Waiting on the “Big Guy” with the Bag

IMG_20141128_175117  Dear Reader:

Every year when John and Mandy take the family back to Huntsville, Alabama (John’s home) the last night (before their return) they head out to Santa’s Village.

IMG_20141125_130243  It was really cold this year and Joan quickly volunteered to stay home and keep little Jake. (Smart move Joan!)

The rest of the family put on big (weary) smiles and headed to Santa’s place. It really is impressive…lots of Christmas characters walking around (like Christmas Penguins) to get one’s picture taken with….


But every kid knows the real purpose of this trip is to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what you want for Christmas. I had asked Eva Cate what she was going to ask for (before she left for Huntsville) and she had rattled off three or four items to me… without blinking.

Now it was time to get in line to wait her turn to go into Santa’s house,  get her candy cane, and leave with a solid verbal contract that she would receive what she asked for…such a relief to a four-year old!

IMG_20141128_165908 At first Eva Cate was all smiles…full of excitement!

However, as time passed…Mandy said she could see her grow more anxious. Mandy kept reminding her to use this waiting time to practice asking Santa what she wanted for Christmas.

Look at this “luxury” waiting line….benches, outside televisions…Really? Where are the endless lines of screaming children in department stores…. with everyone standing in line…not seating.

IMG_20141128_172853  Still…it looks like the pout was forming…or perhaps it was just the worried look of  childish concentration …before the most important moment of Christmas for a child waiting in line to give Santa his/her wish list.

635530152301064881  It looks like all went well…Eva Cate faked it pretty good.

In reality…Mandy said she “choked”…she “clutched”…she forgot what she wanted for Christmas. She went completely blank! (Looked like a scene right out of the Christmas Story)

In desperation, suffering from Christmas Wish amnesia…she pointed to a Christmas present around the tree for what she wanted for Christmas…Since neither Santa nor Eva Cate knew what was in the (empty fake decorated box) Santa just nodded, patted her on the head and told her to be a good little girl…Ho! Ho! Ho!…while handing her a candy cane from his big bag. It was over for another year. She had blown it!

The family reassured her that Santa can read minds and already knew what she really wanted. (Good save… family!)

With Advent upon us…and the first Advent candle of “hope” being lit (last Sunday) I thought about Eva Cate’s Santa visit and how (when I was little) I got God and Santa confused. Apparently I saw too many pictures of God with a long white beard at Sunday School…And after all… God was supposed to be kind, love and protect little children, wasn’t He? If God put on a long red robe…they could be twins.

A few months ago, author Donald Miller ( A Million Miles in A Thousand Years) shared his image of heaven. He pictured himself and God sitting in rocking chairs swapping stories about his life and choices. God would say something like “That really was a bad decision…but so funny” and slap his knee with tears of amusement rolling down His face.

Donald’s greatest fear was that (like Eva Cate) when his time to sit on God’s lap finally arrived…and he had His un-devoted attention…he would go blank. He wouldn’t be able to think of one single story or question to ask God.

He wondered if he made some “cheat sheets” and put in his pocket if they would make it to heaven too. Worries worries, worries.

I think God must love Santa dearly and have a close relationship with him.  After all they share a lot in common. They both love to make children happy and love them unconditionally….even with the naughty and nice list. They both have big bags to carry….God’s bag consists of His Creation and all the problems within while Santa’s bag consists of toys for good little girls and boys. And both seem to know everything about each and every child…without even asking.

I hope I will use my “waiting” time here on earth to think about my first meeting (face to face) with God….and be prepared with my questions and stories. And if I walk away from this magnificent spiritual rendezvous with a candy cane and a “Ho Ho Ho”…then I will know!


So until tomorrow…let us use our “waiting” time on earth preparing for the greatest surprise of our lives…seeing God face to face.

“Today is my favorite day.”  Winnie the Pooh

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* Speaking of waiting…if you have never been to Honey’s annual Christmas Pottery Sale…then you won’t be able to understand how people wait a whole year to return to the next one! Fabulous prices for completely unique gifts that will delight one and all!

This Saturday, December 6… From 9-4pm- Honey and Mike’s home:  111 Ayers Circle…Salisbury Acres. If you have trouble finding it…call 870-9698….for directions!

* Walsh went fishing with a friend yesterday…a sport which is a life lesson in waiting…normally…but this time the fish acted like they would rather be in the boat than swimming around outside…they were literally jumping anywhere and everywhere.

Look at this “biggie” fish Walsh pulled in. (Also look at my clean shaven son (mostly clean shaven)…His Mr. Movember Moustache is gone…Mollie and Rutledge are very happy. But it was for a good cause…thanks Walsh!)

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About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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4 Responses to Waiting on the “Big Guy” with the Bag

  1. Gin-gEdwards says:

    Love the idea of sitting with God and talking about your life….loved that entry before and again today…sounds like a great ending to a perfect day…love you

  2. Becky Dingle says:

    Rocking with God…can’t think of anything better either…Ho Ho Ho!

  3. Joan Turner says:

    I loved your Christmas story Becky….your adaptation of the experience into a story, sweet and amusing. Love your writing!

  4. Becky Dingle says:

    Thank you Joan…when someone tells me a personal story I can visualize the humor in the scene…this one was priceless.

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