Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Fresh Pair of Eyes…

Dear Reader: Yesterday I babysat Eva Cate and Jake and while pulling in to Wakendaw Blvd (Wakendaw Lakes) I was stunned by the beauty of the freshest green on the new oak leaves shining in all their glory. There must … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: I know I find myself drawn back to the subject of azaleas but when you are blessed to live in a fairyland filled with them, it is hard not to immerse ourselves in their history and beauty during … Continue reading

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Every Once in awhile…Unplug from Life.

Dear Reader: Don’t we all have days that are so hectic we feel like “re-booting” (Anne’s 2017 word) by unplugging everything in our life and welcoming the peace and quiet that quickly invades our surroundings? It is amazing how technology … Continue reading

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The “When-Then” Game We Play

Dear Reader: Have you ever observed (on television) terrible areas of the world afflicted with AIDS, starvation, and unhealthy drinking water…yet the little children are excited over every small improvement in their lives and bright smiles flood their little faces? … Continue reading

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The “Rush” of Being in No Hurry at All…

Dear Reader: Besides retirement meaning “No more Sunday Slumps or Monday Melancholies ” it also lends itself to a new expression from us retirees that takes awhile to adjust to…we even surprise ourselves when we first utter the words “Oh … Continue reading

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Life and Relationships…We are One with the Universe!

Dear Reader: While we are reassured by scripture that “We are made in the image of God” today this message is visibly evidenced by Holographic images of our universe…. God’s Creation. Everything in life points back to one simple observation: … Continue reading

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Changed Attitude to Start a New Week

Dear Reader: Yesterday, Monday morning, I woke up with such a sense of peace and tranquility. I just lay in bed and listened to the birds announcing the new day and then went out to check my flowers. The daffodils … Continue reading

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“All Things Come to an End”

Dear Reader: After discovering that my brother David died on the same day of the month as Kaitlyn’s sister, Amanda, (March 4)  I got interested in pulling out an old scrapbook…filled with tributes to him like kind notes, cards, letters, … Continue reading

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From a Dime to the X-Plan

Dear Reader: Now I am really dating myself…but how many of you can recall having to wait to go on a date or outing until you found a dime in your purse to show your parent? I remember it well. … Continue reading

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“Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence”…

Dear Reader: I do remember telling you that this is the first joke I ever recall being told and (for at least three times at bat) I struck out and didn’t ‘get’ the joke. When I finally did I thought … Continue reading

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