It’s Not What You Look At that Counts… But What You See…in Life

Dear Reader:

Have you ever thought about the difference between looking and seeing? Perhaps we all should because it dictates whether we live our lives superficially or take time to connect sights with deep-seeded meaning and understanding in and of our lives.

Seeing requires perception on the part of the person who is physically directing their eyes towards a sight… just looking ” surfacely” but not at a deeper level meaningfully…. not seeing connections made to link past experiences or create novel fresh ideas.

A fun example… Do you remember the scene when the Griswolds go on ” Vacation” … they arrive at the Grand Canyon … only to run over, barely glance at the ” big hole” , ) and start back towards the car when Ellen rebukes Clark for not even looking at it. Clark sighs , bops up and down two times… yells ” Done” ( he had looked, not seen, but looked at the Grand Canyon- check ! )

One of the greatest natural sights in the world and Clark just wanted to check if off on his vacation sights list. A ” sight” but no ” seeing.” He left behind a spectacle that has changed people’s lives in its magnificence and beauty! People who ” saw” the ” Big Canyon” and never forgot the experience!

Or ( if you happen to be a baby boomer) remember the Dick and Jane primary reading series?) ” Look” was the most frequented word in the series.

Obviously no difference was taught first graders about the words ” Look” and ” See”… we all grew up thinking they were synonyms!

So until tomorrow…

Not ” looking the good” but ” SEEING the GOOD! ”

Today is my favorite day- Winnie the Pooh

In Ben’s beautiful ” backyard”. Stopped by yesterday to help him send off lost and found golf balls to distributors… keeps him feeling needed! His job now! 💗
Susan Swicegood is so talented -made this beautiful arrangement for Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn’s front yard… so pretty!
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Life Brings You Home…

Dear Reader:

You know when you feel the pull of home… that quiet yearning to return to the beauty of your hometown, the terrific neighbors checking in on your home and gardens…. your flowers, plants, and trees ( your other set of “grandchildren”.) Such a nice thought… then add in the reality of upcoming medical appointments and procedures … sigh… but still it is time to ” return to normalcy.”

I am definitely ready to get a breakfast from Eva’s Restaurant-love their sausages… the best! ( Mandy spoiled me making breakfast every morning. )

One of my favorite areas in Summerville is Short Central Avenue. In 2001 while working on a street project… engineers discovered bricks dating back to the 1920’s! This discovery changed the whole outlook on the purpose and vision of the project.

The town decided to block the road from vehicles and create a pedestrian path that leads people from historic neighborhoods to the bustling town square.

Diverse shops , deli’s, restaurants, taverns offer cultural designs and tastes to visitors.

Another week down for students… and if they are like my grandchildren… they are ready for summer… the count-down begins.

Getting Closer-About two weeks-calendar count-down time!!!

So until tomorrow…

This will be my first thought upon returning home … and the garden always wins!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Even the loud-mouth Carolina wren weather! 😂
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Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart… So Better Things Can Fall Together

Dear Reader:

Haven’t we all experienced going through a really good period of time… so much so that we want to nestle down into its comfort and security and stay right there for a long satisfying time?

… Only to be unceremoniously dumped right back into reality and scrambling again to stay afloat?

By now we should know… life is filled with change-agents ready to pop up without a moments notice and pull the ” rug out from under us.”

It makes us feel sometimes that life imitates the old game show-Press Your Luck. Don’t you remember watching contestants pressing a lever that brought cars, merchandise, and money… but.. it could all be taken away in a second if a ” Whammy” popped up! Contestants would yell out” Big Money.. No Whammies” before they pressed the lever.


Haven’t we all gotten comfortable in a certain phase or stage of life and we want it to keep going… ” No Whammies!”

It isn’t until a life shake-up has come and gone… that we realize ( in retrospect) we had become complacent and no longer challenged by life -we needed a change…a new life that required our special strengths to help others.

I read an article that gave these five tips to landing where we belong …

* If you lack inspiration-shift the scenery

* Pay attention to what moves you

* What you do in your ” free” time is what you should do all the time

*When opportunity knocks… answer the door!

*Be ready to pivot when things don’t quite work

So until tomorrow… God is our ” Nudger” reminding us we are here for a purpose-to help others -not to wholly concentrate on our wants-the secret-combining the two!

Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh

I have really enjoyed watching and walking through nature along the ponds and canals in Mandy’s neighborhood. When I got this photo after patiently waiting for the two geese to swim close by the lower deck… finally synchronized together… I was thrilled! Beautiful!

Mandy’s next door neighbor’s beautiful hydrangea bush!
R &R in my Winnie the Pooh T-shirt!
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What Makes You Come Alive?

Dear Reader:

This particular quote stopped me immediately as I was reading an article by Brene Brown yesterday. I marked my place in the article, closed the booklet, and started ruminating about my earliest fondest memories … a time when I felt truly alive and a contributor ( for the first time) to the world around me… no longer just a spectator.

I was eight years old… end of third grade school year… talent show time. Since I couldn’t dance or sing… I didn’t think much about it… but mother could tell I really wanted to do something in it.

She later told me that she found a soliloquy she had heard once and had made a copy of …It was about a little country girl’s funny ” take” on her crazy relatives living together on a farm.

I dressed in overalls, a red cotton kerchief, straw hat and kept one piece of straw in my mouth! *Having natural buck teeth just added to the imagery!

***I love Mary Cassett’s portrait… Girl in a Straw Hat

Even back then I could memorize easily and read ferociously … so mainly I just had to learn how to work on the timed gestures and laughter lines throughout the pantomime.

The first time the audience ( classmates) started laughing ( at a line I spoke) I was hooked. My adrenaline was racing and I intuitively realized I could do something to make others happy. I have never forgotten that moment!

Years later…as I faced my first eight grade social studies class… I asked them to prioritize their subjects from favorite to least favorite… social studies bottomed out-I had my work cut out for me!

So I told the students that the social studies books were just reference books-and that we were going to be” telling” stories… lots and lots of stories. I would start but soon they would be the storytellers… the historians. And we wanted to listen to historical music from different time periods during our lessons to set the stage for the historical events we would study.

I am happy to say by the end of the year social studies had left the bottom rung of the subject hierarchy… even for some students…reaching the highest tier. Storytelling… always the secret to success!

Think about it… what brightens your day and makes you feel alive like no other… what can you contribute to this old world who needs all of our strengths to keep it turning for all its inhabitants?

So until tomorrow… Make everyday a beautiful day by sharing your God-given talents with your fellow man… our ” time-share” humans who reside beside us during our gift of a life time capsule slice of life.

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Mandy’s new bird bungalow
My Angelina/arch-angel
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Sending the Right Messaging to Ourselves…


Dear Reader:

Don’t we see more and more news on the escalating mental health crisis among Americans… especially our young adolescents?

First coronavirus was the targeted nemesis for this increase but now many other changes in our ” normal” daily activities tend to increase individual stress levels… like environmental issues resulting in destructive weather destroying homes and communities, inconsistencies in school learning styles, daily mass homicides at theaters, school classrooms, parks, workplaces, and recreational centers to name a few. Our children wonder where they can be safe and feel secure physically and physiologically … how can they fit in and not feel isolated?

Psychologists remind us that we all have intrusive thoughts – that we aren’t good enough- but some individuals get stuck.

The key to overcoming intrusive thoughts is to observe them for what they are and accept that they are there… But-you must refuse to allow them to dictate and control your life!

Helpful messaging is the key to overcoming anxiety. The most common thread is that you have to face your fears and REFUSE to allow your fears to win! Remembering this ” formula” and repeating it daily to yourself helps!



So until tomorrow… ” Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.” -Kim Vincently

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Even though we all know that Winnie’s fear of ” Heffalumps” and ” Woozles” is silly because they are imaginary… they are real to Winnie… his ” security blanket” against them is clutching his honey jar.

We need to realize that what may seem scary to you is not scary to me. But what always remains true is compassion and reassurance for each other.

Love Star petunias
My ” Easter” lily opened completely on Mother’s Day! Thank you Tommy and Kaitlyn for giving the gift that keeps giving… third season!!!
My new planter John and Mandy gave me is nestled in and getting acquainted with its new neighbors!

Eloise is getting ready to go with her girl cousins to Disney World next week… she is so excited!

A new Minnie Look!
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” Happily Ever After” is only as happy as You make it!

Dear Reader:

Have you ever thought how ” earth-shattering” ( downright devastating) a ” reality show” on Disney fairy tale movies would be …if transformed into ” What REALLY happened in this couple’s Ever After Story? ( Snow White, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Pinocchio, Rapunzel… etc. ( You get the idea! )

I am appalled just contemplating it. I can picture all those starry-eyed little girls and boys watching the Prince ditch Cinderella for one of her mean stepsisters who treacherously had head to toe cosmetic surgery to the point she didn’t even resemble her former self…or Little Red Robin Hood marrying the Wolf to split Grandmother’s inheritance. Talk about ” Innocence Destroyed?”

And even if no one is willing to cross that line … to date… magic, imagination, and dreams belong in fairy tales to brighten children’s lives to the possibilities of a brighter happiness from within… not destruction from a harsh reality stemming from uncontrollable outside forces.

Yes… today the Fairy Godmother would convince Cinderella that she was just as important and worthy as any other ” privileged girl” vying for the Prince’s attention. In other words… ” Own it… Own this ball tonight Cinderella!”

… and the only ” mirrors” in our lives… should not be nouns but we should always be looking to worthy others to ” mirror” their behavior and integrity for ourselves …as revealed in this earlier anecdote.

So until tomorrow… ” If the shoe fits… wear it” … we better be sure that the life we want to be remembered for ” fits” the person inside!

Tomorrow is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

The most beautiful magnolia bloom on our walk with Winnie ( the dog) yesterday!
Mandy hung her bird chime from Mother’s Day!
Love my new kitchen towel Susan!
So true! Prayers for Moms Everywhere!
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Mirror Mirror on the Wall…

I Need a Mirror that Reflects my Soul… for that is the “ME” that has not grown ” OLD.”

Dear Reader:

How many of us have felt this same way…( in our perspectives on mirror images) as we live and experience the up’s and down’s of life…don’t we feel that our physical appearances should match our emotional and especial spiritual growth?

… And if this is so… shouldn’t we reflect a face or expression alive with gratitude and a slight smile conveying a deeper understanding of life and our place in it?

This past weekend … I had the opportunity to help Eva Cate and Jake make Mother Day ” surcies” for Mandy Saturday night while John and Mandy celebrated their anniversary out for dinner. We had fun… For Jake’s card ” You ROCK Mom” … we searched for a rock to put his name on for a paper-weight. Eva Cate drew a poster card for mom.

Jake’s Monarch butterfly
A bird’s tree house or perhaps bungalow

… The Turner family gave me a beautiful pink mandevilla… can hardly wait to put it in my garden!

Then yesterday evening… Tommy and Kaitlyn took me and Susan ( Kaitlyn’s mom-and niece Lily) out to eat at a new restaurant on Coleman in Mt Pleasant!

I have my new prayer beads on that Kaitlyn gave me for Mothers Day!

So until tomorrow… Rod Stewart sang ” Forever Young” ( one of my top five favorite songs) and I think we can achieve that …if we believe in achieving ” Soulfully Young.”

Tommy managed to find a Clemson Tiger Mothers Day card ! Happy Mother’s Day!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

And even for us whose moms are in heaven… it is still home to us!
Tommy and Kaitlyn’s yard!!!

I hope everyone took time to remember the mothers in our lives and their gift of unconditional love! Happy Mothers Day!!!

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” Mothering” is Mother Like No Other…

Dear Reader:

Stop and think about it..what is the most appreciated and the most precious type of loving we can give and receive in our lifetimes. ” Mothering!”

” Mothering” is not restricted to gender, age, or even humans… it is a special bonding that reassures us God is watching over us and sends us ” who” we need , at any given moment, to feel comfort and belonging.

The ” act” of mothering includes physical contact and an immediate sensation that someone cares for us.

… And best of all … it is not restricted to mothers… anyone can ” mother” … even pets.

Pause a moment and think about a pet you had in your life who always sensed when you were down or upset. How many times did this pet give you a lick and a snuggle until your spirits lifted?

Now start remembering people in your life who ” mothered” you in the past. Perhaps it was a coach who threw his arms around you and encouraged you to forget one play or game gone array… that better times were coming. Perhaps it was a teacher patting you on the back … reminding you that you would do better on the next test!

Your ” mothering” might even have come from a complete stranger who ran over to check on you following a car accident and stayed with you until the police arrived… or perhaps it was the policeman , himself, who comforted you while waiting on an ambulance.

God gave us all this special gift of compassion… with no restrictions to gender, age, religion, race, ancestry or education… a ” magical” feeling of being uplifted when we need it the most.

God knew that the world needed more ” mothering” and uplifting than one segment of the population could provide alone… so ” mothering” is open to everyone. We should all find ourselves on each side of the experience-feeling ” mothered” and ” mothering ” another.

So until tomorrow… Happy Mother’s Day… Happy Everyone ” Mothering Day!

More Gerber blossoms
Bird’s eye view of back garden
Look at the intricate design in this lantana blossom… mind-boggling! God’s creation is awesome!

Happy ” Mothering” Day everyone! Share the love, hugs, and snugs! 💗

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Nearer my God to Thee…

Dear Reader:

What a beautiful and truthful statement! I do go to my garden when the dew is still on the roses and I go midday, at sunset, and when the birds sing their last lullaby. It is where I feel God’s Presence over my life… and surrender it each day to Him.

Every time I hear the phrase ” Nearer my God to Thee” … the historian pops out and immediately I am taken to the scenes from James Cameron’s movie interpretation of the Titanic. As the unsinkable ship sinks into the frigid Atlantic…the strings ( violins) began playing this old hymn written by Sarah Fuller Adams… the lyrics are based on the re-telling of Jacob’s Dream from Genesis 28: 11-12.

And as true gardeners’ sheepishly admit… it is a rare day when a new plant isn’t being introduced to the earlier plants …settled in and glowing.


We have all heard the tried and true statement… ” A Little Goes a Long Way” and that is true of gardens too. Yet with Mother’s Day approaching … I can never think of anything else to give but flowers from my garden… hanging baskets and/ or decorative planters… even bird houses.

I think back on all the plants given me by so many friends… some plants lasted only awhile but oh how beautiful they were while here… as well as some ( now) of my friends!

So until tomorrow… we have all heard the expression ” Fake it til You Make It.” But I had never seen this expression before…

The more I thought about this interpretation… the more I realized how true it is… when the rug of life gets pulled from under us… faith is all we have to literally fall back on… yet it is enough!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

This stem/ flower fell out of a basket and found a way to keep growing! The miracle of life!

Since sharing the ” Penny” story with you a few days ago I find myself checking out the pavements to and from businesses, stores… wherever I am. This ” Lincoln” looks like it had a hard life… run over and crushed many times… eerily similar to Lincoln’s Presidency and prior life… at first it looks abstract… but flip it sideways and you can barely catch “In God We Trust” and the top of his head. Good luck!

Beautiful Wildflowers
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While ” Stumbling, Bumbling” through Motherhood… Love Reigned!

Mothers role-model what ” living and loving” really means!

Dear Reader:

Once a mother… always a mother. Isn’t that perhaps the most misunderstood concept in preparing to be a ” mother?” Didn’t we all imagine that at some magical number… perhaps 18 or 21… that we were ” done” with the hard stuff and now we could sit back on our laurels and accept all the compliments on a job well done? WRONG!

Life just doesn’t work that way! I shared with Mollie her lament that her eldest child, Rutledge, was graduating from elementary school shortly… ( fifth grade in Berkeley County) is separated from elementary school as an introduction to middle school. They had received their pictorial history of elementary… both Mollie and I were happy but saddened too at the swiftness of time.

So proud of you Rutledge!

Yet… as fast as childhood is… adolescence arrives with newer, more difficult challenges … so that by the time your teenager is ready to graduate high school… parental graduation feelings run the gamut-sadness and relief intermingling!

But life doesn’t stop there either… getting through college, or starting a career, finding that special someone to share their lives… perhaps later grandchildren… tough times come and go and mothers keeping praying for their ” children” ‘s happiness, success, and most importantly… their capacity to help others along the way.

Motherhood never stops … until we do… and even then God finds a way to provide those God Winks to let us know our mothers are still with us … in spirit!

So until tomorrow… if every child we raised knows how deeply each was loved and will always be loved … how special and unique each is… we did our ” job” as mothers or any other ” titles” of personal guardianship. If we showed our children how to love and be loved… we taught them the essence of life!

Today is my favorite day – Winnie the Pooh

Here comes the hydrangeas returning
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