Letting the Springs of Silence Overflow


Dear Reader:

The stream that flows softly and gently with a tinkling sound as it passes over ancient mountain rocks ( located behind St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope in Trust, North Carolina) is simply named Spring Creek. ( It flows into the French Broad)

The last few times the Ya’s have been there with the amazing Honey as our guide to any and everything…the creek waters have been deep and fast…due to the last few (above average) snowy winters melting back into the waters from whence they came.

In fact, one time it almost looked like Spring Creek might overflow the banks.

Overflow.  I think it is my new favorite word. Around 5:00 each afternoon the sun dips low enough to cast its brilliance against the side fence where the window art decor frames hang. Suddenly each day…at just the right moment…the rays sneak through the open slats in the fence and overflow the light onto the window frames…setting them on fire.

This picture won’t do it justice…but you can, at least, get the idea.



Aren’t some of our most memorable moments ones where our heart “overflows” with happiness, or joy, or understanding, or blessings? It is when we let the silence of God in…to whisper and tell us to look over at the fence…something wonderful is happening…that we learn about our relationship with Him. (And something wonderful was happening)

In Awakin Weekly….this week’s post, there was an excerpt from the book: Silent Compassion! Finding God in Contemplation by Richard Rohr…a Franciscean friar.

I love these excerpts from his book..(as I continue seeking the silence for my talk with God daily.)

“…Without silence, nothing has the power to change us, to awaken us, to give us that joy that the world can not give.”

“…Silence is a kind of thinking which mostly we see.”

“...Silence all begins with one clear moment of spiritual consciousness, which then becomes the constant spring inside us, overflowing and propelling us into the final eternal life.”


Yesterday was a very special day, sort of a mini-Easter Egg Hunt day…without the hunt or eggs. Susan was coming to town and bringing her mother, Nancy, and granddaughter, Ady to visit and see family and friends.

We decided to put some food together and have lunch at my house…I picked up Eva Cate Monday evening so she could play with her cousin. Lee and Vikki came to join the family and Mollie brought Lachlan for everyone to meet. (Mandy had a small surgical procedure done and couldn’t bring Jakie)

There were several times throughout the festivities when I found myself just listening to the little girl cousins and their constant chattering and laughing, hardly a peep out of Lachlan who decided to sleep through it all… while being passed around to everyone for their share of love and hugs. The sound of surrounded family sounded so good when I stopped to really listen and appreciate the meaning behind us being together.

It had been pretty impromptu but aren’t these times some of the best? Yesterday they sure were!

Eva Cate and Ady were all into dressing up in my old clothes with my boots made for walking… modeling for us with old jewelry and anything else they could find…sometimes with funny teeth! They hugged when they saw each other like long-lost friends…too cute.




A yummy lunch came together quite well….there was only silence and the sound of eating at first! Everyone was really hungry!


IMG_3748And then there was the “pass-over” of baby Lachlan…literally…he got passed over to whoever was sitting in the shade on the deck…he would make a little whimpering sound at the exchange and then simply fall back asleep! Everyone wanted their turn at holding him!


Susan and I eagerly waited our turn for the “pass over” too…that term will always have a new meaning from this fond memory.

Before Susan left she gave me a CD that she loved. She said she listened to it in the car and it always brought such peace while driving. I put it in the CD player (to listen to while writing this blog post) and the very first song was titled: “Be Still My Soul and Know He is God.” (Beautiful song and CD…thank you Susan!)


A God’s Wink for today’s blog





“Be Still and Know” from Scripture Lullabies – YouTube

So until tomorrow…Be still my heart and soul…and know that You are God!

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

lollipop-seeds4*Eva Cate got her lollipop seeds planted yesterday. We put soil in an old wheel barrow and attached two ribbons going across it – one blue and one pink.

On the pink side Eva Cate had to tell me what acts of kindness she had done recently (before planting the seeds) and reveal a kindness wish for someone. (I wish I could tell you her kindness wish…but it was directed at me and too personal to share…let’s just say that it had me in tears. -We will get Rutledge’s seeds planted later this week-beside the blue ribbon.)

While running errands I shared the photos of our “ceremony” with Samantha at Simple to Sublime since she sponsored the author and book signings.

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Now you didn’t think I would forget this first day of the Month did you? (actually I did) but Cindy’s whimsical bunnies brought me back to April 1…April Fool’s Day. ( I figured I have done enough foolish thing in my life to cover this particular day for a long, long time)

Some of you might have seen some of the bunnies on Facebook…they are precious…so starting today through Easter….we will look at a different “Cindy” Bunny.

Today is the first of the month….Say “Rabbit” for good luck!

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About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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3 Responses to Letting the Springs of Silence Overflow

  1. Sally Clark Nemeth says:

    Becky, Susan sent me this and has sent me some others. I love reading your blogs. You are such an inspiration to others. Prayers have been with you. Do you ever see Brooke? We’really on facebook together. Sally

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Hi Sally….so good to hear from you. Had Susan and the family over yesterday…the cousins had such a great time getting together. A Pre-Easter family gathering!

      I need Brooke a lot…and several of the college gals get together with her at their beach house in Edisto….plus other retreats we take during the year.

      My Erskine friends are permanent and long-lasting in friendship and love.

      Catch me up with you….sometime when we have a minute…I was trying to remember the last time we got together…maybe Ady Grace’s appearance into the world…over at Susan’s a luncheon maybe?

      I do so enjoy writing the blog each day…it keeps me centered in my priorities in life!

      Love, Becky

      • Becky Dingle says:

        Sally…just realized that I wrote I “need” Brooke a lot instead of “see” Brooke a lot…but upon reflection I think the first was right…I need my Ya Ya’s to support and sustain me through this un known journey of “little c.”

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