It’s a ‘Taradiddle’ Thursday!

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Dear Reader:

I decided on the coldest day this year, in the “dead” of winter- we needed some warm “live” laughter!

And who better to bring this to us than the late “Miss” Effie Wilder (Fran Townsend’s mother) with her famous taradiddles (defined as pretentious nonsense)… along with Archibald Rutledge sharing one of his workers’ Tall Tales from Hampton Plantation?

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I took this picture of (one of ) my bedroom closets for two reasons:

1) The design of this closet… with the higher two shelves containing shoes and the third lower shelf containing blouses… was the smartest move I ever made. I saw it on a long-ago Oprah Show and got Tim to build it for me.

Yep, the best thing I ever did….now I can find every pair of shoes and boots plus (by simply glancing down) on my shirt/blouse rack…it takes half the time to locate which blouse I want to wear than with a standard closet!

2) The extra coat hangers… dangling at the end of the blouse rack… bring back to memory the problem most of us have in collecting more coat hangers than items to hang them on.

Yesterday I stopped by Belk and ended up bringing home four new coat hangers worth of pants and blouses. The clerk even asked me if I wanted to keep the hangers…I could have so easily said “No“…and gotten rid of them.

But old habits die hard…I simply smiled and told the clerk just to leave them on the hangers…it would be easier. “Easier“…Right…until I get home and add them to my already growing crop that I had just gotten rid of back in the fall…now reproducing, thanks to me, in leaps and bounds.

Apparently I am not alone in this ‘closet dilemma’ …Miss Effie, in this first “terse verse” laments the same thing and ponders the problem.


I cleaned my closet today, and found

Forty bare coat-hangers hanging around

There were only twenty a week ago

So here is what I want to know

Someone, please, my query heed

Do hangers in dark closets BREED?


You “true-blue” blog followers, who have been with me for a few years, will recognize the following Miss Effie taradiddle because it is my favorite for the ages. I can just think about it and start laughing out loud! Hope you enjoy it also.


It happened in a small town in Georgia where the Methodist Church had established the practice of asking all congregational families to take turns inviting their elderly preacher to Sunday dinner.

One Sunday the hostess and her husband excused themselves to finish the dinner preparations…leaving the minister in the parlor with their small son, Wilbur.

“I bet you can’t guess what we’re having for dinner.” said Wilbur.

Let’s see,” said the preacher. “Is it fried chicken?”


“Is it smothered chicken?”


“Is it baked chicken?”


Is it-could it be-the preacher looked hopeful-“roast beef?”

Nope. I’ll tell you. It’s buzzard! I heard Mama say I guess it’s time we had the old buzzard for dinner!”


This last little “verse” of Miss Effie’s  leads us into one of Archibald Rutledge’s recollections from his Hampton Plantation days….


I surely hate to think that I’m

Descended from primordial slime!

Best, when all is said and done,

To go along with Genesis One.

Adam (with Eve) as first “begetter”

They  weren’t perfect, but it’s better’

Than to think the ocean’s scum

Is where my lineage first came from!


As we can tell from the following Hampton Plantation legend… even before that apple/snake problem in the garden…things weren’t going that well between Adam and Eve…so God stepped into help and a whole new crop of problems were ‘created.’ Have yourself a good chuckle…

“The Legend of the Walk Off People”

It appears that on one occasion Adam, deeply troubled, sought out God in the Garden of Eden.

“God,” he said, “you know how I love to catch fish in the river and to hunt rabbits. But Eve, she’s always complaining. She says that she gets lonesome because I fish and hunt so much. She’s talking of leaving me.”

“That’s easy,” said God, “come down to the creek with me, and we will make a few more people. They will keep Eve company while you are away from her hunting and fishing.”

Arriving at the water’s edge, God shaped some new people out of mud, and then leaned them against a rail fence to dry.

“Adam,” he said, “I will come back before sundown and put some brains in them.”

But God, forgetting that He had some other prior engagements that afternoon, did not return to finish His work until the next morning.

And it was then… to His surprise and dismay, that He discovered the people with no brains had walked off! And (do you know) they have been increasing and multiplying ever since!

You might even have met one!


So until tomorrow…I hope you liked these examples of humor from the past… which are just as enjoyable today…thank you God for the gift of humor!

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

390d6c2  Thanks to all the prayers that have gone out for Betsy the past several days…she passed all her cardiac tests (echo and stress) yesterday with flying colors…indicating that overall…physically her heart is not damaged.

However, she does have a disorder with her heart rhythm which will either have to be dealt with through increased medication and/or surgery, perhaps, at some point. But we can all take a moment to breathe deeply again….God is good!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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8 Responses to It’s a ‘Taradiddle’ Thursday!

  1. Johnny Johnson says:

    Amen, amen! God hears us as we gather even seperately in the name of his Son Jesus! I am so glad Betsy is doing well and has no heart damage!
    Also it’s funny that humor is humor no matter how old it is! I laughed out loud and my wife was looking at me funny. So I let her read the blog. I keep trying to get her to subscribe but she just won’t take the time. Maybe now she will.

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    So glad you got a chuckle or two Johnny and Libby, Betsy’s mother, said that she didn’t know you but she loved Johnny Johnson for saying prayers twice a day for her precious daughter!

  3. Fran townsend says:

    As ALWAYS, dear Becky, you made my day!!

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Fran…it is your dear mama who still keeps me in stitches…I am staring at a copy of her Tales and Taradiddles as I type …with her sweet inscription to me inside the cover. What an asset to the world she was and continues to be in memoriam…a special lady who made/makes us laugh. I can think of no better talent to be shared!
      * Johnny Johnson said he found himself chuckling out loud this morning reading the taradiddles.

  4. Jo Dufford says:

    No one likes a good laugh any better than I. “Miss Effie” always hits the nail on the head with her humorous take on life. I always enjoy reading her writings. Mr. Rutledge certainly wasn’t one left by the fence to dry either. Hope you are feeling better and having a good new year. Thanks again for always starting my day with a smile, a laugh or some good inspirational thoughts. You are the best so keep on “blogging”. Jo

  5. Becky Dingle says:

    Jo…you always make MY day with your personal observations that are always witty and poignant at the same time. Love you! Becky

  6. Mike Burrell says:

    Well here goes Becky-another first for me! I have never replied to one of these before and decided to try. Honey and I got up to 0.6 degrees here on the mountain with no water due to frozen pipes. So I decided to try something new with my new found time.
    Always a pleasure to hear about anything from Mrs Wilder. We have all been Blessed with her countless stories over the years. This particular story reminded me to clean my closet instead of watching the idiot box. It is done thanks to you and your blog! Hopefully our water will return before long or before I stink too bad to stay indoors!
    Since I am new at this please let me know if it got back to you. Say a little prayer for our precious water to return. We owe you anothern…

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Mike….you have come through with flying colors. I love your story and will share it with the blog readers tomorrow…glad I could motivate you to clean out closets…a chore I truly detest. And a big prayer goes out that the water returns very soon! I can’t believe you didn’t even get up to 1 degree…Wow!

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