Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Invisible Thread…

  Dear Reader: While cleaning out (yes, I am still at it!) my file cabinet filled with stacks of old worksheets I used when presenting social studies workshops (for so many years) I found a Chinese quote I had used … Continue reading

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A Pause to Remember the Past…

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning started out so wonderfully…it had rained the night before so I didn’t have to scurry out to water the garden and plants…a lazy morning to stay in after a crazy week of wonderfulness-combination of  America’s birthday, … Continue reading

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A Most Wonderful Right…The Right to be Different

Dear Reader: Being a grandmother, storyteller, and proponent of the recognition of all the creative, imaginative children (in our school systems) who march to the beat of a different drummer…this novel had my name written all over it. I admit, … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Some of you might have seen the interview between Hoda and Kathi Lee on their show yesterday with Squire Rushnell and his wife Louise DuArt…authors of this (most recent) tenth book in the GodWink series. (*Lisa Register did … Continue reading

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Music is the Voice of the Soul

Dear Reader: With so much excitement going on with the Dingle/Turner families …other “going-on’s” with the talented Barbour family have gone quietly unnoticed…until I got an email from Vikki…(my handsome nephew Lee’s  beautiful wife) letting me know about the release … Continue reading

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Baby…It’s Hot Outside!

Dear Reader: This was definitely a “Fourth Celebration” for the books…scrapbooks that is. There were so many things going on…it made your head swirl…It is one of those special occasions that requires removing the ‘bone from your hair and chewing … Continue reading

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It’s a Girl!!!!

Dear Reader: Last evening the humidity was so thick (like Nancyjean says) one had to chew it before you swallowed. But the humidity was not the only thing thick…so was the air of anticipation…waiting to find out the gender of the … Continue reading

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Ice Cream and the Fourth…a Delicious Celebration!

Dear Reader: “Big Red” is bursting with patriotic pride and big red geranium blooms. It has just outdone itself this holiday. If a plant could salute…I do believe “Big Red”  would be standing tall in position.  It’s overflow of health … Continue reading

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Immersing Ourselves in Life…

Dear Reader: It is at exciting times, like our family is experiencing now, that it is easier to become immersed in the delight and exhilaration of life. We find ourselves wishing we could just “skim” over the troubled waters of … Continue reading

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Divulging Some Dingle Disclosures

Dear Reader: I have been hinting that there is some “changes in the air” feelings circulating around our family homestead. Ever since Tommy and Kaitlyn’s wedding some speculation that Mollie might be expecting again (no celebratory champagne indulgence at the … Continue reading

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