Category Archives: Uncategorized

A ” Double Speed” Day… Fast and ” Ed-i-Slo” …

Dear Reader: What a day yesterday was… we kicked into high gear… leaving Edisto around 9 and putting the pedal to the medal to get to Columbia to see our missing Ya Libby! We picked up some ” home” cooking … Continue reading

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A ” Double Speed” Day… Fast and ” Ed-i-Slo” …

Dear Reader: What a day yesterday was… we kicked into high gear… leaving Edisto around 9 and putting the pedal to the medal to get to Columbia to see our missing Ya Libby! We picked up some ” home” cooking … Continue reading

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Girls Night Out…

Dear Reader: Since today is our trip to Columbia to see the ” one that got left behind” (Libby) this retreat year due …to an unforgettable and unfortunate fall…we decided to take the beach to her… to spend a fun … Continue reading

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A Storm’s A’ Coming… but We Don’t Care…

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I nostalgically walked over to the beach to take some photos and then run some errands … I met one other young woman out walking early but we were the only ones out… the wind, clouds, … Continue reading

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Renewal, Reflection and Realization

Dear Reader: Yesterday as Brooke and I talked about our feelings reflecting on the amazing years we have spent at Edisto Island… Brooke came up with the perfect response and title today…Renewal, Reflection,and Realization. From our first reunion in 2004…here … Continue reading

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The Scents of Special Places

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I was watering my plants for the last time before leaving for Edisto Island…it is that time again! Ya Ya reunion! I spent last night at Rest In Peace with Brooke… so we could drive together … Continue reading

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Creating Ourselves takes a Lifetime…

Dear Reader: George Bernard Shaw made the observation that ” Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” It has taken me a lifetime to understand this comment… because the popular jargon is always about people finding themselves… … Continue reading

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Always Expect the Unexpected in Life…

Dear Reader: Well my Mother’s Day was a mixture of pleasure , happiness, contentment… and then unexpected news … always expect the unexpected in life… right? Walsh, Mollie and the kids all came over to Mandy and John’s for Mother’s … Continue reading

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Bringing the Light of New Life into Darkness

Dear Reader: On this Mother’s Day in May of 2022, I couldn’t help but think of the young mothers giving birth in Ukraine as this senseless attack on their country’s freedom continues to play out on the news for us. … Continue reading

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The Best Trade-Offs of Aging… are Inside… Not Out…

Dear Reader: I remember feeling like ” my candle was burning at both ends” constantly as a single mother… that I was meeting myself coming and going. And I kept wondering if there ever would come a day when I … Continue reading

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