Enjoy the Little Things…



Dear Reader:

The “little” things we remember are usually the things that don’t go as planned. All of us were hoping, Easter Sunday, for some pictures that are hard to get in daily life with everyone running in different directions.

The new “extended” family couples wanted family pictures, father-son pictures, new addition pictures… while Tommy and Kaitlyn got cute couple pictures and holding the new additions to the family pictures….and as for me…I just wanted a picture with all four grandchildren around me. I got it!

Be careful what you wish for…you have to laugh….the only person looking at the camera was me. Everyone else looked perfectly bored…Eva Cate couldn’t support Jakie so he slid down out of her arms onto the sofa… and stared up at the ceiling, Eva Cate looked completely off in the opposite direction, Lachlan started crying, and Rutledge ( who had been bribed with jellybeans) promptly stuffed about five in his mouth at one time.

But I have learned from life…that this photo will one day be my favorite… when I return to it again and laugh!



Let’s begin with church….everything before the service started… went quite well….Rutledge and Eva Cate went down to the “cross” to add their flowers to it. I do believe it ended up being one of the most beautiful flowered crosses this Easter.




Rutledge sat with me and his white truck…everything went well until we got to the children’s sermon….Eva Cate had found a friend and already gone down to the front…so I took Rutledge…but we couldn’t find Eva Cate (they were sitting right behind a podium.)

Rutledge couldn’t make up his mind whether he wanted to stay or leave…in the end we just stayed somewhere in the middle..driving his trucks….

When the children’s sermon was over he didn’t want to return to the pew and he let us (as only an almost two year old can) all know of his decision quite loudly….so Walsh swooped him up and out they went…to never return. ( I “accused” Walsh of planning this so he could go play with Rutledge on the playground during the service.)

The rest of the “crew” hung tight…even little Lachlan.


Jakie just looked around and took it all in….Eva Cate never pulled out her bag of coloring materials and stickers…but followed along in the service without saying a word…”It’s a miracle” on Easter Sunday….(she’s almost five) It must be the magic age!

Lachlan slept and grunted a little….we shifted babies among us…I held Lachlan some and Kaitlyn held Jakie! The Dingle/Turners all made it through Easter Sunday service! Alleluia!

Back home…we quickly tried to get some family photos before the chaos of Easter egg hunts, fixing lunch, changing diapers, spilled food and drink, etc. began….but children have their own time-table…we discovered.


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IMG_3969 Eva Cate decided to join in the Dingle family picture…Mollie got her girl! Have fun!


Finally…two happy participants in the family pictures! Thank goodness for uncles and aunts with little children around…there are never enough pairs of hands!




There were so many of us taking pictures…no one knew where to look!


Sometimes, however, on baby time…something magical happens…it turned out to be cousin Jakie hanging with cousin Lachlan! A get-acquainted moment!

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There seems to always be one object in any kind of family gathering that grabs everyone’s attention….this time it was Jake’s quite sporty Easter hat….everyone wanted to wear it.



I think Rutledge needs another year or so to understand the lollipop seed idea….he just stared at the pops and moved on…Eva Cate was  quite delighted…but then forgot about the lollipops with all the other egg candies pulling her away.

So I am left with a wheel-barrow of lollipops…any takers?


Dads and their sons….(and trying to stay awake after a big meal)

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And the girls, of course….



By the time we got to our big “finale” photo of the whole group…we had some technical issues and it was getting brighter and hotter. So John took the first photo and then Kaitlyn took another so John could get in…

I am so happy…our family continues to grow and God continues to bless us all. Eleven Strong! What more could a mother/grandmother want on a gorgeous Easter Sunday than to be surrounded with love?



So until tomorrow….Thanks for bearing with me and my Easter memories of family….I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the gorgeous day. Didn’t it seem like an Easter Sunday out of a storybook drawing? Or perhaps it was just a God’s Wink! It was a good day to be alive….thank you Jesus for life.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

* As we all return back to work from spring breaks and Easter holidays…we also return to a world of problems and troubles. Let us say a prayer today for friends and loved ones awaiting medical results from tests, job interviews, moves, and other changes that await us along the journeys of life.

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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9 Responses to Enjoy the Little Things…

  1. Linda Carson says:

    What an absolutely gorgeous family. I’m sorry I didn’t get a good look at Lachlan but it was so crowded! I have lost my voice from allergies and anethesia but see someone today about it. Anyway, I decided not to push it with the crowd at church because no one could hear me anyway. I am so glad everyone got to come with you. Jakie is growing so fast! The pictures were fabulous and I so enjoy you sharing them. My flowers you and Anne gave me are on the porch until I can plant them and they were a bright welcome home after church yesterday! Thank you so much for thinking of me. And thank you for you and all that you do. I am so happy for you! Love, Linda Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 10:02:00 +0000 To: [email protected]

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    It was so good to see you Linda! It was crowded wasn’t it… but we all consider you part of our family….being there for “Grandmother Boo” in times of need and happier times of friendship and fun. I have Brenda on my mind this morning…woke up early to say a prayer for her…this waiting is tough…as we all know…the trials and tribulations of life….but life is worth it. Praying for a good report for her.

  3. Honey Burrell says:

    What a beautiful Easter at Grand Mom Boo’s! I loved all of the pictures-felt like I was there with you. We enjoyed a beautiful Easter sunrise in our sanctuary on the mountain. Then it was clay😃!
    We were by ourselves, but that was ok. Love and many blessings, Honey

  4. Jo Dufford says:

    It was a beautiful day to celebrate our Risen Lord and all the hope He gives each of us. I understand the wonderful feeling of having family at church and at lunch, especially on this particular Sunday. I’m sure the memories you all made together yesterday will pop up in the thoughts of each person from time to time in the future and bring a smile to his/her face. I can’t tell you how often a memory from my younger days brings a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your beautiful family with us. You are absolutely correct; these moments do become the “big” important ones of life.

  5. Gin-g Edwards says:

    It was our first Easter without either of our parents but we did everything we have always done…egg hunt, egg toss and Clyde even had a scavenger hunt in the church graveyard (Suzy and I were a little worried) but he talked to the little ones first and it ended up being a very interesting thing . You would have loved it. Mother and Daddy would have been pleased. They loved their Lord, their church, their family…and Mother always said “you can’t stop in the middle of the road, you have to keep going”…so on this Easter after she went to Glory we had a glorious time in memory and love of our parents who started this legacy….

  6. Becky Dingle says:

    I am so glad to hear that…Debbie and I were discussing that this might be a difficult Easter for you and praying that all things came together well….and they did…for you!

  7. Johnny Johnson says:

    What a fine looking Family Mrs. Dingle! I could feel your delight and Pride but pride in a good way, in your words and you have every right to be proud and delighted to be blessed with a fine Family. I did so love Jamie’s hat but Rutledge sun glasses made me laugh when I saw him in his little handsome outfit looking like a cool dude with the sun glasses. Seems you are doing well these days and for that we all as readers of your blog are all blessed. And as you said, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful day. So the day was beautiful weather wise, and also because we know we have been forgiven our sins through the blood that cleanses our souls. Little Lach is such a pretty baby! Eva Cate looks like a beautiful young lady in her pretty Easter Dress! Not to mention Boo Boo was looking very beautiful too! I enjoyed my day and it’s uplifting to see you Easter was a great one too on many different levels.

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