John left last Friday and will return this Friday while Mandy is holding down the fort! Such is life until then … April’s 27’s ( Eva Cate’s birthday!!! Location ( still undecided)
Light sneaking in through the door yesterday
So until tomorrow John we are living through your amazing pictures… and psst… a little birdie told us… Turkey is a major fun spot where men can go for great massages! 😃
I could not narrow it down anymore -Laurie ‘s is ” The First of Octember” ( But I do love the Sneetches! 🙏🏻💗 )
March and Dr Seus/ ‘s history and stories is much adored by students everywhere at the beginning of each March and Laurie transfers this into other plants -and not just camellias.
This is Laurie’s favorite March Plant … over the camellias. Birds and yes, squirrels love it too-gorgeous!!!!
And the thing about March… almost every day brings up another celebration and’ or famous face and biography!
I read one quote that said ” March and Popcorn go hand in hand … there is not a day that something isn’t popping !!!👋
So until tomorrow….As a new week in March begins… enjoy another new March memory.
From the first day of the month until the last … there is no way to spread out enough baskets to accumulate all the March Celebrations…. March is one of childhoods’ favorite months of all… one that embodies fun and religion throughout …and gardening… flowers bursting out all over!
Yesterday Butch ( Susan’s husband ) came over and blew off the patio and the rain later kept cleaning up over night. Awoke to the most green and clean patio to date!👋👋👋My St Patrick’s Day plant started blooming after the rain ‘
So until tomorrow …my hope and dream for all is the fun of working in a garden during March… restorative, revitalizing, and enlightening!
Plato’s First Story on the Different Perceptions of Our Lives-the CAVE
Dear Reader:
I have the most wonderful social worker who visits me , if not every week, about every two …
As we were exchanging news this week I told her my Scottish genealogy side tends to be a prime example of the ” Scottish worrier.”
As hard as I try… my mind won’t leave others to help me as I continue to worry.
Suddenly my friend looked intently into my eyes and told me to listen to what her mother once told her …
” Stop worrying and instead think … ” BUT WHAT IF… IT All Works Out PERFECTLY!!!”
Humans have a tendency to always look for troubles instead of winning solutions… the little faith of human beings always needs ” ramping up” to realize God is in charge… if we will let HIM do it!
Plato quickly picked up man’s seemingly inability to see His place in the world until God shows how to share it through HIS EYES! Storytelling…THE CAVE!
So until tomorrow let Winnie share his thoughts on life.
It is hard to believe that March 1 has arrived today and who doesn’t want to be lucky? The luck of the Irish being recognized on March 17!
So between starting with remembering rabbits on the first day of the month , remembering FDR is interesting too!
FDR was a big believer in the ritual and never forgot to participate … he is responsible for adding the rabbit’s foot to the legend.
FDR never forgot to participate in the first day of month ritual and carried his lucky rabbit foot when running and winning his first Presidential election! He never forgot to participate!
FDR and his lucky rabbit charm that put him in the White House -the longest of any President !
So remember to ” Shout Out … ” Rabbit, Rabbit’ early this morning !!!!! And then smile smile smile!!!!!
Susan Swicegood came over yesterday … we went out to eat together… Susan ordered a cocktail — so beautiful she said she was dedicating it to me as her Clemson photo to me!
I took a tiny sip but was ready to get to my favorite soup.
We left lunch and brought back all the new plants and flowers we picked up that Susan decorated for me …what a gift of such love !
St Patrick’s Day BouquetLavender and Purples
I am one lucky gal with family, friends who share and make my life brighter , and the “Susan Swicegood s” in my life who keep my light glowing with her re-creations of new planters and gorgeous multi- colored happiness , and suddenly I am “over the top ” with a new garden courtyard and an amazing new spectacle of beauty … due to all your sacrifice!
Susan didn’t leave until close to seven…. Susan please stay home tomorrow and sleep in and rest! I love you!
Isn’t it amazing how quickly we begin to relate to new schedules in our lives?
And once my day starts it gets busier throughout the day… I finally figured out that if I don’t start with LISTENING to God first thing before breakfast… it is lost in a maze of business.
Breakfast arrives minutes after the sun arrives…so I stop and ask God in this transitional moment for guidance throughout this day –darkness leaving sunshine filtering through my French Doors. I don’t talk… I listen with all my heart to God’s lesson for the day. Jesus…. the greatest teacher of all!
God is near…He is EL ROI-the God Who sees and I must never stop being the student who listens to Him and responds accordingly! We are never too old. And there is still a “link” or a staff to pour God’s expectations into our day!
So until tomorrow… Become a world wide student and start by listening to God first.
When I was moving ” Big Red and Little Big Red” to my new home I moved planter hooks and later realized how important it is to buy heavy iron stakes or your hanging basket goes on a free form ride every time the wind picks up!
I am sure it is experiencing our own Wise Men or Shepard’s roles in our own first Christmas pageant that also introduces us to the difference between shepherds watching their flock by night with a staff and heavy planter hooks to secure heavy hanging baskets.
Secured double plantersLight messagesLight is right for Welcome SignsLook at this beautiful transitional plant that will need a heavy double hook to raise itDouble Beauties low and high
So until tomorrow… staffs, hooks. crooks throughout history ….every type has a place in man’s history… protecting, and beautifying!
The brevity and longevity of leaves! God provides both! Live Oak leaves will be a challenge in every season of each year! Look for the wide diversity of every leaf and flower and smile for each !
Some floating brown live oak leaves make us work harder for duller exhibitions but if we wait long enough one specimen will startle us and bring light into our everyday lives. …
Some one dull leaf managed to turn a bright color all on its own inclination! And once again we believe in miracles!
Keep faith, trust, and hope… and Life blossoms once again to us!
Life is too short to not to be happy!
So until tomorrow… Winnie’s favorite gifts to his gang is FLOWERS!
Sunshine is our best medicine! Laurie David shared a beautiful experience with one lone leaf that miraculously appeared out of no where… doesn’t nature bring us such amazing light that brightens our lives?
Laurie wrote that the leaf , brightly shining …that caught her immediate attention was a Loquat Leaf . The Loquat leaf keeps green leaves year round .
This bright yellow one was not expected in February!
Welcome Bright Beauty!
It looks like a little sunshine calling out to spring! Enjoy unexpected views of nature in our lives!!!