Category Archives: Uncategorized

Scary Out… Scarecrows Still In… It’s NOVEMBER!

Dear Reader: Isn’t it hard to believe that a whole new month is upon us? Since I love Autumn… I want to freeze/frame this month. October left yesterday taking Jack o’lanterns with it… but leaving pumpkins; witches and ghosts flew … Continue reading

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Happy Halloween

Dear Reader: It’s finally here… we have to wait to the last day of the month to go a little crazy, a little creative and take OFF our everyday masks we present to the public and become a child again! … Continue reading

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Cravings and Combo’s

Dear Reader: While looking for a pair of loafers at the back of my closet, I found one of my favorite pumpkins… looking sad and forlorn… hidden behind boxes. I took it out… gave it a good dusting and set … Continue reading

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” Be Warm Inside and Out”

Dear Reader: Every time I notice something new or actually old, but renewed, in my present vision and past memories, I feel happy! Yesterday it was glancing at my pine tree, right outside my front window, and realizing that even … Continue reading

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning’s End…

Dear Reader: There is no doubt in my mind that every post I have written since August 7, 2010 has simply been an extension of a story, conversation, comment, movie, or experience that happened to someone else… before I was … Continue reading

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Out of the Garden Graveyard… Natural Beauty Resurrection…

Dear Reader: After excitedly surveying my yard and gardens ( after being given a complete ” physical”) Tuesday… I found my self drifting back to the wooded area, just beyond my back yard but still within the property border line. … Continue reading

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A Bewitching Foggy Morning..

Dear Reader: I knew that Jeff, my amazing lawn maintenance magician, was coming early yesterday morning… and he did… arriving around 7:30 … as I was groggily trying to get my heart re-started. As I glanced out the windows I … Continue reading

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It’s An Enchanting October… and I Need a Little Archibald Rutledge!

Dear Reader: When Archibald Rutledge returned home ( August-1937) to Hampton after a forty-four year absence… he was fifty-six… but driving up to his childhood home… he knew Something or Someone Bigger than himself was guiding him back to the … Continue reading

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Drawing a Line in the Sand

Dear Reader: Being a product of the Baby Boomer generation… I was raised ( as a future southern wife and mother) to play the role of peacemaker and strong home anchor. All my life I have tried to avoid personal … Continue reading

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Feeling the Universe Shift…

Dear Reader: This fall is so beautiful… everyday takes my breath away and like the sign says (outside Walsh and Mollie’s neighborhood ) fall is proof that change can not only, be a good thing, but put a ” giddy-up” … Continue reading

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