more time than a layover in Detroit.”

“Ma’am, see the sign hanging above? This drop area is a drama-free zone. You look resourceful, I’m sure you can find a way to reduce your excess baggage.”

“Buddy, I’m a divorced, 45ish-year old, single mom of three boys…and a St. Bernard. I’m seriously at the bottom of the American food chain.” 

My rant continued, “I’ve got an entire bag filled with resentments. Another is cholk-full of therapy and divorce lawyer bills. You think I can just stuff the extra baggage into another bag to lug around? Or, worse, convince a sweet, lonely man to take these things off my hands for a while?”

“Um,” piped up the guy behind me in line, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I can’t take on her excess baggage. I’m on my second mortgage, my third wife and may have my fourth heart attack in this line. I’ve hit capacity.

“I guess you’re stuck with it, lady” said the skycap. “I’m gonna have to charge you $135.”

“I’m good with that,” I said, “Those carry-on types are total bores. You see, that fourth bag is my bucket list. I’m headed to all kinds of unknown destinations on the next leg of my journey. I can’t wait to see what’s around the corner as I continue to get stronger and more adept at leaving the past behind.”


Like Eva Cate said after throwing up on me, the sheets, the bed covers, and the bed mattress Monday night…”Boo Boo…I think it is good to throw up now and then…it gets all the yucky stuff out of your tummy….I feel really good now!”

I think Liesel, from our story, would have agreed with Eva Cate after her ranting subsided…she felt quite good …Just pay for the extra baggage, leave the past behind and set goals for the future. The fourth bag should always be light….to make up for all the other baggage “issues“… filled only with hope.

So until tomorrow… thank you for the gift of humor, God, to help us rebuild the lives we want to live.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

* Eva won the coveted title “Princess of the Fairy Garden”…she was so surprised and honored. (We think it was because she left popcorn for the fairies each evening)






She gave her good-bye to Lucy too….


It was a big day….from being crowned “Garden Fairy Princess” to performing last night for Mom, Dad, Jakie, and Boo….(at the closing ceremony for Vacation Bible School)….and perform she did. Drama is her middle name! She was in her element.








Three different “interpretations” of the same motion (“thinking cap”)…and you see who wins the most dramatic interpretation.







Of course any performer knows that she must always exit with a flair…with one last turn to her adoring audience – her family!



Anne and Jakie hit it off at dinner…his eyes were full of wonder and awe….Let us strive to never lose what he has now.



Look what Sis Kinney has on Facebook….I told her “Great minds think alike” this morning….perfect addition and ending!



About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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1 Response to An Opportunity to Embrace Excess Baggage

  1. Gin-g Edwards says:


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