Category Archives: Uncategorized

Making Sense of Life…

Dear Reader: Making sense of life…now that’s a tall order isn’t it? I believe that is what I am most interested in discovering in our next world. I can hardly wait to show God my list of unexplained sorrows and … Continue reading

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“Word Up” God…I Will Listen to You”

Dear Reader: One of my favorite authors, Madeleine L’Engle, kept a forty-day journal about learning to listen to God in prayer and then had it published. At the end of the fortieth day, she wrote a thought-provoking piece of prose … Continue reading

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God’s Lullaby to Us… The Gift of Music

Dear Reader: I do believe that music is one of the greatest gifts God added to His universe. It is hard for me to imagine a world without sound…but even harder for me to imagine it without song. I think … Continue reading

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A “Dog Days” of Summer Spiritual Story

Dear Reader: It was while watching Rutledge try to pat Dakota, the sweet lab that lives next door to me through the fence, that some memory set my neurons tingling. Wasn’t there a story about a man and a dog … Continue reading

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Life Leads Us to Ourselves

Dear Reader: I have read several of Marianne Williamson’s book or excerpts from them and they never cease to give me an “Aha” moment. When I came across this quote I thought to myself it was just what my brother, … Continue reading

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A Little History Lesson: The Jamestown Weed

Dear Reader: I couldn’t help but drop back and punt on a true historical story documented behind the names of this plant… more commonly known as The Devil’s Trumpet…the trumpet because of the shape of its blooms. When Stephanie shared … Continue reading

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Finding Balance in Life is as Easy as Finding the Fountain of Youth

Dear Reader: The search for unicorns and balance in life, for me, are pretty much in the same category…impossible. Okay…perhaps that is a little harsh…let me re-frame that….as Captain Jack Sparrow would say  “Improbable…but not impossible.” The more I think … Continue reading

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I’m a DayDream Believer

Dear Reader: I have been a “daydreamer believer” for as long as I have memory…far back into the recesses of childhood. I was that child in the classroom who was constantly caught staring out the windows turning clouds into shapes … Continue reading

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Looking for the Good…

Dear Reader: Every year in the spring…the eighth grade English and Social Studies classes, at my school,  timed the study of the World World II unit with the reading of the  Diary of Anne Frank. It was a powerful integrated … Continue reading

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Hide and Seek In a Morning Garden

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I woke up early thinking I would get my blood work done and out of the way as soon as my doctor’s office opened…but when I pulled in at 8:00 on the dot…there was a sign … Continue reading

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