Category Archives: Uncategorized

Learning to Listen Through Nature

Dear Reader: It wasn’t until the fall of 2013 that I remembered how to listen again with plants as my teachers… it was the spring my backyard garden evolved from a dream to reality. By that fall I was, not … Continue reading

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Progression… Not Perfection

Dear Reader: I have a personal mantra I silently and mentally entertain each morning… “Lord, let me be a better person today than I was yesterday. ” I have accepted my imperfections and been a Brene Brown follower long enough … Continue reading

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Heart and Soul Memories

Dear Reader: Did you know that three of our five senses take us back …faster …down our personal memory lanes? They are sound, taste, and smell. In fact this post today is a testimony to this scientific observation. Our Chick-fil-A … Continue reading

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The ” Delicious Miss Brown” Serves Out History … Along with her Amazing Dishes

Dear Reader: On a recent episode of Kardea Brown’s cooking show ( filmed on Edisto Island) she was planning a family gathering to be held on another sea island, close by, James Island wherein lies Mosquito Beach, or as islanders … Continue reading

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The ” Potato Chip Kid” Rides On in Memories

Dear Reader: Over the weekend, which I spent in Mt Pleasant, I heard from one of my favorite cousins… Charles! As the oldest cousin, in our Laurens gang of cousins… he was my idol! Even before my family permanently moved … Continue reading

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Ever Considered Your Home as ” Eden” … Paradise?

Dear Reader: Emily Dickinson once wrote ” Home is the definition of God.” She went on to say ” Eden is that old-fashioned house we dwell in everyday.” In other words… is spending time at home picking up and cleaning … Continue reading

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A God Wink and a Love Note

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a busy day… lots of errands and preparations for picking up and organizing items for distribution. And suddenly , smack dab in the middle of it all… I got the most magnificent God Wink… more accurately … Continue reading

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The Guardian Angel Who Stirred the Pot of Happiness

Dear Reader: While watching a cooking show recently, I noticed a whimsical guardian angel kitchen spoon holder that took me back in time to mother’s kitchen in the duplex in Fayetteville. I remember asking mother about our kitchen guardian angel … Continue reading

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Not Ready for Winter Yet…

Dear Reader: I remember several years ago Anne and I taught a Sunday School class on the importance of telling our personal stories as followers of faith and the power of sharing our life stories with others. The study guide … Continue reading

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The Gator Who ” Saved” Independence Day

Dear Reader: July 4, 2022, will always go down in family history as the holiday “that wasn’t” but yet the celebration of laughter… “that was! “ Mandy and John decided to go all out for the Fourth this year…bringing in … Continue reading

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