We Must be Whole…Before We Can Love Wholly…


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Dear Reader:

It has taken me a lifetime to realize that what one generation of parents bestows in wisdom on the next (in a continuous cycle) is true. “You have got to love yourself…before you can love another…wholly.”

Personally I think this is the number one cause for broken relationships covering the spectrum of dating, to separation to divorce. Too many people enter relationships for what the other person can bring to the table…to make up for self-perceived deficiencies in certain areas of his/her life.

Perhaps one potential spouse is out-going and social whereas the other partner feels insecure in social settings… but would like to be able to relate in these situations…while leaning on the other.

Or perhaps one partner is confident and accepting of challenges while the other dwells in insecurity and fear of change. These changes can take the form of financial, professional, social, creative, nurturing or even happiness-seeking obstacles that stunt one’s desires… while becoming wholly dependent on the other to provide all these personal entities.

There is such a thing as two people completing one puzzle piece…but “wholly moley” …is it fair to place one’s  “whole” personal happiness on another person…particularly a person you profess to love? That’s a lot of stress on a body!

Yet…it has taken me a lifetime (to date) to feel “wholly” accepting of who I am. I think, biologically, the world would come to a halt if we all waited until we were “wholly” accepting of who we are before entering a relationship with another.

I don’t think, as a mere mortal, that I will ever achieve “unconditional love” for me by me….but I must admit that I have grown in my affection for “Becky” and we get along pretty good now. I am more tolerant of the “being” inside this rather battered exterior I still live in…and I know now that a smile can still turn the world upside down…( even after gravity -and life- has pulled most of the rest of  the body parts… way down.)

I have learned my life journey’s hard knock lessons well…one being that as long as I put my trust and love in God (over man) that there will never be an ending to His love. Trust will never be broken and happiness, like healing, will flow like a fountain from within me.

The responsibility for happiness in our lives falls directly back on us. God gave us everything possible in this unimaginably beautiful world, to make us happy.

Our Creator has ‘known us before we were in our mother’s womb and set us apart‘ for becoming the “child” of God we are destined to become. We are the complete package… with all the tools and talents needed… embedded in us. No assembly required.

So until tomorrow…Let us remember…that  in this month of love, of valentines, of hugs and kisses…to accept ourselves first, as we are (strengths and… weaknesses included) and then accept others as they are, also…not as we want them to be. That is the love we all seek while awaiting a love far greater in another time and place.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

* The photo title picture is still the same red and (and now white)planter of poinsettias I got the first week in December….the green poinsettias has completely turned white as if they know it is Valentines now. Ten weeks and they continue to bloom…adapting as they go. I felt the flowers were a good metaphor for today’s thoughts.

And look at the pink (valentine colored) poinsettias I left on the B&B side…watering occasionally when I go check on things over there…I leave the temperature on 55 and apparently the poinsettias love this environment. (Bought them right before Christmas.)

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Rudy left today with Butch and Susan (Kaitlyn’s parents) to return home to Chattanooga to let the family “vet” check him to see what form a blockage (currently causing him problems) has taken and then what procedures will be needed to remedy the problem.


Kaitlyn’s family and ours appreciate your thoughts and concerns for our “Big Boy”( Rudy)…As all of you animal lovers know…who have had a pet for a “lifetime”…it is an anxious time for all who love him.


Atticus (left) and Rudy (right)…Atticus was agitated last night wondering where his best friend Rudy has gone.

Tommy said that Susan and Butch called (while going through Atlanta) to say that Rudy had gotten agitated too. Tommy said Rudy always gets agitated when they are driving through Atlanta…Tommy said he didn’t blame him…he did too!)

* Jackson wrote this concerning yesterday’s blog on daisies…

Boo- your blog today really hit close to home. When I was in junior high, there were many, many girls named Linda (including my best friend). I asked my parents if I could change my name, and thank God they said no. I wanted my first name to be Daisy!!! Can you imagine me as Daisy Lynn?

(After I got this we talked on the phone and were dying laughing…she could have only been a country singer for sure with that name….I wanted to be “Gidget”…)

photo “Our country singer is in the middle”….Come what may…thank goodness we don’t have to return to Junior High in this life with all the insecurities it brought…I will take my chances with what is ahead thank you!

* If any of you fantasized a name change growing up…do share…we can all get a chuckle or two on this still gloomy Tuesday…come on sun…you can do it!





About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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