Category Archives: Uncategorized

Saying “Good Morning” and “Good Night” by Opening and Closing Window Shutters

Dear Reader: I decided, yesterday, to check in on another one of my favorite author’s Laura Bradbury (author of the “Grape series“) whom I discovered by “accident” a few summers ago. There are  four books in her series…each story is … Continue reading

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My Own “Three Pines” Sanctuary

Dear Reader: Isn’t it funny how we can live somewhere for a lengthy period of our lives and not see something right in front of us? That happened to me yesterday morning…when my eyes were finally opened. You remember that … Continue reading

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When Waiting Becomes An Advent before Advent

( Art by Chris Lawton) Dear Reader: Maybe it is all the retailers that started the scrunched-in feeling between Halloween and Christmas… because this time of the year feels “off” for me. It doesn’t help that Halloween has to share … Continue reading

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One More Time…

Dear Reader: Yesterday Kate Wolfe-Jenson’s monthly newsletter popped up and I had to laugh. We have been thinking along the same lines with November, Thanksgiving, and gratitude. Jenson always makes me more aware of the fact that her challenges are … Continue reading

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Gratitude in November

Dear Reader: I was thinking the other day about the difference between two words….gratitude and thankfulness. I love how the Oxford Dictionary distinguished the two. It said: The Oxford Dictionary defines the work “grateful” as “showing an appreciation of kindness.” … Continue reading

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When Faith or Courage Sends You a Post Card

Dear Reader: Yesterday I received my monthly newsletter from Kelly rae Roberts, creator of the Possibilitarian Movement, and a wonderful whimsical artist. I love looking over all her angels and other paintings that seem to speak to me so often … Continue reading

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Too Many Good-byes…

Dear Reader: Have you ever gone through a period of time when many of the  important players in your life (you depend on for their expertise) suddenly disappear… leaving you feeling vulnerable and lost? And doesn’t this seem to happen … Continue reading

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Stepping Back…While Stepping Up

Dear Reader: Halloween is over. November 1 has arrived. All Saints Day. The day we remember (not only the scriptural saints) but also our loved ones who have gone before us. It is a day to step back and give … Continue reading

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Snippets of Fun Coincidences on Halloween

Dear Reader: Happy Halloween! Last week I was browsing through children’s books on about Halloween…and when I found this old Scholastic one…I had to laugh out loud. This little children’s book (written by a “Barber”) features a ghost named … Continue reading

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When Detours Become the True Path…

Dear Reader: I remember hearing on numerous occasions… from quotes in medical magazines, to true cancer survivor stories and books…the expression that “cancer is just a detour”….and that we are to remind ourselves of this fact while looking forward to … Continue reading

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