Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Hug

Dear Reader: Yesterday I caught only a small portion of one of my favorite shows during the week, CBS Sunday Morning, and later I felt like I was supposed to see this special segment. The power of one hug. If Steve … Continue reading

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Page 1 of 365…Happy New Year!

Dear Reader: Actually TODAY is the first blank page of a 365  page book…Write a good one! (Just added a little more stress to your calendar year!) At the end of our lives… we realize we are all simply…stories. If that … Continue reading

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“Hop” to it, Luck Waits on No Man…nor Woman!

Dear Reader: The other night when I went to Anne’s for supper this attractive bowl with the beautifully vibrant “greens,” overflowing from its sides, caught my attention and I snapped this photo. I told her it looked like a holiday … Continue reading

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“God, Help me Get Out of My Own Way”

Dear Reader: As 2016 winds down and I take some time to reflect back on it…the year can probably be best summed up in one word: CHANGE. And since life is constantly changing…I could just as easily substitute the word … Continue reading

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The Right Place to Be At the Right Time

Dear Reader: Sometimes when we are at our wit’s end…I think God looks down and decides we have had enough…time for a little divine intervention. This was what happened yesterday morning…as a result of a very upsetting Tuesday evening. I … Continue reading

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Finding Our Own “Present” Places

Dear Reader: One of the most poignant remarks made about the family Christmas Eve gathering this year was made by Stephanie when she dropped off (unknowingly to me) Christmas presents. When I went on her FACEBOOK site to thank her … Continue reading

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Kindness Remains After Life Keeps Changing

Dear Reader: After telling everyone (on the blog yesterday) that on Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, it would be a nice thing to follow the English tradition of doing something kind for someone…it turned out I was the one … Continue reading

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Boxing Day-the Day After Christmas

Dear Reader: I think I might end up as one of those “crazy little old ladies” who do strange things at strange times in strange places. Going into Wakendaw Lakes yesterday to watch the grandchildren open their presents I drove … Continue reading

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Christmas Candy Magic

Dear Reader: Christmas is here! This is definitely the day that the Lord has made and we must all REJOICE in it! *(Rutledge was the closest to the podium so Bekah couldn’t get him in this photo…hoping John maybe had … Continue reading

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The Gift of Community

  Dear Reader: Christmas Eve 2016 has arrived…the family will be coming and meeting at the church for the 5:00 Christmas Eve Service. This year Ady, Rutledge and Eva Cate will help me perform some magic tricks before my story … Continue reading

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