Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Wonderful Case of the Christmas Crazies!

Dear Reader: Yesterday might have been the Sabbath but it was definitely not a day of rest. I was up early cooking a casserole for our church family Christmas luncheon held at Anne’s this year. Then I was off for … Continue reading

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Hanging on to Faith at Christmas

Dear Reader: Yesterday I found my little angel planter tucked back between two bushes in the front yard. I brought it out, cleaned it off, and remembered it once had ivy growing up the sides by the candle and some … Continue reading

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Honey’s Home! Christmas Has Arrived!

Dear Reader: Honey’s home from the mountains! It was hard to get down this Christmas season with the recent snow but she and Mike slipped out between two snowy cold fronts this past Tuesday. Yeah!!! I ran over yesterday and … Continue reading

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Peace by the River

Dear Reader: Yesterday I did find “Peace like a river in my soul.” My long-time friend, Alston Middle School colleague, and neighbor, “Miss Janie” is about to celebrate her 90th birthday! (Her official birthday is December 21 and her calendar … Continue reading

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Joining in Our Own Company to Wonder and Ponder

Dear Reader: I remember giggling as a little girl, with my cousins, when we would hear one of our mothers or aunts talking to themselves in the kitchen or living room. Old people are batty we thought and giggled again. … Continue reading

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A Teacher’s Special Christmas Gift- Life Lessons

Dear Reader: When I talk to Mandy on the phone about her day or week this time of the year (elementary and middle school art teacher) a tired sigh precedes her answer. Without her uttering one word I know what … Continue reading

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Christmas Ramblings and Surprises…

Dear Reader: Yesterday started with a text that had me sitting right up in bed. Lachlan needed to have his adenoids taken out and originally it was scheduled for Monday morning…but MUSC called last week and said it would have … Continue reading

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“Baby, It’s Cold Outside!”

Dear Reader: A frosty morning might be as close as we will ever get to a “White Christmas” but it sure is pretty. The low’s Saturday night dipped down into the high 20’s….I covered up “Big Red” and prayed hard … Continue reading

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“Letting Christ be Born in the Waiting Heart”

Dear Reader: I came across a written Christmas remembrance by author, Sue Kidd Monk, who was reminiscing about her relationship with Christmas nativity mangers,  as a child and then later…. from a different perspective as an adult. ( Sue Monk … Continue reading

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Ah…What’s a Little Coal? Playing the Odds with Spirituality.

Dear Reader: Last Tuesday when I ran to the bank and was waiting in line…this (title photo) bright red wooden plaque was sitting beside one of the cashier’s windows. I couldn’t help but start laughing…how true! I had left my … Continue reading

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