Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Well Ain’t You Something?”-The Amazing Presence of God Within Us

Dear Reader: There is a rarely used word in our English dictionary lurking around our consciousness that defines another level of our “humanness, our existence. As strange as it might seem to include this word/definition into a Valentine’s blog….it actually … Continue reading

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Sweet Tea, Barbecue, and Special Camellias

  Dear Reader: Thursday Anne and I had a spontaneous lunch at Baker’s Pond for some delightful barbecue! Anne was dropping off a church member near my neighborhood from a quilting session and stopped by to ask if I had … Continue reading

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“How Did it Get So Late So Soon?”

Dear Reader: By happenstance I came across this little “ditty” by Dr. Seuss while surfing the internet yesterday and immediately I put on the brakes. It spoke to me quite loudly. I feel like I am just settling into my … Continue reading

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Never Stop Exploring…Home is a Good Place to Start!

Dear Reader: You might remember me telling you about my incident (in a couple of earlier blog posts) in the fourth grade with explorers and explorations. I wanted the teacher, Mrs. Persons, to point out all the unexplored lands on … Continue reading

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Give Me a “Lived-in” Home

Dear Reader: Yesterday was “tax” day for me. In trepidation I carried all my “stuff” in my bright yellow folder to the tax service I use. I knew taking money out of my annuity to pay for the home renovations … Continue reading

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Start Making “JOY” Dates with Yourself

Dear Reader: I started thinking the other day if  Anne Herbert started a whole movement called “random acts of kindness” to counteract the random acts of violence and hatred that seemed to dominate the news, then why shouldn’t we make … Continue reading

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Let Joy Lead the Way

Dear Reader: What you gotta love about children the most is their unabashed demonstrations of sheer joy! It is one of the greatest joys of a grandparent to simply watch them grow. Rutledge insisted on pushing Lachlan in the swing. … Continue reading

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Simplify More to Be More

Dear Reader: Isn’t it interesting to see how the pendulum swings from social change and mores between gathering and scattering? In the sixties we saw a movement (hippie/flower children) to eradicate war, live and love simply in a type of … Continue reading

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“Can’t Not Do” People

Dear Reader: From the time we all heard the story of “The Little Engine That Could,” we have had the mantra ingrained in us that if we just try hard enough and keep a positive attitude, “I think I can,” success … Continue reading

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A Mid-Winter Secret Rendevous

Dear Reader: I had you for a moment, didn’t I? Perhaps you thought (for a fleeting second) that Ole’ Boo had her a man hidden around somewhere….sorry to disappoint…as of this day in time my romances are lived vicariously through … Continue reading

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