Category Archives: Uncategorized

Letting God be God

Dear Reader: Isn’t our entire life built around a power struggle with our Creator? We acknowledge Him as God but then we deliberately diminish His status by trying to role-play His place in our own lives . My doubts and … Continue reading

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Change Beats Out Comfortable…Every Time

Dear Reader: Ever since I retired and got off the tread mill of meetings and deadlines…I have grown quite comfortable in a leisurely-paced day. In fact I have probably grown too comfortable. I keep reassuring myself I deserve a slower-paced … Continue reading

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“Who Me? I’m Feeling Just Fine.”

Dear Reader: I admit that I am a chronic responder to the question “How are you feeling?” with the reply: “I am just fine.”  (And 99.9% of the time I am telling the truth…as in “I am just fine” meaning I … Continue reading

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Saying Good-bye…

Dear Reader: Aren’t good-byes one of the hardest things we have to deal with in life? From the time we are infants until adulthood…saying good-bye to friends and family is a ritual most of us would rather avoid. So as … Continue reading

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“It Ended with a little Orange Ball”

Dear Reader: “What goes around does come around.” Last week, Wednesday, January 11, I wrote the story of how the Clemson victory came about as a “direct” result of three little orange balls that were really clown noses….honking us on … Continue reading

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The Lost Art of Listening

Dear Reader: For all the thirty plus years I taught in the classroom and made presentations I was always aware of the number of participants not really listening…even when they pretended to hear. For teachers, everywhere, it is an on-going … Continue reading

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Realization of Life’s Best Moments Through a Generation

Dear Reader: Putting a generation between you and your grandchildren produces miraculous changes in one’s perception of the precious moments of childhood… lost on parents living in the “Hurry Up, We have to go” stage of life. When I think … Continue reading

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“Absolutely No Admittance”

Dear Reader: Yesterday Jo Dufford referenced the book One Perfect Word by popular author, Debbie Macomber. The idea behind this theme was to choose one word that would be your lantern, your mantra, to guide you for the year. (* Jo chose … Continue reading

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Finding Harmony in Ourselves…

Dear Reader: I came across another Steve Hartman true story that hit home with me…not the plot of the story necessarily…but simply the essence of it. A wedding gift that made one couple re-think their priority in opening it. Have you … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: When you think about it…we each have one story, one life, that is subject to change, in not only a moment’s notice, but in one second of time on earth. One is a number that signifies the opportunity … Continue reading

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