Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pot Hole Mosiacs

Dear Reader: How I do admire creativity that helps solves everyday, mundane problems and this story is about that very thing…pot holes! Once again, this story showed up on the CBS Sunday Morning Show…I think I could do years of … Continue reading

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And the Beat Goes On…With Your Password

Dear Reader: As I was lazily fixing a bowl of grits yesterday morning…I turned the television on to the CBS Sunday Morning Show and I found myself putting my bowl down to concentrate harder on the first story of the … Continue reading

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Aging Gratefully…After Gracefully Passes You By

Dear Reader: Looking in the mirror these days takes an act of courage….especially first thing in the morning with no make-up, runny eyes and nose. I wipe, honk, and blink a few times to confirm this is still me staring … Continue reading

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The Distance of Anger

Dear Reader: Have you ever gotten in a shouting match with a spouse, friend, parent, child, or someone else who you felt “Did you wrong?” I rarely find myself in shouting matches since I have such an abhorrence to them…but … Continue reading

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Missing the Point…

Dear Readers: I love whimsical metaphors with a kick and this saying does just that. We are so used to seeing gloomy-looking signs saying “The End is Coming” that seeing a sign that says  “The Beginning is Near” turns our … Continue reading

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Turning Ordinary Acts of Kindness into Extraordinary Ones

Dear Reader: When I awoke yesterday I automatically began opening my shutters in the den (my happy room) and noticed that the skies were overcast and the rain appeared imminent. A pretty gloomy-looking day. I thought to myself that I … Continue reading

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The Secret Ritual For Each President…You’ll Be Surprised

Dear Reader: I know  it must look like I am ‘jumping the gun’ doing a story on the Presidents on Valentines Day for the next day….a week ahead of time…but when one finds an interesting fact…the story must be told. … Continue reading

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A Door Knocker, a Dog and a Bright Red Umbrella

Dear Reader: Happy Valentines to one and all! I love the picture of this intricate door knocker with a heart on top! What a wonderful way to greet friends, family, and strangers, year around at one’s door….with a heart symbolizing … Continue reading

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Making Sense of My Life

Dear Reader: Don’t we hear catch-phrases (and I have been known to pass them on to others myself) like our title remark (“Some day it’s gonna make sense”) to friends and family who ask why something tragic happened that makes … Continue reading

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A Book for The “Right Reader”

Dear Reader: On an insert added at the beginning of this novel…the following words were written: “ I wonder how the book got to Guernsey? Perhaps there is some sort of secret homing instinct in books that brings them to … Continue reading

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