Trees and Humans…Seeking the Light


Dear Reader:

On  a stroll Wednesday (between pop-up rain showers) Jakie discovered trees!

I still pause in wonder and gratitude (now in reflection) for the observation of these magical, spiritual moments.

Jakie had gotten up from his morning nap around 10:30… by then an early morning shower had already gone through…but the turn-around was just as fast –  the sun was shining brightly…so off we went. We cut down a street in Mandy and John’s neighborhood that drops you off at a pier overlooking the water. It is my favorite street to stroll on.

The sun was high enough to send shadows racing along the streets from the over-hanging limbs from a variety of trees along the picturesque street.

I was so caught up in my own joy of being outside with my little Jakie and studying all the gardens and flowers in the various yards that I didn’t realize, at first, what was happening with him.

IMG_4401He was sitting in the stroller in his car seat facing me…so I could observe his expressions. Perhaps it was the shadows floating over his face that first caught his attention from the trees….we had passed several homes when I realized something special was happening …a little smile would creep on his face… then it would disappear…only to return again.

It took a few minutes of observation to discover it was the trees that were fascinating him. When I slowed up by the next tree I stopped.. I said “tree” several times and pointed to the high branches… “pretty, pretty tree.” He grew strangely quiet (from all his earlier baby gibberish) and it felt like he was in some type of communion or spiritual zone that left me out.

I began taking a picture by each “stop” and the awe and wonder in his eyes never stopped. It didn’t matter what type tree he was looking at….the marvel never ceased.

At one old oak tree with low limbs…I jumped and pulled two leaves off….putting one in each hand…when we returned home he was still holding and looking down at them.

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The gift of witnessing my grandson see the beauty of a tree for the first time in his almost seven months of life …felt strangely like being re-born again and getting a chance to experience all of God’s gifts to us fresh…as the first dew drops on the morning roses.

*( I detour by speaking of roses…but my across the street neighbor, Vickie, asked if she could plant a rose bush by my fence corner…(since her yard doesn’t get enough light and she would be able to see it from her own front yard)….I screamed “YES”! Here it is with raindrops still on it.)


Robert Frost once wrote of trees:

Tree at my window, window tree
My sash is lowered when night comes on;
But let there never be a curtain drawn
Between you and me. — Robert Frost

Mankind likes to analogize trees being like humans (limbs for branches, blood for sap, hair for leaves, trunk like a body….etc.) But perhaps it is the other way around. Henry Thoreau said this about the “heart” of trees. Quote:

The trees indeed have hearts.” wrote Henry David Thoreau, “with a certain affection the sun seems to send its farewell ray far and level over the copses of them, and they silently receive it with gratitude, like a group of settlers with their children.

Like humans all trees are different…even in their own species. Why? Because all trees have a continual fight going on throughout their existence on earth…they must fight for their share of the light.

Sometimes this means twisting or contorting into strange and different shapes…but the light is calling and they must do whatever needs to be done to follow.

So until tomorrow…(from the Trees of Endor)

Trees purify the air;
they also purify the mind…
If you want to save your world,
you must save the trees.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

* I, so enjoyed my stay with the grandchildren…(and, especially getting to keep Jakie to get closer to him)…Every grandchild has a different personality…which makes it so much fun! Jakie is the quiet, musing child with a sweet smile on his face almost always.

Here are some photos from my three days with Mandy and the kids…. Mollie and Lach came to visit and have lunch Tuesday.

Jakie loves his little cousin….even the size difference…which seems substantial now… will one day subside as their age difference narrows…they will both be in the same grade…hopefully together.

Photos from an earlier stroll the night before with Eva Cate riding her bicycle…I got some gorgeous pictures of the sun setting on the way back home…with the purple wild lilies in the marsh behind Mandy’s home.

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Jakie tried to be the gracious host and plant a “kissing cousin” smooch on Lach…but he was having none of it!


Eva Cate is a big helper with little brother Jakie….even feeding him!


* I saw this wooden carved statue in one yard when Jakie and I were strolling and just loved it….I couldn’t figure out what the little ‘boy’ was holding…a turtle…don’t you love it?


* And now to finish off a most wonderful Monday…before leaving for Mt. Pleasant….I left Vickie patting the last shovel of dirt on the roses and ran by Anne’s before I hit the interstate. She said she had a riddle for me.

She gave me three clues which I recognized as a painting…another squeal session ensued….what a day…roses and now another flower….an original from Anne for my living room (with her furniture on the B&B side) It is almost finished.


Isn’t it BEAUTIFUL? A Camellia!!!!  What a day! What friends! What friendship!

Thank you, Anne, from the bottom of my heart! I will treasure it forever!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Trees and Humans…Seeking the Light

  1. honey burrell says:

    I absolutely loved all of the pictures. Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words. All of your babies are soooo wonderful! Anne is really quite an artist.. I love her paintings. Love you, Honey

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    I got the lesson plans and I know Mandy will love it! Thank you! Are you in Summerville?

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